你有沒有坐過Uber,或是讓Uber Eats幫你把熱騰騰的美食送到家門口呢?如果有的話,那你一定見識過分享經濟的力量。最新一集「美國在台協會大哉問」中,美國在台協會發言人孟雨荷與Uber營運長Barney Harford一同討論分享經濟及人工智慧如何為台灣經濟做出貢獻。千萬不要錯過!#3QuestionsWithAIT #AITPresents #SharingEconomy
Have you ever taken an Uber or had UberEats deliver food from your favorite restaurant to your front door? Then you know the power of the sharing economy. In our latest episode of AIT Presents: 3 Questions, AIT Spokesperson Amanda and Uber Chief Operating Officer Barney Harford discuss how the sharing economy and artificial intelligence can contribute to Taiwan’s economy. Check it out!