【認真聽】 《#花木蘭》真的有這麼爛嗎? 迪士尼找到的女性新觀念是「#孝」? | 李長潔 👧
📌 #今天的內容有:
▶ 花木蘭到底好不好看?
▶ 迪士尼的公主進化論
▶ 電影中的東方主義
▶ 孝順做為一種美德(?
▶ 雙元孝道的理論模型
▶ 其實花木蘭也沒有很爛啦
📣 #spotify 聽這裡:https://open.spotify.com/episode/45rT6U9YctNslXtqs122V2?si=vSi4YxCgQ-60v7DFks3xbQ
📣 #firstory 聽這裡:https://open.firstory.me/story/ckevkz4vfopop0839tan4komg?ref=android
/////// 完整論述 ///////
▓ #迪士尼公主論
從女性主義的觀點來看,性別(gender)具有操演性(#Performativity),也就是說,性別是模仿、表演、施行而成(Boucher, 2006),而媒體就是其中一個形塑性別的機器。Fought與Eisenhauer(2006)的迪士尼公主內容量化研究發現,女性角色的台詞量隨著年代增多,顯示性別意識的進步;而公主的性別特質,也隨時代轉變成更堅強、更獨立的女性。#公主的女性再現,會成為女孩們演繹性別的脈絡,因此,迪士尼當然重視公主的性別形象所帶給大眾的參照性。
社會學者們也非常在意這些在童年裡扮演重要社會角色的公主,她們是一種「#認同的文本」(Wohlwend, 2012),公主跨媒介地出現在電影、電視、玩具、遊戲中,甚至延伸到日常生活的所有動作。每一個女孩(或男孩)都可以有「#做公主」的機會。(回頭看以為自己是Elsa的5歲乾女鵝)
▓ #花木蘭中的東方主義
當然,我絕對不會計較《花木蘭》中文化轉譯上的失誤,甚至是誤讀。這種東方主義(orientalism)(Said, 1979)的傾向,是基於「東方」與「西方」二者之間作本體論與知識論的差異。像是片中土樓場景的使用、對「氣」的理解與詮釋、莫名的鳳凰。在妝容與服飾上倒是還挺符合花木蘭身處的魏晉南北朝,柔然的幾角色設置也還看得出迪士尼的用心。畢竟,《花木蘭》主要觀眾群應該還是西方青少年以下,嚴謹考究的戲劇設定,好像也不是那麼重要了。
▓ #孝道的相對主義與絕對主義
▓ #孝其實也有很多意涵啦~
▓ #不好看也不難看
1. Boucher, G. (2006). The politics of performativity: A critique of Judith Butler. Parrhesia: a journal of critical philosophy, 1, 112-141.
2. Fought, C., & Eisenhauer, K. (2016). A quantitative analysis of gendered compliments in Disney princess films. In Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting presentation.
3. Wohlwend, K. E. (2012). ‘Are you guys girls?’: Boys, identity texts, and Disney princess play. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 12(1), 3-23.
4. Said, E. W. (1979). Orientalism. Vintage.
5. 葉光輝. (2009). 華人孝道雙元模型研究的回顧與前瞻. 本土心理學研究》(台北), 32-101.
「identity philosophy」的推薦目錄:
identity philosophy 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最讚貼文
【劍橋辯論會(Cambridge Union)演說:China is the New Imperial Power in Hong Kong】
雖不獲法庭批准離港,我仍在上週透過視像會議方式,參與英國劍橋辯論會(Cambridge Union)的辯論「This House Believes China is the New Imperial Power in Hong Kong」。
發言期間,除解說香港淪落為警察城市(Police State)的源由,直斥在習近平主政下,人民權利不斷受到侵害;我亦以武漢肺炎為例,提到政權面對疫情爆發,多番以中國國家利益與民族認同,凌駕港人切身安危。
#眾志國際連結 #SelfGovernance
Cambridge Union Debate: This House Believes China is the New Imperial Power in Hong Kong
When we speak of Imperial Power, it doesn’t necessarily mean a colonial power. But we are referring to an act of expanding influence and authority over a territory through political, legal, economic or even military means. And indeed, the Chinese communist government has exerted that influence over Hong Kong since the Handover in 1997 and escalated that influence more rapidly and more aggressively after 2003.
