你知道許多美國的蔬果協會參加了在高雄舉行的2018年台灣國際農業週嗎?2018年Taiwan Agriculture Week 台灣國際農業週活動於11月21日到23日在高雄展覽館展出。AIT農業貿易辦事處也在展覽期間舉辦一個國際論壇 ,邀請美國農產品的專家們發表最新產品資訊與市場趨勢,其中包括加州農業出口協會、美國藍莓協會、愛達荷馬鈴薯協會、華盛頓蘋果協會 、美國西洋梨協會以及美國愛達荷州亞太區辦事處。今天還有時間別忘了到場參觀喔!了解更多:http://www.taiwanagriweek.com/
Do you know several U.S. fresh produce associations are participating in the 2018 Taiwan Agriculture Week in Kaohsiung? The show is taking place at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center from November 21-23, 2018. U.S. exhibitors are showcasing potatoes, blueberries, coffee, fruits and vegetables. Please stop by and visit with them and learn more about U.S. fresh produce!
Also, ATO Taipei organized an industry seminar to help connect Taiwan buyers with U.S. produce industry associations, including California Agricultural Export Council, Idaho Potato Board, Pear Bureau Northwest, US Highbush Blueberry Council, and Washington Apple Commission. Several experts specializing in the U.S. produce industry will share their experience and technical know-how with the audiences. Learn more: http://www.taiwanagriweek.com/