ifoedit 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

#1. IfoEdit - The solution to 1:1 DVD Copy
Nov 28 2004 - IfoEdit v0.971 public version released! Containes important bugfix for NTSC authoring. Oct 06 02 - VobEdit v0.52 released.
#2. IfoEdit 0.971 Free Download - VideoHelp
IFOEdit allows users to parse VOB files, remove and add video, audio and subtitle streams to VOBs, create new IFO files, create DVD images.
#3. 什麼是IfoEdit?(Open Source開發) - Solvusoft
IfoEdit 是一個程序,使用戶可以添加和刪除字幕流,音頻和視頻VOB文件。它還允許的VOB文件,DVD製作和IFO文件的創建解析。
#4. ifoedit_百度百科
ifoedit. 編輯概述圖冊. 編輯文本. 軟件簡介. 備份過DVD影片的朋友應該都知道,DVD影片所採用的格式為MPEG-2,擴展名為VOB。VOB文件的影片容量都非常的龐大,比起VCD ...
#5. IfoEdit 0.95 : 軟體王2023 - 軟體資訊
VOB 工具- IfoEdit,它是DVD 攝取重新編輯程式,非常好用的小軟體!對於目前日益普及的DVD 燒錄機,或沒有DVD 燒錄機而有CD 燒錄機的玩家,可以利用它來編輯 ...
#6. IfoEdit 0.9 Download (Free)
IfoEdit is the perfect companion for the expert DVD ripper. It's a very powerful utility that enables the user to explore and modify very ...
#7. IfoEdit 0.95 中文化版下載網頁: 軟體王2023 - 軟體資訊
VOB 工具- IfoEdit,它是DVD 攝取重新編輯程式,非常好用的小軟體!對於目前日益普及的DVD 燒錄機,或沒有DVD 燒錄機而有CD 燒錄機的玩家,可以利用它來編輯 ...
#8. [多媒體剪輯]IfoEdit 免費又實用的DVD影片檔切割軟體
現在就推薦一套操作簡單又免費的VOB檔分割軟體:IfoEdit。 【詳細說明】 編輯/高啟唐(2004-12-30) DVD影片所採用的格式為MPEG-2,副檔 ...
#9. IfoEdit(DVD中IFO文件制作软件) v0.96 中文绿色版附使用教程
IfoEdit 是一款专业的ifo文件编辑器,软件虽说体积小,功能却十分强大,可以对ifo文件进行解析,对诸如区码、音频设置、视频设置进行修改,在dvd制作中 ...
ifoedit 编辑. ifoedit. 软件简介备份过DVD影片的朋友应该都知道,DVD影片所采用的格式为MPEG-2,扩展名为VOB。 VOB文件的影片容量都非常的庞大,比起VCD的MPG档更常有 ...
#11. IfoEdit (Windows) - Download & Review - Softpedia
The main purpose of IfoEdit is to assist you in merging, cutting, editing, creating IFO backups, extracting DVD parts or even authoring a ...
#12. IfoEdit (free) download Windows version
IFOEdit allows users to parse VOB files, remove and add video, audio and subtitle streams to VOBs, create new IFO files, create DVD images. Also ...
#13. 用IfoEdit變更DVD影片的長寬比 - 高登工作室
IfoEdit. 手上拿到一片別人製作的DVD影片,放入電腦用PowerDVD播放就發覺:「影片長寬比設錯了!」 在DVD的規格書裡面影片的比例分為「4:3」 ...
#14. IfoEdit(ifo文件编辑制作工具) v0.97中文版 - 多多软件
IfoEdit 是一款功能强大的ifo文件编辑器工具,主要能够对ifo文件进行解析,以一种能够理解的注释标注ifo文件的每一个元素,在这种基础上,能够对诸如区 ...
#15. Downloads for IFOEdit 0.971 - Codecs.com
o Click on DOWNLOAD IFOEdit... for the file that you want to download. When your browser asks you what to do with the downloaded file, select "Save" (your ...
