#國際連結 美國之旅回顧
• 與共和黨佛羅里達州參議員Marco Rubio會面
• 與共和黨阿肯色州參議員Tom Cotton會面
• 與眾議院少數黨(民主黨)領袖、加州眾議員Nancy Pelosi會面
• 與民主黨明尼蘇達州Tim Walz眾議員會面
• 與主理民主、人權和勞工事務的助理國務卿Tom Malinowski會面
• 美國國會及行政當局中國委員(Congressional-Executive Commission on China)會演講
•《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)電視直播訪問
•《衛報》(The Guardian)“Hong Kong Abductions: Marco Rubio Seeks US Sanctions Against Officials” 報導
•《國際財經時報》(International Business Times)“US Senators Challenge China with Strong Pro-Hong Kong Autonomy Stance” 報導
•《Quartz》“US Senators Introduced a Bill to Punish Chinese Officials Suppressing Freedom in Hong Kong” 報導
•《Hong Kong Free Press HKFP》“US Senators Introduce Bill for ‘Punitive Measures’ Against Those Who Suppress Freedom in Hong Kong” 報導
•《BBC News》中文網〈黃之鋒訪華盛頓 促特朗普關注中國打壓香港〉報導
•《Initium Media 端傳媒》〈黃之鋒在美國見了誰?〉報導
•《蘋果日報》〈黃之鋒赴美促國會重提法案 向中共施壓保港人權利〉報導
•《蘋果日報》〈之鋒美國演講 籲特朗普撐香港人權〉報導
•《華爾街日報》“U.S. Solidarity for Hong Kong: Congress Moves to Sanction Officials Who Suppress the City’s Rights” 評論文章
•《福布斯》(Forbes)雜誌 “The World, and Congress, Have an Interest in What Happens in Hong Kong” 評論文章
•《費城詢問報》(Philadelphia Inquirer)“Worldview: Hong Kong’s Struggle for Democracy” 評論文章
•《紐約時報》(The New York Times)編輯團隊會議
•《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)編輯團隊會議
• 喬治城大學沃爾什外事學院(Walsh School of Foreign Service - Georgetown University)演講
• 受紐約大學法學院教授Jerome Cohen邀請到美國外交關係協會(Council on Foreign Relations)早餐會
• 哥倫比亞大學東亞研究所(Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University)與政治學系教授Andrew Nathan交流
「georgetown university international relations」的推薦目錄:
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- 關於georgetown university international relations 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
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georgetown university international relations 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
★ 幫助學術寫作和 GRE AWA 寫作最有效的閱讀材料之一是? ★
不時有台灣的碩士和博士生內信給我,如果想在academic writing上面作進修,要怎麼樣進修最好。同樣的,很多自修GRE的學生,喜歡去PTT網路爬文,看要怎麼準備AWA最好。
你一定要找一個寫作比你好很多的人幫你改(你的目標如果是AWA 4分,建議找AWA 5分到5.5分的人批改),不被批改過不可能靠頭腦意會進步 (這跟寫作能力很大部分屬於 procedural knowledge有關, as opposed to declarative knowledge)。
得到Feedback後,拿出一個筆記本,紀錄、比較、分析、記憶原句跟批改後的差異。但除了上述藉由output 獲得 feedback的方法之外,一定要有大量有「質量」的input,讓學生去體會學術寫作的「口吻」。英文每一種類型 (genre) 的寫作都會附帶一種口吻,而經濟學人 (The Economist)、時代雜誌 (TIME)只適合用來培養閱讀難文的習慣、記憶單字,其實並不是增進AWA或學術寫作的好題材,因為他們都屬於「新聞性」報導。尤其是TIME,寫作有時過度fictional,不是練習AWA/學術寫作的好文。
我在這邊推薦要準備GRE的學生和想要增進學術寫作的學生「Foreign Affairs」這本雜誌(書局買得到)。
曾經有一位在Georgetown University念外交的友人跟我形容過這本期刊是國際關係 (International Relations) 領域的「bible」。
雖然叫"Foreign Affair",其實內容不只講外交。今年年初的一期,則用很多面向探討了"entrepreneurship" ,而最近這期則用了很多的篇幅分析「機器人」所帶來的影響,而下一期用「多面向」在分析Barack Obama的外交政策。而Foreign Affairs 的筆者幾乎全是大學教授(不是資深記者),這樣的口吻,和背後的邏輯,才是比較像ETS要考察的。
我有很多學生,不管原先底子好不好,都在跟我讀過Foreign Affairs後,GRE AWA從裸考2/2.5 分第二次進步到 3.5/4分,甚至是4.5分。是實際可行,大家可試試看。
★ 王梓沅老師在11月份會開設「GRE實力集訓營」,有興趣的同學歡迎內信詢問 (上一梯招生5天內即額滿,有興趣的同學請提早詢問)。
georgetown university international relations 在 翁靜晶 Facebook 的最佳貼文
英國友人埃里克.何東先生(His Excellency Ambassador Eric Hotung CBE,中文名為何鴻章)是已故香港最具影響的首富羅伯特.何東爵士的長孫、香港工商界鉅子和華社社團領導。
