Yeahhh... ermmmm............that definitely just happenned....
Multitrack stems for this live jam are now available here :-
#TLC No Scrubs Live #Cover / #Remix
Sequenced by two Arturia Beatstep pro's The first beatstep was controlling the two synth lines that were running, which i programmed in at the start on the keyboard. It also controls all the drums, running between two different beats. one for verse (4 to da flooowr) and a breakdown beat for the chorus's, basically just breaking up the kick drum pattern. The second Beatstep in this one was only controlling the JUNO (BUT HOW DO YOU SEQUENCE A POLYPHONIC INSTRUMENT WITH A BEATSTEP PRO??) easy.... the drum channel. assign all of the drum pads to different keys, that way you can play in a polyphonic synth line.
- The first synth line was a single oscillator, running into a moog style ladder filter, with not much attack on its envelope so it sounded like a slow clumsy man being followed by a trombone. In the cover i was adjusting the octave at some points but not much.
- The big bassline which comes in in the chorus is 2 synths. The main part is a triple oscillator going into a ms20 style filter, then into 2 sets of distortion, the second one (a SAFETY VALVE TUBE) has a switch which enables it which boosts the volume, this switch also engages the second bass synth which is a further 3 oscillators and a very low sub oscillator to turn on. These go into a juno style chorus widener and all that stuff. (this switch also fires out a 5v signal to turn up the VCA on the snare spring reverb, and the decay on the high hats) *talk about modular presets hey*
-The juno has 2 midi cables connecting it to the beatstep pro above, so it can send midi and receive midi.
-sadly after however many takes i did of this cover at some point kosmo's face turned off and i didnt realise DOH :(.
-My vocals are running into a roland vocal processor, so i can turn on a pitched down vocal, to add more dynamics, its also going into some saturation and some delay which i turn on and off at points.
-The ms10 is just going through a handful of pedals to make it sound a bit more gnarly, which is tough to saturate a single oscillator synth, so i send it through smallr room reverb first, then into a pitch downing cheapo chinese pedal, then into some distortion then into more reverb. the first instance of reverb gives the distortion something to bite on, instead of just boosting the signal of just a single wave, which aint too fun at all!
I literally listenned to the song a couple of times then just took the essence and forgot most of it haha. hence it ain't really a cover but more a live remix or summit? aaaah who knows!!
Also! the kick trigger is also sent to an envelope generator, which sends out an inverted output to open VCA's on the bass channels, hence you get that snazzy sidechain Ducking **quack quack*
envelope signal 在 COMPOTECHAsia電子與電腦 - 陸克文化 Facebook 的最佳解答
#5G通訊 #物聯網IoT #Wi-Fi #量測驗證
【5G 驗證訣竅多,魔鬼藏在細節裡】
Wi-Fi 傳輸容量、技術和使用頻段不斷與時俱進,在 5G 時代可 Offload 電信系統的負擔、與其互補,且視頻串流傳輸日益順暢,已在物聯網 (IoT) 成功卡位,角色將更為吃重。Wi-Fi 是以 2.4 GHz 為起始點,但頻寬小 (約只有 80 MHz,而 40 MHz 是目前 ISM 頻段的上限)、頻段擁擠為其缺點——藍芽、ZigBee 皆位於此區間,故容易產生干擾。
受限於頻段擴張性,Wi-Fi 嚐試轉戰更高頻段,卻可能與 5G 通訊標準出現重疊,為 Wi-Fi 設計帶來諸多挑戰:
★頻寬須增至 80 / 160 MHz:相較於早期 802.11 a/ b/ g/ n 只有 40 MHz,功率放大器 (PA) 的「數位預失真技術」(Digital pre-distortion, DPD) 需有 3~5 倍的系統頻寬才能工作;
★更好的調變品質及除錯工具:256 QAM 需要更高的訊號雜訊比 (SNR) 與更好的相位雜訊 (Phase Noise) 以糾出 I/Q 不匹配;
★新型態 MIMO 及 Beamforming 技術:為支援最多 8 個空間串流 (Spatial Streams),需要更多天線、處理與空間,製作多天線原型需要多通道測試系統;
★改善 PA 效率及線性:省電封包追蹤 (Envelope Tracking)。
為迎合 5G 超乎想像的快速、如影隨形的不斷網服務、同時服務廣大群眾、異質網路串連並自動搜尋優化、萬物聯網等宏圖,須以創新的波形/頻段、毫米波、大規模 MIMO、全雙工技術,減少頻道浪費並減少時間延遲,並解決越高頻、耗損越快的問題;而與有能力參與標準制訂的量測廠商合作,則有助於掌握產業趨勢、迅速更新產品。因為遊戲規則,向來是由 Leading Players 所「定義」。
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