#16. Ifoedit For Dummies (v1 | PDF | Computer Engineering - Scribd
All you need for this guide is IfoEdit v0.95 (or newer) and an IFO-file to edit. We want to make a video-sequence play with the second audio stream instead ...
#17. ifoedit v 9.5下载-CSDN社区
以下内容是CSDN社区关于ifoedit v 9.5下载相关内容,如果想了解更多关于下载资源悬赏 ... 现在就推荐一套操作简单又免费的VOB文件分割软件:IfoEdit。
#18. IFO文件制作IfoEdit_搜狗百科 - Sogou Baike
百科新知,搜一下! IFO文件制作IfoEdit. 基本信息. 中文名IFO文件制作IfoEdit. 大小1M. 作用DVD制作. 类型ifo文件的编辑器.
#19. Interface del software IfoEdit. - ResearchGate
Download scientific diagram | Interface del software IfoEdit. from publication: METODOLOGÍA DE PRÁCTICAS DE SISTEMAS MULTIMEDIA BASADA EN APRENDIZAJE POR ...
#20. IFO:IFO檔案,簡介,檔案作用,檔案解析,相關工具 - 中文百科全書
IFOIFO檔案,簡介,檔案作用,檔案解析,相關工具—IfoEdit,首次分叉發行,景氣指數,德國IFO景氣調查,藥物名稱,藥物名稱——類別,通用名,商品名,藥理作用與作用機制, ...
#21. IFO/VOB Editors [Archive] - Page 14 - Doom9 Forum
[Archive] Page 14 all about PgcEdit, IfoEdit, VobEdit, MenuEdit, DVD Remake, VobBlanker and similar applications.
#22. Re-create DVD from VOB files - IsoBuster
Now it's time to start up IfoEdit. Click the Create IFOs button. Open the first VTS_01_1.VOB file which was produced by VobEdit. Make sure that the ...
#23. DVD authoring with IFOEdit - Convert a DivX or XviD AVI ...
IFOEdit. IMPORTANT: Newer / Easier guides. NOTE: This guide, while still working, is very outdated and uses an older ...
#24. Ifo编辑
IfoEdit 是一种编辑或创建包含DVD 视频数据信息的IFO 文件的工具。 赞助饮料. Ifoedit0971.zip下载: 返回IfoEdit 页面. 注意: 1. 单击下载链接(或右键单击)以下载 ...
#25. IfoEdit IFO編集 | worldsoft
IfoEdit は、DVDビデオのIFOファイルを編集・作成するツールです。 VOBファイルのアスペクト比や解像度などの情報から、新規にIFOファイルを作成することも出来ます。
#26. Burn your movie (VOB) files to DVD, even with subtitles, using ...
IFOEdit is a free program that will let you parse VOB files, remove or add video, audio, subtitle streams to VOB files, create new IFO files ...
#27. 用IfoEdit建立ifo檔- 简化版本(打印版本) - OurDiSC
请教B大,它的Title Set不是01的話便要重新命名,我这个结构是正片从VTS_01_0.VOB开始就不用修改吧? RE: 用IfoEdit ...
#28. IFOEdit - Applications - openSUSE Forums
Does anyone know of a Linux equivalent to this Windows software to enable the editing of .IFO files?
#29. 用VOBEDIT及ifoedit合并VOB - 点拨论坛,菜鸟家园- 手机版
【转贴】未实践注1:原文为繁体,保留了港台的文法。注2:本教程与另一篇教程([教程] 只有VOB文件也可以制作成DVD——用IfoEdit建立IFO篇)描述有异,望感兴趣者测试 ...
#30. ifo文件编辑制作工具(IfoEdit) v0.97中文版- 星星软件园
... 其实ifo文件则用来控制光盘的播放。使用IfoEdit可以有效地对这类文件进行编辑,支持DVD光盘的标题制作、字幕配置以及设定相应的音轨等操作。
#31. IfoEdit - Download - Kostenlos & schnell auf WinTotal.de
erstellen können, fasst IfoEdit Video- und Audiodateien zusammen und speichert diese in einem VIDEO_TS-Ordner ab. Die Freeware kommt auch mit DTS- und Dolby- ...
