支持你愛的在地店家 - T SHIRT/ 防護面罩
created by 周依 Chou Yi
商品預購 Pre order 即日起~7/15
Saibaba Ethnique
MKCR 山小孩
朋 丁 pon ding
—— 村上春樹《1973年的彈珠玩具》
一場肺炎來的快又急,瞬間把許多特色店家壓的喘不過氣,我想生活也是如此,縱使有些不可逆,有些不如意,只要樂觀地懷抱希望,相信我們可以共同度過這個艱困的時期。日系戶外選物名所 Saibaba Ethnique 此回特別招集新世代咖啡店MKCR 山小孩、複合式藝文代表朋丁、懷抱昭和老靈魂的秋波名曲珈琲,與集俏皮與趣味於一身的板橋名產好初早餐,透過藝術家周依獨到的筆觸,以「SUPPORT EACH OTHER」為題,將各店化身充滿活力的人們手牽手圍繞,代表著不分彼此與業態,我們都會互相支持,如果尚有餘力,也在可控的風險中,支持你們喜歡的商家,或許您會被各自別緻的文化所吸引,那怕是一點小小的鼓勵,都會讓我們更加努力的走下去。
“On any given day, something claims our attention. Anything at all, inconsequential things. A rosebud, a misplaced hat, that sweater we liked as a child, an old Gene Pitney record. A parade of trivia with no place to go. Things that bump around in our consciousness for two or three days then go back to wherever they came from……”
— Haruki Murakami, Pinball, 1973
The covid-19 pandemic hit hard and fast. For many select shops, it is almost the last straw. However, when life gives you lemons, you just survive the tough time with optimism and hope. Outdoor select shop Saibaba Ethnique calls together MKCR cafe, bookshop Pon Ding, Qiubo Coffee, and Hoochuu Breakfast to participate SUPPORT EACH OTHER project. Artist Chou Yi metamorphoses those shops into energetic figures, who join hands and form a circle. The illustration represents the spirit of mutual-aid, without the barrier of difference. Please support these unique shops within your reach. A few encouragements will boost our morale and back us to go on our journey.
Art Director :
CHOU YI @chouyi
Artist :
CHOU YI @chouyi
Photographer :
楊雅淳 @yoyang
Make up :
張愛波 @applekid10wwww
Model :
那詡訢 @nwosaaa
周依 @chouyi
Venue : 秋波名曲珈琲 @qiubo_coffee
贊助:VCI 有橙國際 MOSCOT @vci_tw
Special thanks :
haruki given 在 CHOU YI Facebook 的最佳貼文
支持你愛的在地店家 - T SHIRT/ 防護面罩
created by 周依 Chou Yi
商品預購 Pre order 7/7~7/12
暫時無法聚餐、逛街沒關係,藝術家周依跟那弟帶著各種小道具 🍔 🍰 📚 帶領我們一起面對各種難關。就算生活困難,偶爾拿著啞鈴揮揮,還是保持著活力UP UP,周依以鮮豔的顏色描繪出店家們的積極態度,保持正向的心態,疫情過後又是一條好漢 💥
Saibaba Ethnique
MKCR 山小孩
朋 丁 pon ding
—— 村上春樹《1973年的彈珠玩具》
一場肺炎來的快又急,瞬間把許多特色店家壓的喘不過氣,我想生活也是如此,縱使有些不可逆,有些不如意,只要樂觀地懷抱希望,相信我們可以共同度過這個艱困的時期。日系戶外選物名所 Saibaba Ethnique 此回特別招集新世代咖啡店MKCR 山小孩、複合式藝文代表朋丁、懷抱昭和老靈魂的秋波名曲珈琲,與集俏皮與趣味於一身的板橋名產好初早餐,透過藝術家周依獨到的筆觸,以「SUPPORT EACH OTHER」為題,將各店化身充滿活力的人們手牽手圍繞,代表著不分彼此與業態,我們都會互相支持,如果尚有餘力,也在可控的風險中,支持你們喜歡的商家,或許您會被各自別緻的文化所吸引,那怕是一點小小的鼓勵,都會讓我們更加努力的走下去。
“On any given day, something claims our attention. Anything at all, inconsequential things. A rosebud, a misplaced hat, that sweater we liked as a child, an old Gene Pitney record. A parade of trivia with no place to go. Things that bump around in our consciousness for two or three days then go back to wherever they came from……”
— Haruki Murakami, Pinball, 1973
The covid-19 pandemic hit hard and fast. For many select shops, it is almost the last straw. However, when life gives you lemons, you just survive the tough time with optimism and hope. Outdoor select shop Saibaba Ethnique calls together MKCR cafe, bookshop Pon Ding, Qiubo Coffee, and Hoochuu Breakfast to participate SUPPORT EACH OTHER project. Artist Chou Yi metamorphoses those shops into energetic figures, who join hands and form a circle. The illustration represents the spirit of mutual-aid, without the barrier of difference. Please support these unique shops within your reach. A few encouragements will boost our morale and back us to go on our journey.
