“Results: We find that the 12th-order polynomial fit to the spectral passband utilised in the published study leads to spurious results. Following their recipe, five other >10 sigma lines can be produced in absorption or emission within 60 km/s from the PH3 1-0 transition frequency by suppressing the surrounding noise. Our independent analysis shows a feature near the PH3 frequency at a ~2 sigma level, below the common threshold for statistical significance. Since the spectral data have a non-Gaussian distribution, we consider a feature at such level as statistically unreliable that cannot be linked to a false positive probability.
Conclusions: We find that the published 267-GHz ALMA data provide no statistical evidence for phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus.”
evident evidence 在 美國小兒科醫師 Peddy Facebook 的最讚貼文
我的第一份工作是在大醫院裡的urgent care,中文翻成急門診。在美國除非你有公共保險像是medicaid,一般都會避免去急診,於是有了urgent care的制度:專門處理有點急又不太急的病症。營業時間也故意跟一般門診錯開,大部分是傍晚開到晚上(美國晚上很少有門診)。
也因此在urgent care看的病種類很廣(一半的病會在急診看到、一半會在門診看到),對我這個初出茅廬的主治醫師來說,是個很好的開始。學習曲線直線上升✈✈。
我們的urgent care因為在醫院裡,工作時間比一般社區urgent care長:早上11點到晚上11點。地點就在急診隔壁。急診護士triage後常會將病人直接送到這裡(但有時醫師評估之後會再把病人轉回去)。病人常在11點關門前才出現,工作到半夜12點1點是很平常的事。聽護士說冬天常要看到半夜兩三點……抖😟。不過好險我們跟急診一樣是算時薪的,over hour也一樣有錢拿。
因為COVID的關係,現在病人量是平常的2/3。在這個時期開始剛好給我更多時間上手 ❤️
第一個禮拜我一個小時看兩個病人(包括寫病歷)。職前訓練時,medical director說據研究,一般小兒急診合理的病人數是每小時1-2個病人; 我們因為acuity較低,平均下來每個provider每小時是看3個病人。
Urgent care不像一般門診能夠follow up病人,風險較高,因此需要詳細解釋病情、告知注意事項,包括甚麼時候該去看門診、甚麼時候該去急診。任何的主訴就算只是耳朵痛,我也一定會做詳細的身體檢查,很怕漏看。
在醫院工作最大好處是常見疾病都有evidence based guideline,會隨著研究更新,也有很多online class跟workshop可以參加。
我下個月開始也會在一個大型社區中心(聯合診所,30幾個醫生)看診,在醫院學到的新知剛好可以用到社區裡。對我這個喜歡evident based medicine、看文獻,同時也喜歡在社區工作的菜鳥主治來說,這樣的組合真的是太夢幻了🌈(灑花🌺🌺🌺)。
不過......現在光一個簡單中耳炎我就可以跟病人講個15分鐘 …. 加上covid時期,病人只要有任何screen positive(包括輕微發燒),我們都是全套隔離(N95、護目鏡、隔離衣、手套),進出診間相當麻煩。老實說以這樣的速度,我是有點擔心冬天來了怎麼辦🤣記得以前在教學門診,看到許多有經驗的醫師看病真是又快又詳細。解釋病情時也是一口氣就能揭露所有病人需要知道的資訊,相當厲害!!目前我最需要的是建立一套自己的work flow,將常見系病需要cover的東西系統化,就比較不怕漏看、漏講囉😊
照片一: 診間一隅
照片二: 敝院中耳炎治療方針
evident evidence 在 堅離地城:沈旭暉國際生活台 Simon's Glos World Facebook 的精選貼文
🇬🇧 面對1984式「New Truth」歷史,已跳船的監警會前國際專家小組成員、英國基爾大學自然科學研究院院長Clifford Stott,在Twitter如此回應:
It seems evident that the authorities in Hong Kong, including the HKPF, are aligning to produce a coordinated attack on the pro-democracy movement.
We should perhaps not be surprised then, that this will revolve around a writing of their own history of 2019 in a manner that is in line with their ideological position of portraying the protest crowds as irrational mobs.
The strategy involves a portrayal of these mobs being manipulated by criminal agitators, many of whom they argue are funded and influenced by antithetical external forces. On the basis of the evidence I have seen I would suggest that nothing could be further from the truth.
Indeed, as crowd psychologists we have often seen the ways in which this form of crowd theory is used by political actors to deny the legitimate basis for protest, mask the role of state in the construction of crowd violence and to legitimise reactionary forms of policing.
Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/cliffordstott/status/1298873718723272705