記得小學時期學校有學童保健服務,每年都要啲小學雞去做身體檢查, 而五年級有一次,班上嘅肥仔張同學去完學童保健之後返學校分享個女護士 摸佢JerJer,揭起佢包皮檢查,我心諗:痴L線㗎?仲有王法嘅!就真心膠地以為 高年級去學童保健會被護士姐姐摸JerJer,是類似成人禮儀式的一種,但冠瑤係 可遠觀而不可褻玩㗎!細細個已經知道要潔身自愛守身如玉潔冰清嘅我,就唔敢去 學童保健呢個褻玩兒童嘅邪惡組織(我細個誤會咗sor),所以五六年級我都冇去學童保健檢查身體,成為我後悔一生嘅一個決定,因為冇去學童保健令我完全唔 知一個人人皆知而又極重要嘅性知識---男仔的下體要揭起包皮清洗。
為免太重口味太Hard core,以下內容開始會用「車厘龜」嚟比喻男性下體, 大家自行領會。
因為由細到大我見到我嘅車厘龜都係戴住頸巾,我誤以為車厘龜個頭天生就係 連住頸巾,條頸巾就係佢嘅表皮,頸巾入面就係內臟唔可以揭開,正如你手多多搣開你條頸層皮會點呀?死囉!所以由細到大直到中四整整十五年間,我從來都冇揭開過車厘龜嘅頸巾嚟清洗,日積月累之下,佢條頸嘅皮膚就一直痴實條頸巾越痴越實,更加睇落好似born to be like this佢天生就born with a scarf咁,Baby I am born this way~
返到屋企我鎖住浴室道門,暗自下定決心今日一定要除到車厘龜條頸巾,如果唔係我唔姓劉!我打開花灑較到熱水不斷用最強力嘅水柱巨炮沖向車厘龜,因為我睇古裝劇啲古代女人臨盆都係用熱水嚟鎮痛,原理係你啲肉熱到熟咗就唔會痛,而喺高溫嘅加持下 好快我隻車厘龜就熱到暈咗開始冇乜知覺,我就用手出盡力咁嘗試搣車厘龜條頸巾落嚟,一開始都好順利我用秒速1mm嘅速度慢慢咁搣條頸巾落嚟,但因為龜頭嘅皮膚已經完全痴實條頸巾,所以過程仲係好痛呀媽咪呀我一度想放棄!從此改姓陳啦唔姓劉!但係我唔捨得呀因為姓劉嘅聽講都係劉備嘅後人,講畀人聽好威威,為了繼續做劉備的後裔,我將花灑嘅水較到最熱同佢死過!今次我要破釜沉舟!不成功!便姓陳!
高溫燒滾了我~一切!我一鼓作氣乘勝追擊出盡力一撕!Yeah!又收復一大片失地! 慢慢地,我那十五年來一直被包皮覆蓋住不見天日嘅一片江山重現人間!原來真正嘅車厘龜頭係粉紅色唔是肉色㗎!U look so cute! 我人生第一次見到我隻車厘龜真實嘅面貌,車厘龜亦係第一次從包皮中探出頭來!就好似初生嘅BB一樣,Say hello to the world!
但正所謂:「一鼓作氣,再而衰,三而竭」,好快我因為長時間處於高溫又唔通風嘅浴室入面開始缺氧,而我以劉備嘅磅礡氣勢收復天下嘅大計亦都正式進入咗樽頸位,最難攻陷之地就係車厘龜條頸!有基本常識嘅人都知道車厘龜嘅頭部係上窄下闊,所以車厘龜條頸呢個位置地勢險要易守難攻!一來神經線比較密集敏感度70%UP!二來好似你著縮咗水嘅樽領毛衣咁,往往會喺你頭部最闊嘅位置撠住唔上唔落進退兩難,我久攻不下已經想放棄下星期再 搞,而且我屋企人已經狂拍門因為我喺浴室入面已經個幾鐘,仲問我搞咁耐係咪喺入面生仔,其實那時那刻,我真係好體會到嗰啲未成年少女被人搞大咗個肚喺自己屋企 廁所到生仔嘅嗰種徬徨!無助!全世界得自己可以倚靠嘅嗰種絕望!我們都只是因為 性知識不夠而闖了禍!Respect!Me too!
