☄Happy New Year to everyone!
Celebrated the end of 2017 with my favourite matcha desserts at @viatokyocafe yesterday. .
This Christmas kakigori is only available in a limited time, so better try it before it's gone😜! .
There is matcha sauce & strawberry sauce on the matcha espuma, both sauce is rich in flavour, and these 2 flavours actually go well together!
It's also filled with some chocolate custard filling & mille feuille. However, I personally prefer to have azuki paste and mochi as its filling instead.
呢個聖誕版沙冰一半係抹茶味, 一半係士多啤梨味🍓, 可以一次過滿足你兩個願望! 刨冰上鋪上一層勁厚既抹茶忌廉😍, 抹茶漿既抹茶味濃郁突出; 士多啤梨漿味道酸酸甜甜, 好開胃, 兩種味道配沙冰都好正!沙冰入面原來仲藏有酥餅同朱古力醬。
但沙冰磨得唔夠幼細, 食到底既時候食到冰塊, 入面既朱古力醬同個沙冰好似唔係太夾, 我覺得配紅豆蓉會好食d。 . .
Rating: 8.5/10
. 📍地址: Via Tokyo
尖沙咀金馬倫道29號A地舖 ------------------------------------------------------- .
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