The principle of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ is a fragile ruling philosophy defining China-Hong Kong relations, guaranteeing the global financial city its autonomy. But in the past 22 years, Beijing intervened on many fronts already, abusing this ruling philosophy and implementing authoritarian measures upon Hong Kong citizens.
My activism experience serves as a clear case for the motion. Hong Kong’s civil society has long been the constant target of state attack, and the motive is crystal clear: to eradicate opposition in order to maintain China’s dominating influence over Hong Kong. The Oppression of personal freedoms is merely one case in point.
Last year in June, shortly after serving my prison sentence, I went protesting against the controversial extradition bill, exercising my freedom to assembly. The government arrested me again and charged me of inciting people taking part in an unlawful assembly. Then I went contesting in local election, yet the government banned me from running for office because of my political stance.
I then turned to international advocacy, planning to fly to the United Kingdom and other European countries to explain our democratic and peaceful cause. Regrettably, the court thought this parliamentary hearing is not important and rejected my travel application. Every time I spoke in parliamentary hearings, no matter in person or via skype, the Chinese foreign ministry would condemn that parliament for colliding with a so-called separatist who has never advocated independence.
Following these encounters, it's become clear now I'm deprived of the right to the election, freedom of movement, freedom of assembly (not allowed to appear on designated area), and freedom of speech. The civil liberties guaranteed in the constitution are however no longer applicable to me. These oppressive measures are not out of political context.
#重點在此 I’d also argue that time and again, China’s national pride and interests override Hong Kong’s own interests. The development in the past decade has shown that many of the competitive edges of Hong Kong as a global financial city like rule of law, free flow of information, checks and balances are compromised and give way to Xi Jinping’s Chinese Dream. The Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak precisely explain this argument. Hong Kong, given its proximity to mainland China, is highly prone to infection and spread of disease.
Instead of taking strict measures to prevent public health crisis from erupting, the Hong Kong government, as of today, still refused to close the border, allowing countless potential cases flee to Hong Kong and further dampen the burden of Hong Kong’s medical services. From the moment that Xi Jinping’s image become the top priority, the autonomous decision-making mechanism of the Hong Kong government has collapsed.
The opposing side may argue that China is not imperial power in HK because integration and cooperation in the past have fostered but not encroached economic development in Hong Kong and our city does benefit from it. I’m afraid I cannot agree with this viewpoint at all.
Growing socio-economic integration with China, more connected transport infrastructure like the High-Speed Railway, are accounted for the city’s outbreak of Coronavirus. The first five patients confirmed positive to the virus were passengers of the Railway. Behind the grand narratives of ‘economic integration’ is more blatant aggression of the Hong Kong system. Hong Kong always has to give in and make up for its sovereign country’s faulty policy.
In conclusion, I have two questions for everyone. Can citizens in New York directly elected their mayor? Yes. Can citizens in London directly their mayor? Yes. We are not asking go too far, but just hope to ask for election rather that selection under Chinese rule to hand-pick those Beijing Loyalists.People in Hong Kong is not experiencing rule of law but only suffering from rule by tear gas. The root cause of crisi is police brutality, which included live round fired towards high school students, young lady being gang rape in police stations and 8000 people arrested from the age of 11 to 84.
When offenses are committed and the offenders are prosecuted as is now happening, there’s no damage to the rule of law at all. It’s only when police officers who beat people up and none of them has even been arrested, that the rule of law is damaged. There’s no rule of law when the brutality of police officers goes unpunished!
Therefore, the House should recognize the fact that China is not only the new imperial power in HK, but it is also an authoritarian and oppressive imperial power since Emperor Xi took over the power. The continuing intervention of the Chinese authorities in Hong Kong’s local affairs presents a fundamental challenge to the continuation of HK peoples identity and way of life.
We are proud to be HongKongers and we hope to determine our own future. That’s the reason for cross-generation of HKers to fight for freedom and wish you can stand with Hong Kong. Thank you.
identity philosophy 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的精選貼文
【劍橋辯論會(Cambridge Union)演說:China is the New Imperial Power in Hong Kong】
雖不獲法庭批准離港,我仍在上週透過視像會議方式,參與英國劍橋辯論會(Cambridge Union)的辯論「This House Believes China is the New Imperial Power in Hong Kong」。
發言期間,除解說香港淪落為警察城市(Police State)的源由,直斥在習近平主政下,人民權利不斷受到侵害;我亦以武漢肺炎為例,提到政權面對疫情爆發,多番以中國國家利益與民族認同,凌駕港人切身安危。
#眾志國際連結 #SelfGovernance
Cambridge Union Debate: This House Believes China is the New Imperial Power in Hong Kong
When we speak of Imperial Power, it doesn’t necessarily mean a colonial power. But we are referring to an act of expanding influence and authority over a territory through political, legal, economic or even military means. And indeed, the Chinese communist government has exerted that influence over Hong Kong since the Handover in 1997 and escalated that influence more rapidly and more aggressively after 2003.
