【棕地大縮水 填島大科水】
我哋就政府選址以東嘅地段查冊(綠色),發現與新世界有關聯公司「盛店投資有限公司」(BUSY FIRM INVESTMENT LIMITED)及合作公司MAXHERO LIMITED擁有當中多個地段,當中包括2016年涉及橫洲黑幕的改劃申請(Y/YL-PS/2)。裡面棕地現時大多為平地停車場,用途上適合收回動工,而新世界亦曾作過住宅申請(A/YL-PS/565),雖然已經撤回,但也可見該地段已有「地產商認證」適合成為住宅用地。
▍研究到底 參與小額月捐支持
「brownfield investment」的推薦目錄:
- 關於brownfield investment 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於brownfield investment 在 譚凱邦 Roy Tam Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於brownfield investment 在 姚松炎 Edward Yiu Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於brownfield investment 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於brownfield investment 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於brownfield investment 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
brownfield investment 在 譚凱邦 Roy Tam Facebook 的精選貼文
【Joint Statement from Green Groups】
反對開發郊野公園 不接受「可加可減」
郊野公園具重要旅遊康樂及規劃功能 港人重要綠色寶庫
Objection to Developing Country Parks and the Adjustment Mechanism
Make Use of Brownfield Sites, Military Camps and Spare Land
The Chief Executive Mr. CY Leung told the media that he has instructed relevant departments to conduct a study on developing country parks. Green Groups are furious and strongly opposed to this, as the public has already voiced opposition to the development of country parks. However, the government still insists on doing so and, furthermore, devotes more resources to this, deliberately leading to conflict within our community.
In fact, there is still a lot of land available for development in Hong Kong. The housing shortage problem has originated from “Uneven Distribution”. Over the years, the government has avoided reviewing the “Small House Policy” (land designated for New Territories Exempted Houses), unused Military Camps and Brownfield sites. These are the main reasons for the present situation. Moreover, the government has failed to address the problem of vacant housing units and private flats used for investment and speculation purposes, falsely presenting the situation as a “lack of land”. As there are other land resource options, it is totally unacceptable for the government to use the welfare of the elderly as an excuse for developing country parks.
Country Parks are important features and treasures in Hong Kong. Apart from the environmental value of preserving our precious ecology, they are also well-known for eco-tourism, community enjoyment (for public recreation) and even have a role to play in urban planning (for preventing over-expansion of the urban areas). Country parks are also important water catchment areas, which allow rainwater to flow into surrounding reservoirs. Furthermore, trees in country parks can absorb carbon dioxide and offset some of the greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels, which relieves global warming.
Mr. CY Leung pointed out that low ecological parts of country parks can be developed. We totally disagree with his claims. All the plants, flowers and birds in the country parks have their own meaning and value to the natural environment. Ecological value cannot be measured in objective criteria. He further suggested the “Adjustment Mechanism” in Country Parks, which we consider to be “weasel words” designed to mislead the public about conservation. The geographical location, the terrain, environment and the ecology of each existing country park are unique and should not be replaced by any excuses. The exchange of another “new” country park area is totally a mistake.
Mr. CY Leung hasn’t made good use of brownfield sites, military campsites or spare land before advocating the development of country park borders. Hong Kong’s housing problem could also be solved not just by finding land but also by controlling housing demand through a population policy. Once the natural environment is destroyed, it cannot be restored to what it was before. Therefore, the government should not develop our country parks, which are the pride of Hong Kong people.
***Co-sign Parties (Alphabetical Order)***
伊甸方舟 Ark Eden
Association for Geoconservation, Hong Kong 香港地貌岩石保育協會
Clear The Air 爭氣行動
創建香港 Designing Hong Kong
香港大學學生會理學會環境生命科學學會 HKU Environmental Life Science Society
Friends of the Earth (HK) 香港地球之友
海下之友 Friends of Hoi Ha
大浪灣之友 Friends of Tailongwan
綠領行動 Greeners Action
綠色社區 Green Community
綠色大嶼山協會 Green Lantau Association
綠色和平東亞分部 Green Peace East Asia
綠色力量 Green Power
環保觸覺 Green Sense
香港自然生態論壇 HKWildlife.net
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society 香港觀鳥會
島嶼活力行動 Living Islands Movement - LIM
群峰學會 Range Education Centre
長春社 The Conservancy Association
綠惜地球 The Green Earth
香港自然探索學會 Society of Hong Kong Nature Explorers Kong Nature Explorers
