It is with a heavy heart that Contact Press Images announces the passing of our friend and colleague Li Zhensheng, the foremost chronicler of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. No single photographer covered the Revolution more thoroughly and completely than Li. His 2003 book “Red Color News Soldier (Phaidon) was translated into six languages and last year finally into modern Chinese when it was was published in Hong Kong. A year after publication the Overseas Press Club awarded the Olivier Rebbot Award (for books) to this book for extraordinary reporting from abroad.
Li secreted his “negative negatives” - the most damning evidence of the violent repression and denunciation of the revolution - under the floorboards of his home and methodically, after his children emigrated to the states and Li had a reason to visit them, he moved his negs, in several trips.
Li died in early June after a brief illness. He leaves an inestimable photographic legacy. More to come. He will be sorely missed.
「忘記歷史,就沒法向前看。我們走過歷史,不能忘卻歷史,要反思歷史,才能走在更符合民意和民心的路上。記錄苦難,是為了苦難不再發生。記錄悲劇,是讓悲劇不再重演。」— 李振盛
——美國《紐約時報》(The New York Times)
inestimable 在 Un moment français 達令的法語時間 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Citation du jour 237/2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣(難怪腦公一直嫌我愛說話XD)
✅La capacité de parler plusieurs langues est un atout. Mais celle de fermer sa gueule est inestimable.
✅會說多種語言的能力是種資產。 但閉嘴的能力卻是無價之寶。
✅The ability to speak several languages is an asset, but the ability to keep your mouth shut in any language is priceless.
#illustration #dessindujour #citation #français
inestimable 在 Un moment français 達令的法語時間 Facebook 的精選貼文
Citation du jour 237/2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣(難怪腦公一直嫌我愛說話XD)
✅La capacité de parler plusieurs langues est un atout. Mais celle de fermer sa gueule est inestimable.
✅會說多種語言的能力是種資產。 但閉嘴的能力卻是無價之寶。
✅The ability to speak several languages is an asset, but the ability to keep your mouth shut in any language is priceless.
#illustration #dessindujour #citation #français