「Do you wanna be岳飛?」
No! I Don’t! I wanna be on top! 我仰天長嘯!力拔山兮氣蓋世!唏!我用盡吃奶的力一嘢扯下車厘龜的頸巾!Unbelievable!我不敢相信自己的眼睛,我成功了!車厘龜的頸部同條頸巾分離了!I am Free!Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
呢個moment,我同自己講唔好驚,人生流流長,整爛咗一兩條Jer好閒㗎啫,行出街大把人爛Jer啦!冠瑤我有咩大風大浪未見過呀?臨危不亂是我的優點!人係天生天養嘅,以前啲原始人整親都冇醫生睇啦!咪又係自然癒合,Everything will be alright!相信Mother Nature!相信我地嘅大自然母親!Amazing Grace~I need ur embrace~
我有諗過Call白車睇醫生,但我驚聽日報紙頭條會係【中學生血染浴缸 除包皮陽具盡毁?】,心諗我當初仲係小學雞嘅時候唔去學童保健就係唔想被陌生嘅姨姨摸我JerJer,先保住咗我嘅貞節,唔通我依家十五歲大個仔先嚟去醫院畀人摸JerJer咩!What a shame!咁我童年時嘅矜持同堅持仲有咩意義?Meaningless!
經過二十分鐘,我卒之止到車厘龜嘅血,就慢慢小心翼翼咁著返衫褲,步伐蹣跚咁竄出廳搵消毒藥水 同膠布,我幾經辛苦卒之喺櫃桶底搵到一支【藍藥水】,心諗馬死落地行,就搽咗成支【藍藥水】落去我那奄奄一息的車厘龜頭上。
就這樣過了一星期,我後悔了,我應該睇醫生的,I am Wrong,Quiz Wrong!
車厘龜的傷口在大自然母親的加護下慢慢癒合,一星期後,我赫然發現,我的車厘龜頭,變了紫藍色。因為【藍藥水】的色素沉澱,車厘龜頭頸部的傷口變成了一圈紫藍色的龜頭Tattoo,既搶眼又叛逆,我看著我那勁colorful 漸變色的車厘龜頭,我好驚,我好羞愧,我安慰自己,這隻車厘龜,只是Pokemon超低機率出現的色違 小精靈而已,而且車厘龜本身就是藍色的不是嗎?它只是回到了最原始最Original 的自己,而已。
我從此入男廁只會走入廁格,因為我好驚如果我去尿兜小便,隔離位男同學眼尾睄到我那蒼色の龜頭,會問我: 「咦?亞種嚟嘅喂!」
【2021香港書展】7月14-20日|Hall 1A - D02
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅Yanki LevMia LAND,也在其Youtube影片中提到,❤今次到美睫線喇?~?? 快D 睇下成個過程啦! 最多人問痛唔痛, 其實整緊既時候係癢既感覺多點~ 試下用牙籤了下眼睫毛? 接受到就嚟變靚啦!? 本店服務: ?erriya la professional art - eyebrows and eyeline ?【韓式 粉霧眉】【絲霧 羽絨眉】...
hello tattoo 好 唔 好 在 Steffunn 勳 Facebook 的最佳解答
Thank you King Ly Chee, thank you Riz! And I'm proud to be one of the KLC family.
The band has been taking a break since January of this year to figure out where we are emotionally and within the various stages of our lives. Making a commitment to a band like this (and a person like me) has not been easy and will never be easy - you can ask anyone in the photo here about their experiences both within and outside the band.
