“There are only two punishments for homosexuality -- stoning or being crushed under a wall.” - One Taliban judge told Bild newspaper in July.
同時也有33部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅It's me Adam T,也在其Youtube影片中提到,If you're from a country like mine, where the gay and queer community face difficulties such as discrimination and the potential of persecution under ...
homosexuality 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文
【國際不再恐同日🏳️🌈 給社會更多的愛與包容】
5月17日是 #國際不再恐同日,在1990年的今天,世界衛生組織(WHO)將同性戀從國際疾病分類除名,因此成為各LGBT爭取權益的重要紀念日。
玫瑰少年葉永鋕因為性別特質與他人不同,在學校受到欺凌喪生事件,因而促成2004年 #性別教育平等法 的推動;而經過長久的努力,台灣在2019年終於通過 #同性婚姻專法,成為亞洲第一個同性婚姻合法化的國家。
May 17 is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, honoring the day in 1990 when the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases.
We'll try to break down what this special day means for everybody as simply as possible:
Being #gay or #lesbian is normal!
Being a #TransMan or #TransWoman is normal!
Being #bi is normal!
The shockwaves after the incident of junior high school student Ye Yong-chi in 2000, after they had been bullied relentlessly for their gender expression, led to the passing of the Gender Equity Education Act in 2004. After many years of campaigning, #SameSexMarriage passed into law in Taiwan in 2019, making the country the #FirstInAsia to achieve #MarriageEquality!
Here in Taiwan we know that, just as Rome wasn't built in a day, nor can full #GenderEquality and the associated #HumanRights protections be put in place overnight, but we're making progress. In the future, we hope that whatever your child's gender expression, they can be proud and confident in who they are.
Respect diversity in love!
homosexuality 在 PrideLab Facebook 的精選貼文
每年5月17日係「國際不再恐同日」,個英文名好長 - International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia,簡稱IDAHOTB。
如果你年紀有返咁上下,就會睇住呢日由 IDAHO 變 IDAHOTB,不過依家性別身份咁多元,比較欣賞香港區集會籌委改嘅「IDAHO+」多啲。
因為1990年5月17日世界衛生組織正式將同性戀(homosexuality)喺《國際疾病與相關健康問題分類標準》(簡稱ICD)中移除。同性戀同疾病脫鉤,亦都唔需要害怕會「患上」呢個病。呢個就係IDAHO一開始淨係叫 “against Homophobia” 嘅原因,你睇認識歷史幾重要呢~
1952年美國心理學會將同性戀列入《精神疾病診斷與統計手冊》(簡稱DSM)第一版嘅心理疾病,描述同性情慾係一種「反社會的人格騷亂」;到1968年第二版再將同性戀歸類「性偏差」(sexual deviance)。喺50至70年代,當時外國對同志有乸型嘅刻板印象,以Fruit稱呼。政府曾經會跟蹤同志,收集佢哋聚集嘅地方。亦用一個叫Fruit Machine測試公務員嘅同性戀傾向:一開始展示普通男女照片,之後換做裸露嘅相,觀察受測試者瞳孔有無放大。測試不通過的話,輕則工作不保,重則可能會被拉去坐監,或者係注射激素等醫學治療。
社會學者Michel Foucault喺《瘋癲與文明》一書提到醫療化社會(medicalized society)將人分為「正常」與「非正常」嚟對待。佢拎十八世紀精神科嘅個案分析,當年嘅醫生會使用厭惡療法,例如浸凍水、綁束身衣等各種方法去「醫好」佢哋,實際只不過用恐嚇嘅手段逼佢哋學習點樣改變行為,睇落似返個「正常人」。
有睇《American Horror Story》或《Ratched》應該都睇到相關畫面,有冇被嚇親?!唔好以為呢啲咁恐怖嘅情節只會出現喺Netflix,時至今日,喺!香!港!都有機構掩人耳目咁進行呢啲「拗直治療」,使用噁心嘅治療方法對付同志,過程會一邊向同志展示同性相片,一邊利用藥物令佢產生噁心以及嘔吐感,從而嘗試令當事人對同性互動畫面連結不安情緒。2017年亦有報告指出,中國大陸有醫院提供「拗直治療」,方法包括服用或注射藥物,仲有電擊等等。
香港心理學會喺2012年發表聲明,同性戀唔係精神病症,係人類性向正常現象;同時無科學證據指「拗直治療」有效及對人無害。聯合國、美國心理協會、澳洲心理學會等組織更加一致反對「拗直治療」,研究發現「拗直治療 」不但毫無效用,反而令當事人受到心靈傷害、更有引致抑鬱、焦慮以及自殺嘅風險。
加拿大、德國相繼通過法案禁止「拗直治療」,今年5月英女皇喺演說中有明確提到將會禁止矯正療法(“ban conversion therapy”)。可惜香港仍然未有制定相關政策。
#pridelab #pridelabhk #BeTheChange #DareToBe #idaho #idahot #idahotb
#lgbt #LGBTQ #LGBTPride #lgbtcommunity #hklgbt #同性戀
#國際不再恐同日 #拗直治療 #禁止拗直治療 #性別平等 #性別平權 #性別多元
homosexuality 在 It's me Adam T Youtube 的最佳貼文
If you're from a country like mine, where the gay and queer community face difficulties such as discrimination and the potential of persecution under the law, then I'm sure you may understand these feels.