#32. creating IFO file with IFOedit
ifoEdit is a freeware DVD IFO files editor. It can be used to create IFO files, to edit them and also to remux mpeg streams to author a new DVD.
#33. How to uninstall IfoEdit 0.971? - UninstallHelps.com
IfoEdit 0.971 cannot be uninstalled due to many other problems. An incomplete uninstallation of IfoEdit 0.971 may also cause many problems. So, it's really ...
#34. Modificare un DVD con IFOEdit - Programmi Free
IFOedit. Modificare un DVD. E' un ottimo programma che permette di effettuare modifiche profonde nei DVD, andando ad ...
#35. IfoEdit file types - DataTypes.net
IfoEdit. According to our registry, IfoEdit is capable of opening the files listed below. It is possible that IfoEdit can convert between the listed formats ...
#36. How to Implement a Play All Script using IFOEdit
You will need to download IFOEdit. This is a powerful tool that will allow you to reprogram the IFO file of any DVD.
#37. IfoEdit-IfoEdit软件-视频软件
基本简介 IfoEdit 备份过DVD影片的朋友应该都知道,DVD影片所采用的格式为MPEG-2,扩展名为VOB。VOB文件的影片容量都非常的庞大,比起VCD的MPG檔更常 ...
#38. IfoEdit - Tools and Links - DVBViewer community forum
Jetzt habe ich das Problem, dass der Film nicht mehr startet obwohl Ifoedit mir problemlos den VIDEO_TS ordner mit den IFO's erzeugt. Auf dem PC ...
#39. IfoEdit file extensions
IfoEdit. Found one file extension association related to IfoEdit. Platform, operating system: Microsoft Windows icon Microsoft Windows.
#40. IFOEdit but for Linux?? / Multimedia and Games / Arch Linux ...
I do a lot of DVD demuxing and remuxing ( for reauthoring Rifftrax, http://www.rifftrax.com/ ) and I normally end up using IFOEdit or ReJig ...
#41. How to backup DVD - DimadSoft
Start IfoEdit and open .ifo file corresponding to the edited .vob file from your VIDEO_TS directory;. 2. If you have edited menu vob file hit "Menu Extras ...
#42. IfoEdit 0.971 | Software - Digital Digest
IfoEdit. An editor for IFO files, useful for DVD editing and includes simple DVD authoring functions ...
#43. [求助]如何用IFOEdit更改DVD字幕的位置?
但是現在碰到的問題是我所製作的dvd影片,字幕的位置太下面了用電腦看還好,但是用dvd player看就只看到字幕的5分之1 請教各位大大如何用IFOEdit更改 ...
#44. IfoEdit 0.95 Download - WinFuture
IfoEdit ist ein professionelles Tool um die Einstellungen in den Ifo Dateien einer Video-DVD zu manipulieren um angepasste Kopien eines ...
#45. IfoEdit 0.971 download - Pobierz najnowszą wersję - CDRinfo.pl
Aplikacja służąca do edycji plików IFO. Dzięki niej można wprowadzić poprawną wartość adresów sektorów w pliku IFO po wyrzuceniu niepotrzebnych plików VOB z ...
#46. Lataa IFOEdit v0.971 (ilmainen ohjelma / freeware) - download.fi
IFOEdit on ohjelma, joka on käytännössä pakkohankinta kaikille, jotka haluavat ottaa täydellisiä varmuuskopioita DVD-levyistään ja polttaa varmuuskopiot ...
#47. Ifoedit0971.zip <- IfoEdit Downloads | Software - Digital Digest
Download Description: Download IfoEdit. Software Description: An editor for IFO files, useful for DVD editing and includes simple DVD authoring functions.
#48. Bedienung von IfoEdit - Gleitz | german Doom9 DVD-Forum
Könnte mir einer erklären wie ich an die Stream ID's von Audio und Untertiteln komme? Wenn ich die IFO(Datei im Anhang) in IFOEdit lade und im ...
