[2013 盛夏,天時暑熱,去泰國曬了一趟。曼谷的美食、景點多元化,樂此不疲! 第二集: 我的曼谷煮飯仔之旅 :)好玩到不行!]
出發前登記了一個當地的Cooking Class,清早起床前往市場觀摩及買菜。泰國菜的美味,主要源於多種薰香撲鼻的香草及薑。有趣的是,這些如薑、香葉等食材於烹調後一般是不會吃的。醬汁也是不可或缺。魚露、糖和檸檬汁差不多是每道主菜的重點,帶出酸甜滋味!至於蔬菜,老師解釋,配搭什麼並無太大關係,根據自己的喜好即可。最後當然少不了肉類,為菜色提供更豐富的營養。
Summer 2013 - Super hot weather, but that is what makes my trip so much fun! Bangkok is a place full of nice gourmet, nice attractions. You will never get bored in this great place. Have a glimpse into my trip, episode 2 - Fun Cooking Class in Bangkok. Loved it and learnt so much from it!
Before arriving Thailand, we have already made the reservation online with the cooking school. Woke up early that day and met up with the teacher at the gathering place. Then we all headed to the wet market. Our nice teacher taught us a lot about the different ingredients Thai usually use. But for some ginger, galangal, or other herbs, those are mainly for bringing out the essence of the dish, instead of eating. Fish sauce, sugar and lemon juice are also a common seasoning. Don't forget the healthy food - veggies, and the protein - meat, in the dish!