Asmus Toys is proud to present one of the hottest anime of the year - Jujutsu Kaisen will be in 1/6th scaled super detail collectible action figure in our 2022 schedule~
Jujutsu battle now has locked in !!
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「battle of the year 2022」的推薦目錄:
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#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂新知揀三條
▼1. Alamo Drafthouse Tried to Outlast the Pandemic But Ran Out of Time(
以放映獨立電影和各種主題節目策劃著稱的美國獨立電影院品牌 Alamo Drafthouse 傳出聲請破產保護。過去幾個月全世界主要連鎖電影院品牌都在用盡各種方法來避免走上破產之路,其中原本被預測最有可能撐不過去的世界最大連鎖電影院 AMC 最終獲得了救命的金援,而 40 個營業據點的Alamo則在開源節流的急救政策無效後,在疫情逐漸緩解的此時此刻意外宣佈進入破產程序。不過從正面思考是選擇進入破產程序是為了跟銀行協商目前償還不了的1億美元債務,以便在債務重整後讓新的資金可以放心進來。Alamo 重整後可能會關閉部分營業據點,並樂觀預期2021年底整個電影產業包含放映業將會開始復甦。
▼ 2. Comcast: Streaming Accounted for 71% of Downstream Traffic Last Year(
美國最大ISP供應商 Comcast 發佈2020年的網路流量統計,而這些數據也反應了疫情中使用者行為的改變。首先是封城和居家工作刺激整體網路流量顯著增加了32%,再來是串流大戰的白熱化也使來自串流影片的下載流量和前一年相比激增了七成。最終串流影片總共佔了該公司用戶71%的網路流量。至於 Zoom 等線上會議的流量可能因為畫面解析度遠不及串流影片因此流量不如想像,只佔了5%左右的流量。綜觀2020年的最大變化是網路已經成為工作、教育和娛樂大小事的主要發鞥地,尤其影音串流迅速長成了整個網路世界中量體最大的流量怪獸。
▼ 3. Netflix, Disney Battle Pirate Sites That Rip Off Their Content(
盜版長久以來就是好萊塢內容產業的最大威脅。而在串流的時代這種一站提供各種即時更新節目的免費盜版網站,更是在網路世界中與合法串流業者進展成為一種正面對決的態勢。Bloomberg 統計東南亞國家使用盜版網站的人數仍然居高不下。串流業者用各種數位浮水印的技術試圖防堵內容外流,但效果還是不如最直接的武器:直接封鎖網站。以印尼政府為例,雖然從2019年中以來已經強制關閉超過3000個網站,但仍然比不上新的盜版網站冒出來的速度,變成一場永遠追不上的龜兔賽跑。根據 的統計,2022年盜版內容對於影視生產者製造的營收損失將高達520億美元。關鍵在於觀念的改變不夠快,使許多東南亞民眾認為我已經花錢買網路流量了,為什麼還要花錢買網路內容。
battle of the year 2022 在 老頭 OldMan Facebook 的最佳解答
《Earth Defense Force 5》is coming to PC via Steam on July 11, D3 Publisher announced.
The Sandlot-developed third-person shooter first launched for PlayStation 4 in Japan in December 2017, followed by worldwide in December 2018.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Stand and fight for humanity.
This arcade shooter takes place in the year 2022, as the Earth Defense Force fends off an all-out attack by unknown life forms. Become an EDF soldier, battle against endless hordes of immense enemies, and restore peace to the earth.
Make way for the series’ first humanoid aliens.
Just what is this intelligent, extraterrestrial civilization that has attacked our own, known only as the Primers? Matching their intelligence, they bring the series’ first humanoid alien foes. Battling against these intelligent foes will bring you to the depths of yet-unknown despair, and the heights of joy.
Face the enemy with wisdom and courage!
The most jam-packed entry yet, with online co-op play!
This entry has more missions and weapons than any before it. On top of that, all missions support online co-op of up to 4 players, as well as local split-screen. Control the four classes and play with EDF soldiers all over the world.
This is no training exercise.
This is the living nightmare we’d all feared.
It all started in Japan, 2022. An immense fleet of starships laid siege to an EDF base located in the rough city outskirts in the Kanto region.
This was an enemy humanity had never encountered, the Primers. Even worse, enormous insects attack the EDF base built even further underground. The EDF fights back.
【Even More Realistic Battles】
Armor will peel off where you shoot enemies, and their fluids will spill out onto buildings and floors, making you feel like you’re truly on the EDF’s battlefield.
【Four EDF Classes Powered-Up Like Never Before】
As the player, take on missions with one of four classes. Finish missions to unlock new ones and advance the story. You can switch classes before missions as many times as you’d like.