#50. dove trovo guida molto facile per ifoedit? - VideoMakers.net
Apri ifoedit, clicchi open in basso a sinistra e carichi il tuo file vob, poi clicchi su create ifo's, lui lavora un po' ed e' fatto
#51. How To Create IFO Files from Just VOB Files - Digital Digest
VOB files. Software you will need: IfoEdit. This is what I am starting out with, just 15 individual .VOB files ...
#52. Hvordan bruke IFOEdit å endre fra PAL til NTSC - Datamaskin
Med hjelp av IFOEdit , kan du redigere videoens topptekstinformasjon å gjøre det synes som en NTSC -fil og unngå programvare inkompatibilitet. Instruksjoner
#53. SEZOB.CZ ... IfoEdit
IfoEdit je první freeware program schopný multiplexovat základní zvukové a obrazové toky z DVD. Jestliže potřebujete autorizovat nějaký film bez Menu ...
#54. Subtitle - TestingMediawiki
字幕製作相關軟體[edit] · ifoEdit - 編輯DVD 的ifo 檔案用的 · ifoUpdate - 編輯DVD 的ifo 檔案用的(應該是ifoEdit 中的功能) · BatchUpdateIFO - 編輯DVD ...
#55. DVD Subtitle Tools - Google Sites
IfoEdit is an interesting tool allowing to modify and manipulate ifo-files in very comfortable way. Since version 0.94 it contains also simple but effective ...
#56. Anleitung zum kopieren von dvd´s mit ifoEdit - Beisammen.de
bitte ifoEdit wieder starten und in den abgespeicherten ordner gehen und das VIDEO_TS file öffnen. 12. nun Get VTS sectors drücken (vierter von ...
#57. Can IFOEdit or DVDShrink concatenate titles on a DVD?
This means that I have to manually select each song, instead of just letting it play. I've been messing around with both DVDShrink and IFOEdit, ...
#58. DVD燒錄法之教學與討論- 桃園 - 隨意窩
A. 先使用DeCSS程式將主影片檔案複製至硬碟中,再用IfoEdit將影片分為兩個部分。但分完後的兩組影片檔會只有兩個索引檔,無法使用NERO的DVD VIDEO燒錄功能燒錄,即使 ...
#59. Jak zálohovat problémová DVD - Diit.cz
IfoEdit udělá výběr scén podle originálu a vyčte z VOBů veškeré jazykové mutace i titulky. Navedeme program na VOBy, kde máme uložen film a ...
#60. Using IfoEdit: Setting the 16:9 (16x9) Flag - Digital Video Forums
There might be several files you need to edit within IfoEdit to set the 16:9 flag. The first file is usually VTS_01_0.IFO (VIDEO_TS.
#61. 無題
For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser.
#62. ZELENÉ TITULKY v IfoEdit - poradna Živě.cz
Stále se mi nedaří při tvorbě DVD v IfoEdit nastavit někde barvu titulků. Vždy mi vyjdou zeleně! Nevíte někdo,jak to nastavit na bílé?
#63. IFOEdit, DVD Srink e Smart Ripper [Archivio]
Ho rippato un mio film (Signs) con Smart Ripper; ho fatto una prova di "DVD Play" con IFOEdit che mi ha datto alcune volte il messaggio "DVD ...
#64. Копирование DVD видео / Программное обеспечение
Как обычно, для начала нам надо иметь все файлы которые были на DVD диске на HDD и со снятой защитой. Загружаем в IfoEdit VTS_XX_0.IFO ...
#65. Something like IFOEdit for Mac OS X? - Ars Technica
IFOEdit allows you to directly edit a DVD folder that you've ripped and do things like remove menu restrictions, etc. But IFOEdit runs on ...
#66. Txt2Sup Main Page (Official Page) - TrustFm
Txt2Sup produces SUP files that, can be used with IfoEdit (www.ifoedit.com) in order to add extra subtitles in a DVD by using the method of re-author.