The principle of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ is a fragile ruling philosophy defining China-Hong Kong relations, guaranteeing the global financial city its autonomy. But in the past 22 years, Beijing intervened on many fronts already, abusing this ruling philosophy and implementing authoritarian measures upon Hong Kong citizens.
My activism experience serves as a clear case for the motion. Hong Kong’s civil society has long been the constant target of state attack, and the motive is crystal clear: to eradicate opposition in order to maintain China’s dominating influence over Hong Kong. The Oppression of personal freedoms is merely one case in point.
Last year in June, shortly after serving my prison sentence, I went protesting against the controversial extradition bill, exercising my freedom to assembly. The government arrested me again and charged me of inciting people taking part in an unlawful assembly. Then I went contesting in local election, yet the government banned me from running for office because of my political stance.
I then turned to international advocacy, planning to fly to the United Kingdom and other European countries to explain our democratic and peaceful cause. Regrettably, the court thought this parliamentary hearing is not important and rejected my travel application. Every time I spoke in parliamentary hearings, no matter in person or via skype, the Chinese foreign ministry would condemn that parliament for colliding with a so-called separatist who has never advocated independence.
Following these encounters, it's become clear now I'm deprived of the right to the election, freedom of movement, freedom of assembly (not allowed to appear on designated area), and freedom of speech. The civil liberties guaranteed in the constitution are however no longer applicable to me. These oppressive measures are not out of political context.
#重點在此 I’d also argue that time and again, China’s national pride and interests override Hong Kong’s own interests. The development in the past decade has shown that many of the competitive edges of Hong Kong as a global financial city like rule of law, free flow of information, checks and balances are compromised and give way to Xi Jinping’s Chinese Dream. The Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak precisely explain this argument. Hong Kong, given its proximity to mainland China, is highly prone to infection and spread of disease.
Instead of taking strict measures to prevent public health crisis from erupting, the Hong Kong government, as of today, still refused to close the border, allowing countless potential cases flee to Hong Kong and further dampen the burden of Hong Kong’s medical services. From the moment that Xi Jinping’s image become the top priority, the autonomous decision-making mechanism of the Hong Kong government has collapsed.
The opposing side may argue that China is not imperial power in HK because integration and cooperation in the past have fostered but not encroached economic development in Hong Kong and our city does benefit from it. I’m afraid I cannot agree with this viewpoint at all.
Growing socio-economic integration with China, more connected transport infrastructure like the High-Speed Railway, are accounted for the city’s outbreak of Coronavirus. The first five patients confirmed positive to the virus were passengers of the Railway. Behind the grand narratives of ‘economic integration’ is more blatant aggression of the Hong Kong system. Hong Kong always has to give in and make up for its sovereign country’s faulty policy.
In conclusion, I have two questions for everyone. Can citizens in New York directly elected their mayor? Yes. Can citizens in London directly their mayor? Yes. We are not asking go too far, but just hope to ask for election rather that selection under Chinese rule to hand-pick those Beijing Loyalists.People in Hong Kong is not experiencing rule of law but only suffering from rule by tear gas. The root cause of crisi is police brutality, which included live round fired towards high school students, young lady being gang rape in police stations and 8000 people arrested from the age of 11 to 84.
When offenses are committed and the offenders are prosecuted as is now happening, there’s no damage to the rule of law at all. It’s only when police officers who beat people up and none of them has even been arrested, that the rule of law is damaged. There’s no rule of law when the brutality of police officers goes unpunished!
Therefore, the House should recognize the fact that China is not only the new imperial power in HK, but it is also an authoritarian and oppressive imperial power since Emperor Xi took over the power. The continuing intervention of the Chinese authorities in Hong Kong’s local affairs presents a fundamental challenge to the continuation of HK peoples identity and way of life.
We are proud to be HongKongers and we hope to determine our own future. That’s the reason for cross-generation of HKers to fight for freedom and wish you can stand with Hong Kong. Thank you.