他一九二六年生於香港,孩提和青少年時代在上海渡過。一九四七年赴美, 一九五一年畢業於美國喬治城大學,曾在紐約股票交易所、通用汽車公司等任職。一九五六年和一九五七年,其祖父和父親相繼去世,他回到香港繼承家業,先從事進出口貿易,後經營房地產開發和金融證券,其產業從香港擴展到歐美,與國際上的金融界和證券交易所建立了廣泛聯繫。
His Excellency Ambassador Eric Hotung C.B.E (The Patriot of British Empire), known as He Hongzhang by his Chinese name, is the eldest grandson of Sir. Robert Hotung - last of the Merchant Princes and a leader of the Chinese community.
Born in 1926 in Hong Kong, he spent his childhood and youth in Shanghai. He went to the United States in 1947 and graduated from the Georgetown University in 1951. He had worked in New York Stock Exchange, General Motors and other places. Following the passing away of his grandfather in 1956 and his father in 1957, he returned to Hong Kong to inherit his family's property. At first, he was engaged in import and export trade, and then he went in for real estate development, as well as securities. His business expanded gradually from Hong Kong to Europe and the United States, and in the meantime, he established contacts with financial circles and stock exchanges worldwide.
Carrying on the fine tradition of his family, H.E. Ambassador Hotung has always been enthusiastic in promoting public welfare and the cause of charity. For this, he founded the "Eric Hotung Trust Fund" in 1965 with the aim of developing education in Hong Kong, and other regions and countries. Owing to his wide participation in and warm support to international social activities, he was appointed by many counties as director or council and education. For instance, starting from 1980's he became members of the board of directors of the Georgetown University in the United States and the Research Centre of International Studies in the Philippines. He also serves as Council Member and Trustee of the American National Committee on U.S. - China Relations and the Song Qing Ling Foundation in China. In 1999, after the Timorese people won independence through years of fighting in bloody battles, H.E. Ambassador Hotung, was one of the first individual to come to the country's assistance by donating money, a ship to return refugees and establishing the Hotung Institute for Timor-Leste. He has been appointed by the Timor-Leste government as Ambassador at Large and Economics Advisor for Timor-Leste. Many countries have acknowledged his generosity.
As an old friend of the Chinese people, H.E. Ambassador Hotung is very concerned about China's development, warmheartedly supports her public welfare, and generously donates money to her cultural and educational cause. Since the 1980's his total donation to China(excluding Hong Kong)has reached tens of millions RMB, besides, he has also done much work and contributed positively to the understanding and improvement of relations between China and the United States. Chinese leaders like Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Zhu Rongji, Ye Jianying, Deng Yingchao, Yang Shangkun have all met him personally.
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