港大校方以電郵通知學生,表示本學期內接近全部教學,皆會以網上形式進行,只有部分實驗或臨床教學會保留「面對面」形式的課堂。而且,所有進行線上教學的科目,將只會設有網上考試。另外,學生能為每個科目選擇成績的評分方法,包括:計算GPA(letter grading)、只評核合格與否(pass/fail grading)、或退出該科目(late drop),形式與上學期相同,同學可以於3月23日至4月30日內提交選擇。
[1] 電郵全文:
//Dear colleagues and students
We’re continuing to monitor and analyse the COVID-19 situation and its implications for the University. Within this still uncertain framework, we’re trying to figure out the best way forward for teaching and learning. As before, our absolute priority remains the health and safety of both HKU members and the general public.
With this at the forefront of our minds, we’re announcing a series of updates to our plans for the remainder of the semester. We recognise that the choices we’re able to make at the present time are not ideal, but we believe they’re the best that are available to our campus community.
Until the end of the teaching period on May 16, all teaching and learning will be delivered online. There are just a few exceptions, including:
(1) Non-clinical laboratory, studio and practical skills components of courses for final-year students that have to be taught through face-to-face classes in order for students to graduate on time. We will arrange for these students to come on campus for low-density laboratory, studio and practical skills teaching sessions beginning no earlier than March 30. Their other classes will remain online. When required to come on campus, these students will be provided with face masks. Faculties will inform final-year students taking these courses of detailed arrangements at the start of next week.
(2) Clinical programmes in the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Medicine. These two Faculties will reach out separately to students enrolled in these programmes.
Assessment components and weightings will conform to the arrangements already announced by course coordinators. However, for all courses taught online there will be no proctored, in-hall exams during the assessment period from May 18 to June 6. Instead, all ‘final exam’ components will be moved online. We’re asking teachers to rethink the tasks that will constitute the ‘final exam’ to ensure they’re suitable for online assessment.
Assessment choices
As in Semester 1, we’re offering all UG and TPG students three assessment choices:-
- Continue with letter grading, where applicable (contributing to GPA)
- Change to pass/fail grading (not contributing to GPA)
- Opt out of the course entirely through a late drop option
Students will be able to make these choices through a link on SIS from March 23 to April 30. Full details will be announced within the next two weeks.
We strongly advise all students to think carefully when opting for pass/fail grading. Courses that are simply passed will be recorded as P on the transcript, with no GPA. For UG students in particular, this could have important knock-on effects. Internally, we rely on SGPA data for elective opportunities, such as academic exchange and other funded programmes. Externally, employers and universities around the world examine transcripts in some detail when taking decisions about jobs and postgraduate study. Students without solid SGPA data from 2019-20 may therefore place themselves at a disadvantage.
Late drop
Students returning to the University beyond the normative study period solely to make up late dropped credits from 2019-20 will not be asked to pay a composition fee. Normally, this policy will apply only in 2020-21. However, in cases where a student is unable to make up the dropped credits in 2020-21 because the requisite course is not on offer or, in special cases where personal circumstances stand in the way, an extension to 2021-22 may be permitted.
As ever, many thanks for working together with us to get through a challenging semester. Please do write to me with queries: [email protected].