#67. Problima me to ifoedit 0.96 - Video & Audio Software - Insomnia
eno mexri xtes douleue simera riparo to resident evil 2 me to dvd decrypter kai otan paw na ta kanw author me to ifo edit mou vgazei sfalma ...
#68. IfoEdit — скачать бесплатно последнюю версию для Windows
Скачайте IfoEdit бесплатно с сайта MyDiv. Простая утилита, предназначенная для разделения, объединения и мультиплексирования VOB файлов на дисках DVD Video.
#69. Cannot convert VTS_01_1.VOB files using IfoEdit - Techyv.com
Hi all, I have a problem with IfoEdit. This concerns with converting .VOB files. There are several faulty VTS_01_1.VOB files on many disks, ...
#70. Ifoedit For Mac Software - WinSite
Ifoedit For Mac Software ... Powerful functions of iPod Video Converter for Mac enable you converting all popular audio and video files, such as AVI, MPEG, WMV, ...
#71. IfoEdit v0.971 hu - dvdX Tippek-Trükkök
DVD, Blu-ray praktikák, megoldások a VIDEO szerkesztéhez., Az IfoEdit szoftver rengeteg funkcióval rendelkezik. DVD szerkeszt? tudása kiemelked?, mert itt ...
#72. How to Add New Subtitles to an Existing DVD 2 - Tips & Trick
IfoEdit, to put video, audio, and subtitles back together again • Alternatively, in case you have NTSC movies instead of PAL, ...
#73. IFOEDIT - Inftube
Ora lanciamo IFOEDIT, clicchiamo su OPEN e andiamo ad aprire il file .IFO relativo al main movie (esso viene indicato da dvd decrypter quando rippiamo solo il ...
#75. IfoEdit - "Bedienungsanleitung"
Robert Blachucik wrote:> Hallo,>> ich suche schon einige Zeit eine Bedienungsanleitung für Ifoedit, und> zwar eine, aus der hervorgeht, wie ich mit IfoEdit ...
#76. IfoEdit - TV Freak
Téma: IfoEdit ... DiabloKde se nastavuje v IfoEditu first play? Nějak to nemůžu najít. Díky. :-) ... staymanMozes si to aj po sebe hned zmazat.
#77. IFOEdit - Descargas - Tu Informática Fácil
IFOEdit permite analizar los archivos VOB, quitar y añadir vídeo, audio y subtítulos, también crear nuevos archivos IFO. Editor. Licencia.
#78. Express Metrix IT asset management software - IfoEdit
City, Unknown. Country, UNKNOWN. Web Site, www.ifoedit.com. Applications. Application, Versions, Application Category. IfoEdit, 1, Utility and device ...
#79. ¿Por que cuando creo la pelicula con el ifoedit los subs se me ...
con el IfoEdit, creo un DVD sin menu con la peliculaa con el sub en español añadido. con el VobBlanker, reemplazo el .ifo del original, por el .ifo de la ...
#80. [IfoEdit] Groene ondertiteling... - Client software algemeen - GoT
VOB met de hoofdfilm geknipt en geplakt en vervolgens met IfoEdit nieuwe Ifo's aangemaakt... Tot zover geen problemen maar als ik de film ...
#81. Помощ за IFOedit - правене на ДВД - меню - hardwareBG.com
След това го превеждам със Subtitle Workshop. Правя получения фаил обратно в картинков със Txt2Sup. Мултиплексвам наново с IFOedit.
#82. IfoEdit - andresen-bb.de
IfoEdit ... "IfoEdit" ist ein mächtiges Werkzeug bei der Erstellung von DVD's. Mit "IfoEdit" kann man Einsprungsektoren korrigieren, ifo-Dateien ändern und ...
#83. Extensões de arquivos suportadas pelo IfoEdit - FileDict.com
O IfoEdit é um programa de software desenvolvido pela Decision Developments. Existem 3 extensões de arquivos suportadas pelo IfoEdit no nosso banco de dados ...