Either way...when we all look back at this and what we were all able to accomplish together - all these faces in this photo (and the ones who aren't here Mike, Gaeon, Wing, G, Fei Hin who kept the band going in dire times) took a little dream that I had when I started in 1999 and made it their own.
At 22 years old I came back to Hong Kong wanting to do something to help Hong Kong's underground community, who knew it would turn into what it did :-)
There are so many memories come flooding back...I still remember the day King Ly Chee joined a music festival in Tuen Mun (Gold Coast) in the summer of '99 and at the same competition a death metal band got on stage to compete. After they finished I ran to go say hello to them because I was so happy to hear extreme music in Hong Kong! They turned out to be Departing Cross...that guitar player Chai became a great friend of mine later. The drummer who would join them later (Man) would also become a member of King Ly Chee many MANY years later. I remember having the same response when I went to a show at the Warehouse in 1999 and saw a band called Hyponic get on stage and play doom metal and how happy I was to meet Roy and his wife Anita. They later even helped me translate MANY of the articles that were in my zine called 由零開始 Start From Scratch, as did Sammy of Lam Kei, and so many other friends. I remember touring China in 2000 for the first time and we stayed at Wu Wei (singer of SMZB)'s house with his mom, I remember traveling by train from Wuhan to Beijing for the first time and arriving in Beijing Train Station while the snow was falling around us, I remember getting on stage with Reflector-Brain Failure that night and becoming lifelong friends, I remember the next day Xiao Rong of Brain Failure took me to Scream Records to try to get the label to release our album "We Are Who We Are" in China, I remember putting my arms around Stephane and Alex as they cried on the plane leaving Korea after we played 6 shows in 3 days in Seoul in 2000, I remember getting my daily 4pm phonecalls from Kevin when he joined King Ly Chee, he would call every single day for the first year exactly at 4pm on his way to work at a tattoo shop and we'd talk about whatever like only brothers did, I remember Andy-Alex-Kevin and I recording "Stand Strong" until 5am every day and then going home for one hour then getting changed and going to our jobs, I remember touring Southeast Asia for the first time and meeting so many great people who are still good friends today, I remember touring Europe in 2006 in the fucking cold with Ming-Andy-Alex-Pong and dying cause it was so cold, I remember how on the way back from Europe while we were at the Dubai airport Alex told us that he had decided to leave and my heart broke into a million pieces because never in my life would i have ever thought he would leave the band, i remember after that andy and pong were like "don't worry - we'll keep the band going with you", i remember so many people saying that to me every time something happened - like Mike, Gaeon and Wing who sprung into action and helped the band continue somehow someway, i remember going on tour with NOFX and even though Fat Mike didn't like anything that was too metal sounding - El Hefe and Smelly always came to watch us play every night and they always said "man your guitar always sounds so HEAVY! i love it!", i remember receiving a random message from some guy named Brian who was living in australia and played in a nu-metal band, i remember many months later receiving his band's CD, i also remember later he sent me tracks of some really progressive metal songs that he had written, i remember that around this time the next heartbreak happened when andy decided he couldn't continue either, many months later that random ICQ (or was it MSN?) friend Brian was in king ly chee, i remember touring the philippines and after the last show of the tour we all stayed out with our Filipino brothers until the next morning talking - laughing, how about the time that i picked up my ultimate heroes from the airport in hong kong - the band that GOT me into hardcore back in '94 - mother fucking sick of it all!, holy shit...not only was i picking them up but i was the one organizing their first ever show in hong kong...holy fuck...
Memories like this can go on and on...because there are COUNTLESS stories like this to be told and shared with all of you...maybe one day there may be a book made :-)
For now...I want to first and foremost thank EVERY single person who has ever joined King Ly Chee for believing in me, believing in the band, believing in the purpose of the band, believing in the message...I know that some of these guys left the band not on good terms - but as my brother Kevin once said "Man - time heals everything" - I do hope that as time passes that every single one of these guys (and girl - we did have a girl vocalist for a year :-) will always remember their time in this band and the great things that we accomplished together.