brownfield investment 在 姚松炎 Edward Yiu Facebook 的最讚貼文
CoVision16 與我有很多共同信念,他們有政治理想,有政綱,有創造力,有行動力,能夠感染別人,讓人見到希望,令人振奮。
【CoVision16 政綱】
【CoVision16 Election Platform】
[守護價值 爭雙普選]
1. 堅守法治,司法獨立
2. 保障人權,符合《國際人權公約》及《禁止酷刑公約》
3. 確切執行高度自治
4. 撤回人大831框架,重啟政改,達至雙普選
5. 以廢除功能組別為最終目標,提出切實可行方案去改革現時選舉制度
6. 反對來屆政府為23條立法
7. 問責官員「負責制」,以免前線公務員成為高官施政失誤的擋箭牌
8. 制定檔案法,開放更多政府資訊,增加政府官員決策透明度
[古今相織 創意互融]
1. 以實質政策支援本地文化產業,將香港文化出口世界各地
2. 公共建築工程顧問之聘用,應採取價格和設計質素平衡考慮的做法,改善現行價低者得的方法,讓大眾生活的環境質素得以提升
3 成立專家委員會,研究改善古蹟保育政策
4. 推動及制度化地積比轉移政策,作為私有古蹟保育的誘因
5. 改革市區重建條例,以社會投資回報作主要考慮因素
[住屋為重 綠化並行]
1. 棕土先行、空置先用、遏止囤積房屋土地
2. 研究城市承載力,平衡環境與發展
3. 修訂《城市規劃條例》,就規劃署未有執管權的鄉郊及綠化地帶土地引入發展審批地區圖,修補漏洞;並改革城規會,加入至少一半民選專業代表委員
4. 推行只有居住權、沒有炒賣價值的合作社房屋,解決住屋問題
5. 新設政府署級,統籌香港公共空間的設計及使用,包括:
• 立法規定提供公共空間的要求與樹木管理
• 推動步行和單車友善海濱
6. 加快推動可持續發展:
• 源頭減廢,支援回收產業、社區分享
• 全面禁止即棄膠質用具
• 強化香港陸上和海洋生物多樣性,並禁止販賣受保護動物
7. 推動行人、單車和公共交通優先政策
8. 基建工程常設工料測量師以控制成本,防止超支
9. 檢討丁屋政策,堵塞漏洞,防止套丁
10. 復興農業,增加自給率
11. 推動長幼共融社區設計
12. 設立社區專業人士團隊,提供渠道讓區內居民由下而上處理社區規劃、樓宇維修、公共空間設計管理等議題
13. 運用已成熟的科技,推廣創新建築
★★Political Demands★★
[Uphold our Core Values towards universal suffrage]
1. Defend the Rule of Law and Judicial Independence
2. Protect Human Rights in accordance with the International Bill of Human Rights and the United Nations Convention against Torture
3. Demand that the pledge of a High Degree of Autonomy for the HKSAR be honoured fully
4. Reject the 2014 NPC Standing Committee decision on Hong Kong 2017 election framework (831 Framework) and restart electoral reform towards real universal suffrage
5. With the objective of abolishing FCs, commence reforms of the current system
6. Indefinitely postpone enactment of Article 23 of the Basic Law
7. Hold politically appointed officials accountable, not just civil servants
8. Introduce archive legislation to ensure public access to information and transparency of government decisions
★★Culture, Heritage, Conservation★★
[Creativity blending our past and present]
1. Provide policy support to the local creative industry and promote Hong Kong talent and capability to global market
2. Shift from “lowest-bidder-first” to prioritizing high quality design and innovation in public works tendering
3. Set up an expert committee to study and improve heritage conservation policies
4. Reform the plot ratio transfer mechanism to incentivize private heritage conservation
5. Reform the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance with social return on investment (SROI) as a major consideration
★★Environment and Development★★
[Housing and Nature are mutually beneficial]
1. Priority to development of brownfield and vacant land, and take rigorous action against land hoarding
2. Conduct research on Urban Carrying Capacity for a sustainable balance of development and environment
3. Amend the Town Planning Ordinance to require Development Permission to all rural land and land reserved for conservation. Reform the Town Planning Board to ensure at least 50% members elected by professional institutes and community groups
4. Introduce Co-operative Housing to protect housing rights from market speculation
5. To establish a new department to prioritise and oversee the design and usage of the public realm space, including:
• Enhance open space and tree management legislation
• Making waterfronts publicly accessible for pedestrians and cyclists
6. Prioritize sustainable development
• Implement a rigorous waste management policy towards elimination of non-recyclable waste, support of the recycling industry and community sharing
• Eliminate single use polystyrene and plastic products
• Enhance land and marine biodiversity, reduce our footprint and control the trade in protected species
7. Prioritizing pedestrian, cycle and public transportation
8. Instigate rigorous justification and cost control processes for existing and future large public works projects
9. Review the New Territories Small House Policy, prevent the illegal transfer of building rights, close policy loopholes
10. Revitalize agriculture and increase food self-sufficiency ratio
11. Pursue harmonious inter-generational community design
12. Facilitate “bottom-up” community planning, building maintenance, and design and management of public open space with local community professional teams and stakeholders
13. Promote building innovation over proven technology
CoVision16 團隊
#10蔣偉騏 #21黎可頴 #24林穎茵 #29陳潔華
#41林芷筠 #43李斌 #46關兆倫 #49鄭炳鴻
#53黎永鋒 #58黃智鈞
#70劉紹禧 #74汪整樂 #77陳堯坤 #88雷雯
What you need to know about the EC Election
競選短片 Campaign Video
參選宣言 Manifesto
關兆倫 Lam Tsz Kwan Camille Ifung Petrelli Ken Wong Millie Lam Ric Tseung Chan Yiu Kwan Gavin Coates Brandy Lai Christopher Wong Lui Man Wallace Chang Eva Chan Kit Wah Derek Lau Benson Lee Paul Zimmerman 司馬文