#84. IfoEDITでMENUを付ける
「IfoEdit v0.95.J. TRD. ツール VOB編集 動画編集 マクロビジョン DVD著者 設定 字幕色. 圧縮後の本編. (1)予約エリアのデータも表示 リージョン解除 再生項目の削除 ...
#85. DVB to DVD - error in IfoEdit - StereoNET
Hope somebody can help this newbie. I picked up a DVICO FusionHDTV yesterday and am very impressed on a P4 2.8 1Gb ATI Radeon 9600.
#86. Télécharger IfoEdit - Trad-fr.com
IfoEdit version 0.971 Fr. Site Officiel. Comme son nom l'indique, IfoEdit est un éditeur de fichier IFO. Il permet de faire tout ce que l'on peut imaginer ...
#87. Télécharger Ifoedit (gratuit) - Clubic
Ifoedit est un puissant logiciel dédié au monde du DVD vidéo. Il offre de nombreuses fonctionnalités comme celle de pouvoir créer vos propres DVD à partir ...
#88. Télécharger Ifoedit 0.971 gratuitement pour Windows
Ifoedit vous donne en effet la possibilité de créer vos propres DVD à partir de fichier MPEG2, de découper un DVD afin de le placer sur deux ...
#89. IfoEdit - Download - CHIP
IfoEdit DVD-Kopien zu erstellen ist aufwändig und noch weit von der "One-Klick-Lösung" entfernt. Würde man einfach die VOB-Dateien des Films ...
#90. Remux
Start IfoEdit, and open the IFO file of your main movie VOBs.Arrival.2016.UHD.BluRay.2160p.DTS-HD.MA.7.1.HEVC.REMUX-FraMeSToR.mkv: 44.223 ...
#91. IfoEdit|DVDビデオのIFOファイルを作成&編集出来る
IfoEdit. DVD-VideoのIFOファイルを編集することにより、. ビデオデータのカスタム編集が可能なソフトです。 point.gif. arrow2.png IFOファイルの編集・作成が出来る.
#92. Download old version ifoedit | Alexandrina Holmes's Ownd
Be careful when you install the software and disable addons that you don't want! It may not contain the latest versions. Our hosted tools are virus and malware ...
#93. Video Digital - 第 339 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Copia con IfoEdit Una vez hemos copiado los archivos al. Figura 5.5. La ventana de copia de archivos Figura 5.6. Progreso de la copia de archivos.
#94. IfoEdit 字幕- 射手网(伪)
Ifoedit 096/IfoEdit. 版本:IfoEdit. 格式: 其他 字幕文件名:Ifoedit096.zip 日期: 2007-01-04 10:00:00. 查阅次数:123次 下载次数:9次 翻译质量:.
#95. PnP Digital no 1 - Migração de dados, micro desktop com ...
... www.adobe.com) ouo IfoEdit (gratuito, disponível em www.ifoedit.com), mas sempre lembrando que este tipo de ação só pode ser feita com material sobre o ...
#96. Transkription von Video- und Filmdaten in der Qualitativen ...
November 2013 IfoEdit http://www.ifoedit.com. Zugegriffen: 08. November 2013 HC Encoder http://www.bitburners.com/hc-encoder. Zugegriffen: 08.
#97. IfoEdit v0.971.rar - Ulož.to
IfoEdit v0.971.rar. 0; Velikost 497 kB. Stáhnout rychle za kredit 1 sekunda – 0,01 Kč. Stáhnout pomalu zdarma 3 sekundy – 0 Kč.
#98. Mac Life - 2008 冬季 - 第 52 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... Options []chapter Information-DVDLab File:Spitting: 1 GB * []chapter Information-DVDMaestro Checked and File 700 [T]Chapter Information-IfoEdit [V]Copy ...
#99. Flagging Closed Captions in IfoEdit - The Neitherworld
IfoEdit. Flagging Closed Captions in IfoEdit.
ifoedit 在 IFOEDIT - HOW TO PRONOUNCE IT!? - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
... <看更多>