Thank you everyone for giving us your hearts, believing in the band anytime in our 17 year existence...whether you were a fan of the Stephane-Ian lineup or the Stephane-Alex lineup or the Alex-Andy-Kevin lineup or the Alex-Andy-Pong-Ming lineup or the Andy-Pong-G lineup or the G-Brian-Pong-Man lineup or the Kent-Egas-Brian-Ho lineup or the Kent-Egas-Joe-Brian lineup or the Joe-Ivan-Brian-Ho lineup...whichever lineup you fell in love with - i can tell you from the bottom of my heart EVERY member gave 150% of their heart and soul to this band, to creating the music you heard, to playing those shows that you saw, to touring all over the world...
To this I live in eternal gratitude to these amazing individuals.
Lastly, thank you to every one of you all over this world who has supported the band. Thank you for your kindness, for your generosity, for your graciousness, for your heart...thank you for believing in this band.
I have about 13 demo songs that I had written this past year or so for a future King Ly Chee release - but now I guess I'll just put those online as a heartfelt thank you.
For one last time...
我 - 地 - 係 - KING - LY - CHEE
hello tattoo 好 唔 好 在 Defeat The Giant Facebook 的最佳解答
The band has been taking a break since January of this year to figure out where we are emotionally and within the various stages of our lives. Making a commitment to a band like this (and a person like me) has not been easy and will never be easy - you can ask anyone in the photo here about their experiences both within and outside the band.
Either way...when we all look back at this and what we were all able to accomplish together - all these faces in this photo (and the ones who aren't here Mike, Gaeon, Wing, G, Fei Hin who kept the band going in dire times) took a little dream that I had when I started in 1999 and made it their own.
At 22 years old I came back to Hong Kong wanting to do something to help Hong Kong's underground community, who knew it would turn into what it did :-)
There are so many memories come flooding back...I still remember the day King Ly Chee joined a music festival in Tuen Mun (Gold Coast) in the summer of '99 and at the same competition a death metal band got on stage to compete. After they finished I ran to go say hello to them because I was so happy to hear extreme music in Hong Kong! They turned out to be Departing Cross...that guitar player Chai became a great friend of mine later. The drummer who would join them later (Man) would also become a member of King Ly Chee many MANY years later. I remember having the same response when I went to a show at the Warehouse in 1999 and saw a band called Hyponic get on stage and play doom metal and how happy I was to meet Roy and his wife Anita. They later even helped me translate MANY of the articles that were in my zine called 由零開始 Start From Scratch, as did Sammy of Lam Kei, and so many other friends. I remember touring China in 2000 for the first time and we stayed at Wu Wei (singer of SMZB)'s house with his mom, I remember traveling by train from Wuhan to Beijing for the first time and arriving in Beijing Train Station while the snow was falling around us, I remember getting on stage with Reflector-Brain Failure that night and becoming lifelong friends, I remember the next day Xiao Rong of Brain Failure took me to Scream Records to try to get the label to release our album "We Are Who We Are" in China, I remember putting my arms around Stephane and Alex as they cried on the plane leaving Korea after we played 6 shows in 3 days in Seoul in 2000, I remember getting my daily 4pm phonecalls from Kevin when he joined King Ly Chee, he would call every single day for the first year exactly at 4pm on his way to work at a tattoo shop and we'd talk about whatever like only brothers did, I remember Andy-Alex-Kevin and I recording "Stand Strong" until 5am every day and then going home for one hour then getting changed and going to our jobs, I remember touring Southeast Asia for the first time and meeting so many great people who are still good friends today, I remember touring Europe in 2006 in the fucking cold with Ming-Andy-Alex-Pong and dying cause it was so cold, I remember how on the way back from Europe while we were at the Dubai airport Alex told us that he had decided to leave and my heart broke into a million pieces because never in my life would i have ever thought he would leave the band, i remember after that andy and pong were like "don't worry - we'll keep the band going with you", i remember so many people saying that to me every time something happened - like Mike, Gaeon and Wing who sprung into action and helped the band continue somehow someway, i remember going on tour with NOFX and even though Fat Mike didn't like anything that was too metal sounding - El Hefe and Smelly always came to watch us play every night and they always said "man your guitar always sounds so HEAVY! i love it!", i remember receiving a random message from some guy named Brian who was living in australia and played in a nu-metal band, i remember many months later receiving his band's CD, i also remember later he sent me tracks of some really progressive metal songs that he had written, i remember that around this time the next heartbreak happened when andy decided he couldn't continue either, many months later that random ICQ (or was it MSN?) friend Brian was in king ly chee, i remember touring the philippines and after the last show of the tour we all stayed out with our Filipino brothers until the next morning talking - laughing, how about the time that i picked up my ultimate heroes from the airport in hong kong - the band that GOT me into hardcore back in '94 - mother fucking sick of it all!, holy shit...not only was i picking them up but i was the one organizing their first ever show in hong kong...holy fuck...
