𝟏𝟏 𝐓𝐚𝐡𝐮𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐫𝐣𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐠, 𝐃𝐨𝐚 𝐆𝐮𝐫𝐮 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐡 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐩 𝐔𝐭𝐮𝐡 𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐤 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤 𝐃𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐤𝐧𝐲𝐚
Ya Allah kami berkumpul di sini dan bersyukur segala atas nikmatmu.Kami bersyukur atas perjalanan hidup kami. Kami bersyukur atas kesusahan untuk kami belajar perbaiki diri kami. Kami bersyukur kepayahan untuk kami jadi orang yang lebih baik. Kami bersyukur atas apa yang kau berikan.
Ya Allah, aku Azizan...
Aku ajar dalam keadaan sakit ya Allah. Kaki betisku bengkak ya Allah.
Pandanglah usahaku.
Mereka datang ada yang susah payah. Ada yang tertekan ya Allah. Kau angkatlah tekanan mereka. Ada yang ada masalah Kau uruskanlah Ya Allah. Jadikanlah mereka orang yang bersyukur dan bantu ramai orang.
Semua yang datang di sini ada hajat. Mereka datang korbankan sesuatu. Ada yang datang susah payah. Kalau mereka berusaha apalah sangat melainkan izin Kau.
Kalau mereka bertindak, makbulkan hajat mereka. Ampunkanlah dosa mereka. Berikanlah mereka kekayaan dan kejayaan. Selesaikanlah hutang-hutang mereka ya Tuhan. Berikanlah mereka capai impian dunia akhirat. Pandanglah wajah mereka ya Allah.
Ampunkan dosa kami.
Berikanlah kami, makbulkanlah hajat kami ya Allah. Berilah mereka perniagaan yang untung dunia akhirat. Aku serahkanlah anak didikku ini kepadamu Ya Allah...
Kau yang maha berkuasa atas segala sesuatu.
Makbulkanlah hajat mereka bila mereka keluar dari dewan ini ya Allah. Uruskan urusan mereka ya Allah.
Sekira mereka mati matikanlah meraka dalam iman. Letakkanlah mereka dalam kasih sayang Rasulullah. Sampaikan hajat mereka. Jadikanlah meraka orang yang kaya untuk beri manfaat kepada orang lain ya Allah. Jadikanlah mereka orang yang lebih bersyukur dan sujud kepada kau ya Allah.
Ya Allah kau selamatkanlah perjalanan mereka pulang ke rumah mereka. Peliharalah mereka Ya Allah…...
11 Years of Struggling, Teacher's Prayer Is Still Intact For His Educational Child
Ya Allah we gather here and thank all for your blessings. We are grateful for our journey of life. We are grateful for the hardships that we learn to improve ourselves. We are grateful for the happiness that we become better people. We are grateful for what you give.
Ya Allah, I am Azizan...
I teach you how to be sick ya Allah. My calves are swollen ya Allah.
Take a look at my efforts.
They come there is a hard time. Someone is depressed ya Allah. You lift their stress. There is a problem You manage Ya Allah. Make them grateful and help people.
Everything that comes here has a wish. They came to sacrifice something. There are people who come hard. If they try so much but your permission.
If they act, fulfill their wish. Forgive their sins. Give them wealth and success. Solve their debts omg. Give them a dream of the afterlife. Look at their faces ya Allah.
Forgive our sins.
Give us, grant us our wish ya Allah. Give them a business that profits the afterlife. I leave my educational child to you ya Allah...
You are the most powerful over all things.
Please grant their wish when they leave this hall ya Allah. Mind their affairs ya Allah.
If they die kill them in faith. Put them in the love of the Prophet. Give their wish. Make them rich people to benefit others ya Allah. Make them more grateful and prostrate to you ya Allah.
Ya Allah please save their journey back to their home. Keep them safe Ya Allah......
grant sick leave 在 急急Touch Facebook 的最佳貼文
第一天明哥介紹了這首John Grant的Glacier
十分優美的歌, MV很有意思
You just want to live your life
The best way you know how
But they keep on telling you
That you are not allowed
They say you are sick
That you should hang your head in shame
They are pointing fingers
And want you to take the blame
There are days when people are
So nasty and convincing
They say things beyond belief
That sting and leave you wincing
And to boot they say their words
Come straight down from above
And they really seem to think
That what they're doing counts as love
This pain
It is a glacier moving through you
And carving out deep valleys
And creating spectacular landscapes
And nourishing the ground
With precious minerals and other stuff
So, don't you become paralyzed with fear
When things seem particularly rough
Don't you pay them f**kers as they say no never mind
They don't give two sh**s about you. It's the blind leading the blind
What they want is commonly referred to as theocracy
And what that boils down to is referred as hypocrisy
Don't listen to anyone; get answers on your own
Even if it means that sometimes you feel quite alone
No one on this planet can tell you what to believe
People like to talk a lot, and they like to deceive
This pain
It is a glacier moving through you
And carving out deep valleys
And creating spectacular landscapes
And nourishing the ground
With precious minerals and other stuff
So, don't you become paralyzed with fear
When things seem particularly rough
This pain
It is a glacier moving through you
And carving out deep valleys
And creating spectacular landscapes
And nourishing the ground
With precious minerals and other stuff
So, don't you become paralyzed with fear
When things seem particularly rough
grant sick leave 在 Professor Chef Zam Facebook 的最佳解答
Salam. A piece of advise to all candidates applying for any vacant job:
Make sure you declare all illnesses/diseases in the application form when asked. If you didn't and successfully got a job but along the way you are always on a medical leave for asthma, frequent fever, gout, slipped disc, abortion, dead husband/wife/concubine/fish/pet goat, etc., the employer will go back to the form to see your own declaration. This can be used against you and jeopardize your current and/or potential job(s).
And also, all your excuses for not coming to work will be considered as a do'a and somebody will 'AMEEN' it for you so that Allah SWT may grant your do'a(s). Inshallah.
So.....be careful and most importantly, be HONEST or better still....DO NOT take MC unnecessarily if you are not seriously sick because the income that you'd get for that day will be HARAM, regardless of how much money you paid to get an MC (only from some unethical money-craving clinics, of course).
Just sharing..............happy working & may your HALAL income be blessed by Allah the Almighty. AMEEN :-)
grant sick leave 在 Doctors do not grant sick leave... - Labour Aspects(zimbabwe) 的美食出口停車場
Doctors do not grant sick leave Labour Column, Davis Ndumiso Sibanda MANY workers have found themselves on the wrong side of the law when they have... ... <看更多>