Best wishes, Ian
Professor Ian Holliday
Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)
The University of Hong Kong//
「hku transcript」的推薦目錄:
hku transcript 在 英國的另類日常 Facebook 的精選貼文
{11} 【免費網上學習資源】Future Learn/MOOC/Class-central
幾個月前,待業中的我想利用時間增值自己,忽然想起了在大學工作時聽過的一個網上學習資源--MOOC。MOOC 是Massive Open Online Course的簡稱,2006年開始很多著名大學(Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Monash, Oxford, HKU etc)都會把一些課程放到網上,免費讓世界各地的人學習。到2012年的時候已開始普及全球,到現在已經相當成熟,百花齊放。不管你想讀有關Business、歷史、環境、電腦程式、心理學、科學、法律、教育、動物等題目,都應有盡有。(課程主要以英語授課,但有字幕和Transcript,video大多可以調較語速,是增進英文的方法)
到底是怎樣運作的呢?課程一般都是免費的,但你可以在完成課程(必須完成所有指定計分的quiz/assignment合格)後付費取得證書(一般幾十英鎊左右)。課程一般長達2-8星期,每星期約需花3小時左右去把教學video看完, 完成一些小測驗/參與forum討論等。它會告訴你若要取得證書,要完成多少項「任務」,如weekly quiz要有80%(可重考多次至合格為止),要交1/2份assignment由同學互評等。當然如果沒有打算取得證書,可以輕鬆的只看course materials而不交功課。
課程有Self-paced的, 全年隨時按自己速度去把課程讀完;也有在指定日期開課課程,每星期有interactive的活動和討論,assignments和quiz會有deadline(讓你緊貼進度),並有tutor跟進解答問題,甚至有google live chat。(但其實你仍可Learn ahead的, 通常它都一次過把所有星期的內容上載了)
Future Learn有好幾個課程都在今個星期開課(19/6/2017),我正打算讀Monash University 4星期的"Law for Non-Lawyers: Introduction to Law"課程(雖然是澳洲的大學, 但因為跟英國一樣都是Common Law System所以都可以學一下入門級簡單概念和日常生活的應用)。(https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/law-for-non-lawyers…)
Week 1: Contract Law
Week 2: Criminal Law
Week 3: Torts Law
Week 4: Intellectual Property Law
還有University of Sheffield 3星期的"How to succeed at: writing applications" 也很適合準備找工作/報大學的朋友看看,有寫CV和面試的技巧分享。(https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/writing-applications)
除了Future Learn, 較有名的平台還包括EdX和Coursera(它們都有手機程式版可下載)。
hku transcript 在 HKU Dry Club Facebook 的最佳貼文
《A or F Tee Shirt 優惠懶人包》
由於優惠太多,一次過整個懶人包比大家 😎
😐 今個sem 無A又無F 👉 買兩件A or F Tee 9折
😙 今個sem有 1個A / 1個F 👉 買兩件A or F Tee 8折
😙 今個sem有 2個A / 2個F 👉 買兩件A or F Tee 7折
😙 今個sem有 3個A / 3個F 👉 買兩件A or F Tee 6折
😯 😨 😱 今個sem有 4A/4F 或以上 💥 全單所有貨品6折 係所有貨品!
Q: 淨係HKU學生先有優惠?
A: HKU Dry Club 不嬲都唔係懶高竇的。本地所有大專院校,包括副學位課程,外國exchange都有優惠,除咗菲律賓比立勤大學 :0(
Q: A+ A- 當唔當A?F+ F- 當唔當F?
A: 當。
Q: 可唔可以搵全都F嘅豬朋狗友幫手買?
A: 得。
Q: 我有3A,可唔可以幫無A朋友買?
A: 可以。
Q: 咁點樣享用優惠?
A: 結帳後,透過Facebook inbox 將連人名,學校,日期無遮無掩嘅 transcript截圖send俾我哋,經驗證後即可以refund形式獲取優惠。所有截圖只會用於今次優惠活動核實用途,所有內容將保密處理,並於完成活動後銷毀。
註1:有問題歡迎inbox問我哋 :)
註2:冇問題就快啲買。遲咗買隨時斷碼 :)
BUY HERE 👕 http://dryup.xyz/product/white-a-or-f-tee/
hku transcript 在 [VLOG] Day in the life of year 1 VS year 3 HKU Medical ... 的美食出口停車場
Hey guys! Here is a special vlog containing my sister ahahahahahaha. Hope this video helps! Insta @Jadieeewong644MusicMusic by Kiana Corley ... ... <看更多>
hku transcript 在 移加著草Flee to CA - #學歷認證#HKU 未有畢業證書能否通過 ... 的美食出口停車場
學歷認證#HKU 未有畢業證書能否通過WES 學歷認證呢?已獲准畢業但頒授日期在數個月後能否認證呢?我分享一下成功的經驗。 1️⃣遞交文件到WES: 成績表transcript。 ... <看更多>