Memories like this can go on and on...because there are COUNTLESS stories like this to be told and shared with all of you...maybe one day there may be a book made :-)
For now...I want to first and foremost thank EVERY single person who has ever joined King Ly Chee for believing in me, believing in the band, believing in the purpose of the band, believing in the message...I know that some of these guys left the band not on good terms - but as my brother Kevin once said "Man - time heals everything" - I do hope that as time passes that every single one of these guys (and girl - we did have a girl vocalist for a year :-) will always remember their time in this band and the great things that we accomplished together.
Thank you everyone for giving us your hearts, believing in the band anytime in our 17 year existence...whether you were a fan of the Stephane-Ian lineup or the Stephane-Alex lineup or the Alex-Andy-Kevin lineup or the Alex-Andy-Pong-Ming lineup or the Andy-Pong-G lineup or the G-Brian-Pong-Man lineup or the Kent-Egas-Brian-Ho lineup or the Kent-Egas-Joe-Brian lineup or the Joe-Ivan-Brian-Ho lineup...whichever lineup you fell in love with - i can tell you from the bottom of my heart EVERY member gave 150% of their heart and soul to this band, to creating the music you heard, to playing those shows that you saw, to touring all over the world...
To this I live in eternal gratitude to these amazing individuals.
Lastly, thank you to every one of you all over this world who has supported the band. Thank you for your kindness, for your generosity, for your graciousness, for your heart...thank you for believing in this band.
I have about 13 demo songs that I had written this past year or so for a future King Ly Chee release - but now I guess I'll just put those online as a heartfelt thank you.
For one last time...
我 - 地 - 係 - KING - LY - CHEE
hello tattoo 好 唔 好 在 Yanki LevMia LAND Youtube 的最讚貼文
快D 睇下成個過程啦!
?erriya la professional art - eyebrows and eyeline
?【韓式 粉霧眉】【絲霧 羽絨眉】
?erriya la professional art - tattoo
hello tattoo 好 唔 好 在 林若盈 Mellissa Lam Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hello 大家好!
影片中試左#4 Desire Me Pink #8 Catch Me Orange
Products used 影片中我有用到的產品:
GIORGIO ARMANI power fabrie #4.5
Integrate Eyebrow Powder #BR631
K-Palette 1 Day tattoo real lasting eyeliner 24h WP #DARK BROWN
KISS ME mascara
Benefit dandelion brightening finishing powder
FACEBOOK :https://www.facebook.com/mellissaying
INSTAGRAM : http://instagram.com/mellissalam
食物啟發我什麼?!ㅣ冬日紫薯。化妝教學ㅣPURPLE Winter Makeup
Easy Autumn Makeupㅣ簡易入秋。化妝教學ㅣMellissa Lam 林若盈
Stay With Me - Sam Smith (Mellissa Lam cover) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1Tl6db6h8A