【Seeing Magnetic Fields / 看見磁場】
Written and illustrated by Angel Chang
Birds may not only rely on induction to feel magnetic fields, but can actually see it!
In the early studies of birds’ sensory, most of researchers support and infer that the sense of direction of birds comes from their sixth sense or built-in compasses. However, in the modern era when electronic products are booming, researchers have also confirmed that low-frequency waves can interfere with birds' judgment of magnetic fields.
In early 2018, an essay published in Current Biology proposed that Cry4 protein in birds’ brains might have effect birds ability to see the earth's magnetic field. Related reports also simulate the possible color matching of birds point of view.
Read more about bird vision:
+ Medium “長途遷徙也不會迷路:鳥類「看」得見地球的磁場嗎?” shorturl.at/mzOU2
+ Science Alert “Birds Can See Earth's Magnetic Fields, And Now We Know How That's Possible” shorturl.at/twART
+Current Biology ”Double-Cone Localization and Seasonal Expression Pattern Suggest a Role in Magnetoreception for European Robin Cryptochrome 4 ” shorturl.at/bkry6