WeChat, the popular Chinese messaging app, already uses content matching to identify dissident material. India enacted rules this year that could require pre-screening content critical of government policy. Russia recently fined Google, Facebook and Twitter for not removing pro-democracy protest materials.
We spotted other shortcomings. The content-matching process could have false positives, and malicious users could game the system to subject innocent users to scrutiny.
We were so disturbed that we took a step we hadn’t seen before in computer science literature: We warned against our own system design, urging further research on how to mitigate the serious downsides. We’d planned to discuss paths forward at an academic conference this month.
That dialogue never happened. The week before our presentation, Apple announced it would deploy its nearly identical system on iCloud Photos, which exists on more than 1.5 billion devices. Apple’s motivation, like ours, was to protect children. And its system was technically more efficient and capable than ours. But we were baffled to see that Apple had few answers for the hard questions we’d surfaced.
China is Apple’s second-largest market, with probably hundreds of millions of devices. What stops the Chinese government from demanding Apple scan those devices for pro-democracy materials? Absolutely nothing, except Apple’s solemn promise. This is the same Apple that blocked Chinese citizens from apps that allow access to censored material, that acceded to China’s demand to store user data in state-owned data centers and whose chief executive infamously declared, “We follow the law wherever we do business.”
india protest 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最佳解答
*緬甸首都內比都(Nay Pyi Taw)週末示威人群眾多,他們為一名年輕女子的葬禮,上街抗議軍事政府。
Mya Thwe Thwe Khaing在她20歲生日前被槍殺,她是自2/2日起抗議軍事政變還緬甸民主示威中,至少三人喪生的第一人。
Myanmar coup: Huge crowds mourn woman killed in protests https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-56144904
* 英國首相承諾,到7月底,所有英國成年人可以得到至少第一劑冠狀病毒疫苗並且接種完畢。
但是首相Boris Johnson說,他現在希望施打的速度“走得更遠,更快”。
醫療機構NHS英格蘭地區首席執行官西蒙·史蒂文斯爵士(Simon Stevens)表示,“早期跡象”顯示疫苗的推出,已導致住院人數下降。
Covid vaccine: All UK adults to be offered jab by 31 July - PM https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56141867
* 澳洲總理莫里森(Scott Morrison)在全國準備本週開始接種疫苗時,先率先施打COVID 19冠狀病毒疫苗。
澳大利亞總理斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)在該國準備本週開始接種疫苗的同時,已接受了冠狀病毒疫苗。
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has received the coronavirus vaccine as the country prepares to start inoculations this week.
His jab was televised on Sunday in order to help boost confidence in the vaccine rollout across Australia.
Vaccinations officially begin on Monday and at least 60,000 doses are expected to be administered next week.
On Saturday, small crowds of anti-vaccination demonstrators gathered to protest against the launch.
Mr Morrison was part of a small group of people vaccinated on Sunday along with some frontline health workers and care home residents. Australia's chief nurse Professor Alison McMillan and Chief Medical Officer Professor Paul Kelly were also immunised.
Speaking at ahead of his vaccination, Mr Morrison said: "Tomorrow our vaccination programme starts, so as a curtain raiser today we're here making some very important points; that it's safe, that it's important, and we need to start with those who are most vulnerable and are on the front line."
Australian PM is vaccinated as rollout begins https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-56143277
* 俄羅斯反對派領導人納瓦尼(Alexei Navalny)因違反監禁條款被判入獄,今天法院判決上訴失敗。
納瓦尼上個月從德國返回俄羅斯後被拘留,他在柏林遭遇了一次致命致命的神經毒劑襲擊。他將這次卑鄙襲擊歸咎於俄羅斯總統普丁(Vladimir Putin)。克里姆林宮否認中毒。
Alexei Navalny: Putin critic loses appeal against jailing https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-56137020
* 一架波音飛機的引擎之一,起飛失敗後,在丹佛附近的居民區散佈成碎屑。
US plane scatters engine debris over Denver homes https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-56141673
* 印度喜馬拉雅山一個村莊,幾代居民一直相信核裝置被掩埋於高聳的山脈中雪和岩石下。因此,當Raini在2月初遭受大洪水襲擊時,村民們驚慌失措,謠言說這些設備已經“爆炸”並引發了洪水。
Raini負責人桑格拉姆·辛格·拉瓦特(Sangram Singh Rawat)告訴我:“我們認為這些設備可能發揮了作用。冰川如何在冬天突然破裂?我們認為政府應該調查並找到這些設備。”
“冷戰妄想症已達到頂峰。沒有計劃太過奇,沒有太大的投資,也沒有不合理的手段,”美國《 Rock and Ice》雜誌的特約編輯Pete Takeda指出。
Did nuclear spy devices in the Himalayas trigger India floods? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-56102459
india protest 在 YaoIndia 就是要印度︱認識印度,從這裡開始 Facebook 的精選貼文
印度一位年輕的 #氣候活動家 Disha Ravi,在上週六遭到警方以她涉嫌製作並分享一份關於如何支持 #印度農民抗議 的 #懶人包 為由逮捕。警方認為這份懶人包以假新聞試圖創造民眾對 #莫迪 政府的不滿,更表示當中包含如何進出新德里的資訊,幫助示威者在1月26日闖入 #紅堡 進行示威抗議,並指出將以煽動叛亂的罪行起訴這份懶人包的相關製作者,在本週一更逮補了另外兩位氣候活動家 Nikita Jacob 和 Shantanu。
而實際上在這份懶人包當中(https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/view/ehTz+drfKPwi4fP5dn0mivwVCKhwNe7OD1YHDiBUj0Y/),主要是說明了印度農民示威的緣由,並號招人們打電話給相關政府機構、在社群媒體上分享相關貼文及 hashtag(#FarmersProtest #StandWithFarmers)、參與連署請願等行動。在2月4日,經知名的瑞典環保少女 Greta Thunberg 的轉發分享後,引起全球廣大的關注。
Disha Ravi 被捕的消息傳出之後,也引發印度國內外大量的批評聲浪。德里首席部長 Arvind Kejriwal 即推文表示,「這是對民主自由前所未有的傷害」、「支持我們的農民並不是犯罪行為」;關注人權及性別平等的印度社會活動家 Trisha Shetty 也以反諷的方式指出,Disha Ravi 被捕的原因只是因為她以一種「民主且和平」的方式,教導人們可以如何了解這起農民示威跟如何支持他們,「我們的政府試圖讓這些年輕人閉嘴,真可恥」。
👉 https://yaoindia.com/archives/35438
YaoIndia 就是要印度︱認識印度,從這裡開始
#YaoIndia #就是要印度 #印度報你知 #印度 #時事 #印度時事 #印度政治 #印度經濟 #DilliChalo #農民示威 #Indianfarmersprotest #climateactivist #DishaRavi #GretaThunberg #ArvindKejriwal #NikitaJacob #Shantanu #TrishaShetty
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