🔗 俐媽英文教室—生物技術篇:
🧬 Cloning 克隆操作實驗相關:
1. Vector 載體;媒介;另有向量的意思
2. Plasmid 質體
3. Restriction Enzyme 限制酶
4. Ligation 連接 (常用於描述DNA片段黏合到質體上的手法)
5. Screen 篩選 (Blue and white Screen: 藍白篩選)
6. Gel electrophoresis 膠體電泳(分離不同DNA/RNA/蛋白質分子大小之技術)
7. Transcription 轉錄 (遺傳資訊由DNA複製到RNA的過程)
8. Translation 轉譯 (遺傳資訊由RNA合成多肽/蛋白質的過程)
9. Transformation 轉型作用 (細胞攝取外源遺傳物質之過程, 多用於細菌、植物細胞)
10. Transfection 轉染作用 (將外源基因/質體以非病毒方法植入細胞的過程, 較用於動物細胞)
11. Transduction 轉導作用 (以病毒相關方法將外源遺傳物質植入細胞的過程)
12. Electroporation 電穿孔技術
13. Resistance 抗性 (antibiotic resistance 抗藥性)
14. Cell culture 細胞培養
15. Incubation 培養 (原意為incubate孵化)
16. Expression 表現 (Gene expression 基因表現;overexpression 過量表現)
17. Gene knock-out 基因剔除
18. Extract (V./N.) 抽取,萃取/抽出物 (DNA/RNA/protein/其他; 名詞Extraction指的是抽出的動作)
🧪 PCR = polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶鏈鎖反應
1. Denaturation 變性→ Denature (vt.) 改變…特性
2. Annealing 黏合
3. Elongation 延長→ Elongate (vt./vi.) 延長
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#俐媽英文教室 #俐媽英文教室醫學檢驗篇 #俐媽英文教室生物科技篇 #俐媽英文教室生物技術篇 #cloning
cell cloning 在 李世淦-屏東縣議員 Facebook 的最讚貼文
徵才機關: 國立屏東科技大學
人員區分: 其他人員
名額: 1
性別: 不拘
工作地點: 90-屏東縣
有效期間: 108/06/25~108/06/27
國立屏東科技大學107學年度第2學期「校務基金進用」徵聘「研究人員」公告(生物技術領域) 聘期自本校通知報到日起聘,以一年一聘為原則,但計畫期限在一年以內者,應依實際所需時間聘用,任期最長以三年為限。惟如因計畫持續需要,得聘期得至計畫執行期限結束時止。 (自本校通知報到日起聘)
1.細胞生物學: 動物細胞培養、訊息傳遞路徑之機制分析、基因表現分析、螢光顯微鏡操作與應用。
2.分子生物學: 基因選殖、基因之異源表現。
3.動物實驗: 熟悉大鼠與小鼠之動物實驗操作技術。
◆Department:General Research Service Center
◆Position:Research assistant level (above)
◆General Requirement:With a Life Science or Biotechnology-related have MS or PhD’s degree from an institute recognized by the Ministry of Education of R.O.C.
◆Specialization or Special Qualification(research and publication requirement included):
1.Cell Biology: mammalian cell culture, signaling pathway and mechanism study, gene expression assays, application of fluorescence microscopy.
2. Molecular Biology: gene cloning, heterologous expression of recombinant genes.
3.animal tests: experimental animal manipulation technique of Rat and mouse . ================================================================================
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cell cloning 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
Chinese scientists pioneer monkey cloning
Scientists in China have successfully cloned two monkeys, the latest step in the country’s ambition to become a global scientific leader.
The genetically identical long-tailed macaques born in Shanghai last month, called Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, are the first primate clones produced through the method that made Dolly the sheep in Scotland in 1996. Their names are a play on the phrase Zhonghua, which means Chinese nation or people.
這兩隻基因相同的長尾獼猴在上個月誕生於上海,取名為中中和華華,它們是自1996年第一隻複製羊「桃莉 (Dolly) 」在蘇格蘭誕生以來,用同樣方法複製出來的首批靈長類動物。牠們名字的寓意為「中華」,即中華民族或中國人民。
Although the cloning method, known as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), is almost routine in mammals such as sheep, cattle and mice, it has been extremely difficult to replicate in primates. Previous efforts with monkeys often resulted in clones that did not develop properly as embryos or died shortly after birth.
雖然被稱為「體細胞核移植 (SCNT) 」的複製方法用於羊、牛和鼠等哺乳動物已近乎尋常,但在靈長類動物身上極難應用。以前複製猴子的嘗試往往只能得到無法正常發育的胚胎,或者在出生後很快夭折的動物。
Now that SCNT cloning has been achieved with primates, human cloning is possible, said authors of the study, which is published in the journal Cell.
“The technical barrier is now broken. In principle [this method] can be applied to humans,” said Mu-ming Poo, a co-author, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Centre for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology. But, he added, “we cloned [the macaques] to produce animal models useful for medicine, for human health. There’s no intention for us to apply this method to humans.”
SCNT involves replacing the nucleus of an egg cell with DNA from a differentiated body cell such as skin. This reconstructed egg develops into a clone of the DNA donor.
In 1999 US researchers at the Oregon National Primate Research Center produced a live cloned rhesus monkey, named Tetra, through embryo splitting — a simpler process that occurs naturally in identical twins but cannot generate more than four clones at a time.
1999年,美國俄勒岡國家靈長類動物研究中心(Oregon National Primate Research Center)的研究人員利用胚胎分裂技術(一種更簡單的過程,在同卵雙胞胎中自然發生,但無法一次產生4個以上的複製體),成功複製出一隻名叫Tetra的恒河猴。
In principle, SCNT can produce a larger number of clones from the same donor, which could help medical research by generating genetically uniform groups of monkeys with specific characteristics.
The team at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Neuroscience in Shanghai failed in its efforts to produce healthy clones from adult cells but succeeded with fibroblasts — connective tissue cells — from a macaque foetus.
The researchers not only replace the DNA sequence but also make sure the sequence expression of certain genes and the amount of that expression are co-ordinated so they are in the right place at the right time,” said Gang Fang at New York University Shanghai. “That’s quite difficult.”
「研究人員不僅要替換DNA序列,還要確保某些基因的序列表達以及表達的數量協調一致,使它們在正確的時間到達正確的位置,」上海紐約大學(New York University Shanghai)的方剛表示。「這種操作的難度很大。」
Zhong Zhong, eight weeks, and Hua Hua, six weeks, are apparently developing normally. The Shanghai team expects more macaque clones to be born over the coming months.
The study raises concerns about animal ethics in China, which has less rigid testing regulations than many other countries, though the researchers followed guidelines for animal research set by the US National Institutes of Health. Dr. Poo is encouraging scientists internationally to discuss the issue. “We are very aware that future research using non-human primates anywhere in the world depends on scientists following very strict ethical standards,” he said.
The cloned macaques are examples of the way skyrocketing Chinese state funding of basic research is yielding significant advances in fields ranging from quantum computing to biology.
Chinese state-led funding of basic research — science that has no immediate commercial applications — increased to $10 billion in 2015. While that number is about one-quarter of US federal spending on basic research, it represents a vast increase from the $3.9 billion in total state science funding four years earlier, according to China’s National Natural Science Foundation.
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