這次來倫敦只住兩天,選擇了地點絕佳的The Grosvenor Hotel。這家歷史悠久的飯店,擁有古典又高雅的裝潢,聽說是以巴黎凡爾賽宮作為參考,一進大廳內映入眼簾的是水晶大吊燈,還有氣派奢華的紅地毯,二樓則是巴洛克風格的迴廊,也可以到貴賓休息室享用酒品或咖啡。除了富麗堂皇的室內設計,酒店位置就在維多利亞車站裡!從機場搭乘機場快線只需30分鐘就可以抵達,另外前往其他城市搭火車也非常便利,而對街的維多利亞地鐵則是三條地鐵線的交匯處,最棒的是⋯走出飯店就可以開始觀光了!從飯店步行10min可以到白金漢宮、聖詹姆士公園、西敏寺還有大笨鐘,基本上所有倫敦具代表性的景點都在附近。
As I am only staying in London for two days this time and I have chosen to stay in the Grosvenor Hotel.
When I entered the front door, I was greatly amazed by the traditional and beautiful design of the hotel lobby. On the second floor, you can enjoy some coffee and refreshments inside the executive lounge.
Another important thing is the hotel itself is in a perfect location which is just next to the Victoria train station. Here you can take the Gatwick Express to the Gatwick airport in 30 minutes, you can also take train to places such as the countryside of London. Victoria station is the hub of 3 railways which is very convenient to take any train from there. Near the hotel, the Buckingham House, St. James Park, Westminster and the Big Ben are all in the Whitehall area with a walkable distance. I highly recommend this hotel to everyone! It is really worthwhile to stay during your visit in London
【飯店資訊】:The Grosvenor Hotel - London Victoria
地址:101 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0SJ, England
網址: http://www.guoman.com/en/index.html
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