Truly had an amazing time putting this musical short film together. Dragged two suitcases full of props on a hr high speed train ride to meet the awesome people @counter656 It's been months in the making. Afterwards which I've been editing and adding effects after filming 12hr days on set in China. This is the final end product. Thank you to everyone involved, from the creation of my face to the clothes, to the body, each frame was a frame of magic. Artwork: @relmxx Blessed by all of you! #Godisgood #blessingsonblessings Link in bio 🙌
#DaftPunk #Medicom #Bearbrick #ReadyMadeFrogman #KawsBFF #kawsMichelinMan #MontyPythonKillerRabbit #Michael Lau #CrazyChildren #DJTommy #GoldLightan #StormTrooper #Hottoys #Batman #CopycatBulky #Voltron #Pinocchio #Machi大哥 #PrincessMononoke #Kodama #RonEnglish #FatTonythetiger #Moglomz #BruceLee #TMNT #Donatello #Transformers #ThunderCats #LionO #Goku #DBZ #Predator #CharlieChaplin #CaballeroDragon #Muppets #KingKoopa
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