Some people are sincerely looking for truth, while others are just looking for attention.
You must learn to discern the intentions of people so that you know who to give your time to, and who to just pray for from a distance.
Your time is too precious to waste on toxic individuals who are just looking for attention and wanting to pick a fight to spread their negativity.
Quickly cut direct contact with such people, and just pray for them from afar, that the Lord will transform and provide abundant grace for them.
Instead, walk with the wise ones who love the Gospel of Jesus Christ—those with an active faith who bring you closer to the things of God, inspiring you to live a godly life.
It is to your benefit to find a friend like that, and it is the gift of God to build you up. Iron sharpens irons. A godly friend will turn you into a polished blade, fit for the Master’s use.
As for those who are unsure about God’s word but show a sincere desire and commitment to grow in the knowledge of the Gospel, give such people a helping hand, giving useful pointers to guide them in the right direction. Help whoever you can, as the Holy Spirit leads you.
We all deal with people daily, so you need wisdom to apportion your time. Time is precious—use it well!
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benefit of helping others 在 Azizan Osman Facebook 的最讚貼文
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benefit of helping others 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
“When you set your eyes on wealth, it is [suddenly] gone. For wealth certainly makes itself wings Like an eagle that flies to the heavens.” (PROVERBS 23:5 AMP)
I noticed that in times when I worry about finances and my focus in life shifts to earning more money, the income that I pursue becomes even more unattainable.
However in times when I am sincerely seeking the Lord in His word and listening to Jesus-centered sermons often, unexpected income suddenly pours in. Amazing isn’t it?
I believe that this phenomenon is linked to what Jesus said about seeking first God’s kingdom and His righteousness and all these (material) things will also be added to you.
When you as a believer focus on gaining wealth, it will fly away like an elusive eagle. It can be tempting to focus on this pursuit, especially in times like these of financial instability.
As a believer, your flesh has no power to sustainably increase and keep wealth. You can only receive it through faith. Hearing about Jesus refocuses your gaze unto Him and ushers you into the state of undefiled faith.
When you make hearing, reading and receiving God’s word a priority, provision is a side-benefit that will definitely be yours.
What about those unbelievers who prosper? How come they can do so?
“He who is faithful in a very little [thing] is faithful also in much, and he who is dishonest and unjust in a very little [thing] is dishonest and unjust also in much. Therefore if you have not been faithful in the [case of] unrighteous mammon (deceitful riches, money, possessions), who will entrust to you the true riches?” (Luke 16:10-11 AMPC)
Material wealth is not a measure of a person’s true wealthiness. In God’s eyes, money is considered a “very little thing”—one of the least of His blessings.
True riches are the eternal rewards from doing good works for Jesus’ sake. One example would be authority over cities during Jesus’ Millennial reign on earth in the future.
Revelations about Jesus are also true riches because Jesus is Abba God’s most treasured person. Fresh revelations about Jesus cannot be bought in any store on earth—they are given by the Holy Spirit when one receives God’s word.
God is against letting money that you’re not prepared to handle destroy you. Some people if you give them a million dollars now, they will never pray or prioritize God’s word until their next setback.
God doesn’t discipline unbelievers because they are not His children. He only disciplines His children which are the born-again believers.
Abba God wants you to prosper in all things—not just in money. He also wants you to be healthy and for your soul to prosper.
Trust His timing. Your character grows when He trains and teaches you through the Scriptures, and your capacity to steward wealth in a way that befits a royal priest to God also grows.
Some unbelievers may prosper because they spend all their efforts scheming and laboriously working to hoard wealth. But what is the end result? Other parts of their life is in shambles and that wealth can be lost very quickly.
Upon death, they descend to Hell to burn in unending torment, and their wealth can be quickly squandered by their descendants who did nothing to earn it.
Take this pandemic situation for example. Now Singapore is about to begin a lockdown situation. Imagine that even the casino is being shutdown. Places with high operational costs like the theme parks are also closed.
What other businesses owned by unbelievers are affected? I’m sure there are many. This is a sobering reality that chasing wealth can be a futile attempt—it can fly away like an elusive eagle.
Dear brother or sister in Christ, in Jesus’ name, I pray that God’s goodness and mercy will hunt you down all the days of your life—that you will not have to stressfully chase it, but God will restfully add it to you as you obey the Holy Spirit’s promptings in giving to be a blessing to others. Amen!
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#Jesus #Devotional