Art Director :
CHOU YI @chouyi
Artist :
CHOU YI @chouyi
Photographer :
楊雅淳 @yoyang
Make up :
張愛波 @applekid10wwww
Model :
那詡訢 @nwosaaa
周依 @chouyi
Venue : 秋波名曲珈琲 @qiubo_coffee
贊助:VCI 有橙國際 MOSCOT @vci_tw
Special thanks : @designissue、@soma.sema.studio
haruki given 在 CHOU YI Facebook 的最讚貼文
Support your local
Saibaba Ethnique @saibabaethnique
MKCR 山小孩 @mkcrtw
秋波名曲珈琲 @qiubo_coffee
好初早餐 @hoochuu_breakfast
朋 丁 pon ding @pondingspace
—— 村上春樹《1973年的彈珠玩具》
一場肺炎來的快又急,瞬間把許多特色店家壓的喘不過氣,我想生活也是如此,縱使有些不可逆,有些不如意,只要樂觀地懷抱希望,相信我們可以共同度過這個艱困的時期。日系戶外選物名所 Saibaba Ethnique 此回特別招集新世代咖啡店MKCR 山小孩、複合式藝文代表朋丁、懷抱昭和老靈魂的秋波名曲珈琲,與集俏皮與趣味於一身的板橋名產好初早餐,透過藝術家周依獨到的筆觸,以「SUPPORT EACH OTHER」為題,將各店化身充滿活力的人們手牽手圍繞,代表著不分彼此與業態,我們都會互相支持,如果尚有餘力,也在可控的風險中,支持你們喜歡的商家,或許您會被各自別緻的文化所吸引,那怕是一點小小的鼓勵,都會讓我們更加努力的走下去。
“On any given day, something claims our attention. Anything at all, inconsequential things. A rosebud, a misplaced hat, that sweater we liked as a child, an old Gene Pitney record. A parade of trivia with no place to go. Things that bump around in our consciousness for two or three days then go back to wherever they came from……”
— Haruki Murakami, Pinball, 1973
The covid-19 pandemic hit hard and fast. For many select shops, it is almost the last straw. However, when life gives you lemons, you just survive the tough time with optimism and hope. Outdoor select shop Saibaba Ethnique calls together MKCR cafe, bookshop Pon Ding, Qiubo Coffee, and Hoochuu Breakfast to participate SUPPORT EACH OTHER project. Artist Chou Yi metamorphoses those shops into energetic figures, who join hands and form a circle. The illustration represents the spirit of mutual-aid, without the barrier of difference. Please support these unique shops within your reach. A few encouragements will boost our morale and back us to go on our journey.
Spical thanks @whosdandan 、@pontau
haruki given 在 Given ギヴン「Akihiko Kaji × Haruki Nakayama」 - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
Given ギヴン「Akihiko Kaji × Haruki Nakayama」. 946 likes · 7 talking about this. ♪「music ist our life」 ... <看更多>
haruki given 在 GIVEN HARUKI | Anime, Anime icons, Icon - Pinterest 的美食出口停車場
... <看更多>