Hello everyone!!! 🥰💪🏻👌🏻💫
You deserve Some time to feel GOOD about yourself 😁😁 -so come and Join us for these amazing sessions over 2 days that cover topics such as lifestyle, mental and holistic health, taking charge of our lives and time management as we face the challenges during this difficult time. 💪🏻
Let’s be inspired, learn new knowledge and take that step to rise, ladies!
🎁 You will also have a chance to win lucky draw gifts from our AWE entrepreneurs!🎊
This session is open to all - male or female ❤️
🗓 Mark your calendars for the 30th & 31st of July ! 💪🏻
MIASA MalaysiaKementerian Kesihatan Malaysia - Portal MyhealthKementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat KPWKM Noor Hisham Abdullah WENA
Register here:
#wena #empowerment #miasa #transforminglives #transformationalleadership @wenamalaysia #mentalhealth #entrepreneur #womenentrepreneurs #usahawanwanita #usahawan #seminaronline
female entrepreneur challenges 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Hello everyone!!! 🥰💪🏻👌🏻💫
You deserve Some time to feel GOOD 😁😁 -so come and Join us for these amazing sessions over 2 days that cover topics such as lifestyles, mental and holistic health, taking charge of our lives and time management as we face the challenges during this difficult time.
Let’s be inspired, learn new knowledge and take that step to rise, ladies!
🎁 You will also have a chance to win lucky draw gifts from our AWE entrepreneurs!🎊
This session is open to all - male or female ❤️
🗓 Mark your calendars for the 30th & 31st of July
Register here:
#wena #empowerment #miasa @miasa.malaysia @wenamalaysia #mentalhealth #entrepreneur #womenentrepreneurs #usahawanwanita #usahawan #seminaronline
female entrepreneur challenges 在 Joyce看世界就是不一樣 - Joyce Yang Facebook 的最佳解答
【From a Content Director to Braking through the Glass Ceiling and Built a Multi-Million Dollar Online 她來自美國加州,透過建立自己的線上課程事業,第四年超過1百萬美金 (將近3000萬台幣) 收入,現在年收入超過1千萬美金 (約台幣3億元)】
A business owner, online marketing expert and social media influencer – Amy Porterfield, an American female entrepreneur started her own business 7 years after working as a Content Director in the corporate world. She longed for being her own boss. When she first broke away from working for someone else, she started a marketing agency which turned out that she had more than 8 bosses (her clients). Her second attempt was to launch an online course but she only made $247.
But she didn’t give up.
It only took her 4 years to hit her first million-dollar year, and less than 10 years to launch 8 successful digital courses, enrol 40,000+ students, grow a community of over half a million people, and be on track for a $10 million dollar year.
Amy shared with Forbes that after a massive failure in launching her first digital course that “I started to pay really close attention to what my audience needed: reading their comments on my blog, paying attention to their questions and stories, and uncovering their fears, challenges, and hopes. Finally, I began creating courses that people would actually buy (such as how to use social media to build your business).”
Furthermore, she pointed out that “As money started flowing in, I realized that if I could do this, other women could, too.”
她來自美國加州,在企業體制下工作近七年,後來建立自己的線上課程事業。但是創業之路不是一帆風順,第一次推出的課程只賺了247美元,她沒有放棄💪 堅持到第四年,年收超過1百萬美金,現在年收入超過1千萬美金,她的課程專門教如何開始做自己的線上課程,以及鼓勵女性創業,做自己的老闆。看完是不是覺得很受鼓舞,如果你想要,你也一樣可以喔😎
💜 還有,如果你想知道Joyce的英文學習之路,用最簡單有效的方法讓你英文聽說讀寫都很快可以上手,達到能夠商務溝通以及工作的話,記得在這篇文章留言給我 ~ 不要害羞喔😘 將會有「讓你的英文比英文是母語的人更溜小筆記」推出喔😉
💜 https://www.joyceseestheworld.com/
90 days writing challenge - Day 34
IG: @joyceseesozandtheworld