So if you're seeking a hopeful future, I share some insights to provides you with things I learnt along the way while dealing with coming out as a gay person from Malaysia.
There is nothing wrong with being different. If anything, it will be your super power! Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Love you ♥
Links mentioned in this video:
Jasmine's Podcast "I Wish Someone Told Me" ➤ https://open.spotify.com/episode/4SV9AgFx0DtCyf6JqmK1Jl?si=8d97ceb3ebfe495c
Queer Lapis - Stories of being LGBTQI+ in South East Asia ➤ https://queerlapis.com
Support this channel:
Download Text Animations ➤ https://store.adamtambakau.com
0:00 What being a gay man in Malaysia feels like?
1:57 Tip #1 Safety first
4:06 Tip #2 Trust slowly, but surely
6:37 Tip #3 Find your community
8:47 Tip #4 Be patient & never give up
11:43 Final thoughts
My Social Medias ➤

homosexuality 在 Domaiss Lew Youtube 的最讚貼文
#同性恋 #异性恋 #LGBT #多一晚谈心
为了这个大爆料就邀请了我的十多年的友谊 Quennie Ong
希望大家会希望 !LOVE & PEACE
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? Morimaiss ? Tarot Reading(塔罗占卜师 / 情感咨询):
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EP1 ▶【男女之间 有没有纯友谊?】
EP2 ▶【姐弟恋—年龄非距离的爱情】
EP3 ▶【同性戀 VS 異性戀】Feat. Quennie
EP4 ▶【如何分辨渣男?你是否有吸渣体质呢?】Feat. Angel Yunxii
EP5 ▶【那些年我们的初恋】Feat. 秋雯 Qiu Wen
EP6 ▶【中馬跨國恋情】Feat. Charles & Mona
♈ ▶【白羊女】Feat. Angel Yunxii
♊ ▶【双子男】Feat. Dato Sai Charles Tee
♒ ▶【水瓶女】Feat. Monanananana
♏ ▶【天蝎男】Feat. 大神 Dashen
??____UNBOX 开箱系类_____??
【Unboxing Review】LV On The Go MM & Prada Nylon
【名牌包包大比拼】LV Multi Pochette VS Prada Nylon
【2021年礼物清单】 之圣诞开箱
EP1 ▶【网络全能女神 & 多重身份】Feat. DJ Yanis
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homosexuality 在 jaysbabyfood Youtube 的最佳貼文
#jaysbabyfood #storytime #lgbtinkorea
- References -
- Ahn, P. (2009). Harisu: South Korean cosmetic media and the paradox of transgendered neoliberal embodiment. Discourse, 31(3), 248-272.
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- Berry, C. (2001). Asian values, family values: Film video, and lesbian and gay identities. In Sullivan, G., & Jackson P. (Ed.), Gay and lesbian Asia: Culture, identity, community. (pp. 211-232). Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press.
- Bong, Y. D. (2008). The gay rights movement in democratizing Korea. Korean Studies, 32(1), 86-103.
- Cho, J. P. (2009). The wedding banquet revisited: "Contract marriages" between Korean gays and lesbians. Anthropological Quarterly, 82(2), 401-422.
- Choi, J. S. (2014). Korean culture orientation: Daily-life and religious culture volume. Sonamoo Publishing.
- Jang, H. S. (n.d.). Resource center of young women service review (늘푸른 사업 리뷰). Retrieved from http://www.seoul.go.kr/info/organ/center/1318_new/info/review/1253299_13874.html
- Kim, H. Y., & Cho, J. P. (2011). The Korean gay and lesbian movement 1993-2008: from "identity" and "community" to "human rights". South Korean Social Movements: From Democracy to Civil Society, 206-223.
- Kim, Y., & Hahn, S. (2006). Homosexuality in ancient and modern Korea. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 8(1), 59-65.
- Kwak. L. G. (2012, April 25). Who murdered a 19-year old LGBT teen (누가 열아홉살 동성애자를 죽였나). Oh My News. Retrieved from http://www.ohmynews.com/nws_web/view/at_pg.aspx? CNTN_CD=A0001724998
- Lee, J. E. (2006). Beyond pain and protection: Politics of identity and iban girls in Korea. In Khor, D., & Kamano, S. (Ed.), Lesbians in east Asia: Diversity, identities, and resistance. (pp. 49-67). Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press.
- Novak, K. (2015). The problem with being gay in South Korea. Retrieved from http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/18/asia/south-korea-being-gay/
- Park, H., Blenkinsopp, J., Oktem, M., & Omurgonulsen, U. (2008). Cultural orientation and attitudes toward different forms of whistleblowing: A comparison of South Korea, Turkey, and the U.K. Journal of Business Ethics, 82(4), 929-939.
- Seo, D. J. (2001). Mapping the vicissitudes of homosexual identities in South Korea. Journal of Homosexuality, 40, 65-79.
- Song, J. (2014). Living on your own: Single women, rental housing, and post-revolutionary affect in contemporary South Korea. SUNY Press.
- Do Koreans Support LGBTQ+? (Ft. Seoul Queer Parade) | ASIAN BOSS https://youtu.be/p_vsIEs72p8
- Koreans React To K-pop Singer Coming Out As Bisexual [Street Interview] | ASIAN BOSS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKL9VrqLJZE
- Is South Korea's LGBT+ community being scapegoated for COVID-19 spread? https://www.dw.com/en/is-south-koreas-lgbt-community-being-scapegoated-for-covid-19-spread/a-53423958
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