#1. 金脈單藥花(Aphelandra squarrosa) 照顧,種植,繁殖
金脈單藥花(Aphelandra squarrosa). 金脈單藥花無論是葉子或花朵外型都很特殊,具有很高的觀賞價值。金脈單藥花不常開花,如果想要增加它開花的機率,可以試著延長日照 ...
#2. Aphelandra squarrosa-台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統 - 臺灣大學
Aphelandra squarrosa · 金脈單藥花 · 名彙資訊 · 特徵描述 · 典藏標本 · 數位照片 · 分布位置 · 相關資訊.
#3. 金脉单药花 - 维基百科
金脉单药花(学名:Aphelandra squarrosa)也称丹尼亚单药花、斑马花,为爵床科单药花属的一种。茎肉质。叶呈长椭圆形,墨绿色。当叶子成熟时叶片长度约为15 - 30cm。
#4. Aphelandra squarrosa 金脈單藥花(金脈爵床 - 博視植物網
Aphelandra squarrosa 金脈單藥花(金脈爵床、單藥花).. 貨號: P1518 分類: 雙子葉植物, Acanthaceae 爵床科 · 查看解說牌價格表 · 查看解說牌訂購說明.
#5. 金脈單藥花Aphelandra squarrosa – 森流- 奇異植物
Zebra plant's large, pointed leaves are a deep, glossy green with bright silvery veins that create a striped appearance. When the plant flowers, ...
#6. 单药花_百度百科
单药花(学名:Aphelandra squarrosa Nees)是爵床科、单药花属植物。常绿灌木或亚灌木;高达1.8米;茎紫黑色,多少带肉质;单叶对生,卵形至卵状椭圆形,长20-30厘米 ...
#7. 【室內綠植】斑馬花Aphelandra Squarrosa - Pinkoi
【室內綠植】斑馬花Aphelandra Squarrosa. 設計師品牌. 設計品牌共售出2 件商品. 看其他商品. 免費贈送電子賀卡,結帳完成後填寫. 商品已下架,請重新選取其他商品 ...
#8. Aphelandra squarrosa (Saffron Spike Zebra, Zebra Plant)
In other locations, it is grown as a broad-leaf evergreen houseplant. It does best when it receives plenty of warm, bright, indirect light and high humidity. It ...
#9. 斑馬花(銀脈單藥花) Aphelandra Squarrosa / Zebra plant
喺Hong Kong,Hong Kong買斑馬花(銀脈單藥花) Aphelandra Squarrosa / Zebra plant. 型格奇特斑馬花屬常綠草本植物,墨綠葉子配鮮明的銀脈斑馬花顧名思義係開花植物!
#10. TaiBNET - 臺灣物種名錄
Class Magnoliopsida 木蘭綱. Order Lamiales 唇形目. Family Acanthaceae 爵床科. Genus Aphelandra 單藥花屬. Aphelandra squarrosa Nees 金脈單藥花 ...
#11. Aphelandra squarrosa Nees (世界植物區系) - Pl@ntNet
Aphelandra squarrosa Nees. 科Acanthaceae. 屬Aphelandra. 世界植物區系.
#12. Growing and Care Guide for Zebra Plant (Aphelandra ...
As mentioned above the aphelandra Squarrosa displays lovely dark glossy green leaves with prominent whitish-colored veins. These leaves grow to ...
#13. Aphelandra squarrosa - Singapore - National Parks Board
Aphelandra squarrosa ; Foliage, Oval-shaped leaves are a glossy, dark green, with contrasting white veins and midrib. Leaf margin is entire and slightly undulate ...
#14. Aphelandra 'Zebra' - Sunrise Greenhouses Ltd.
Aphelandra 'Zebra' - Aphelandra squarrosa. Dazzling… dominant, crisp, cream striped green leavened the way to emerging bright yellow bracts of flowers that ...
#15. Aphelandra Squarrosa(Zebra plant) - Maua and More
Aphelandra Squarrosa (Zebra plant) ... They thrive well in indirect light or partial shade, as they are used to growing under canopy of trees in the tropical ...
#16. Aphelandra Squarrosa | Indoor Plant Delivery - Leafy
Also called the Zebra Plant, Aphelandra Squarrosa is popular for its dark, glossy leaves with bold white or yellow veining. It also grows beautiful yellow ...
#17. Aphelandra squarrosa 'Dania' - Zebra Plant (4.5" Pot)
Aphelandra squarrosa 'Dania' is a gorgeous, striking evergreen houseplant with deep green leaves and prominent, creamy white veins.
#18. How to Propagate a Zebra Plant (Aphelandra Squarrosa)
S H O P That Foliage Life:✓ I N S T A G R A M ...
#19. Aphelandra squarrosa 'Curly White' - N1 Garden Centre
The Aphelandra squarrosa is commonly known as the Zebra plant. A fairly hardy plant known for its eye-catching foliage. The 'Curly White' is a stunning new.
#20. Aphelandra squarrosa "White Wash" - 12cm pot - Exotenherz
Aphelandra Squarrosa 'White Wash' is a subspecies of the popular and pet-friendly 'zebra plant', also known as the zebra plant. This plant is notable for ...
#21. 金脈丹尼亞單藥花|Aphelandra squarrosa 植悟誌5吋盆
... 建議來花壇店面交,如須面交請先至"聊聊"確認*** ☕️來店面交的客人~免費招待品嚐經典黑咖啡呦! 購買金脈丹尼亞單藥花|Aphelandra squarrosa 植悟誌5吋盆.
#22. Aphelandra squarrosa 單藥花 - 展卉花苑- 痞客邦
Aphelandra squarrosa 單藥花爵床科單藥花屬也稱斑馬花原產巴西大西洋沿岸森林葉片墨綠色,中脈和側脈淡黃色,單葉對生,卵形或橢圓狀卵形,先端尖, ...
#23. Aphelandra squarrosa 'Curly White' - foliage factory
Aphelandra squarrosa 'Curly White'grows leaves which 'curl' slightly inwards and have very prominent white variegation around the midrib and primary ...
#24. 金脈單藥花@ 記住不想忘記的 - 隨意窩
中文名:金脈單藥花英文名:Zebra Plant 日本名:キンヨウボク(金葉木) 學名:Aphelandra squarrosa Nees 介紹:金脈單藥花的葉子和花朵都相當搶眼。
#25. 286 Aphelandra Squarrosa Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Find Aphelandra Squarrosa stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#26. Zebra Plant | Aphelandra Squarrosa | Natural Air Purifier
Aphelandra Squarrosa Dania · Air Purifying · Rare Plant · Pet Friendly · Medium Care.
#27. Zebra Plant (Aphelandra squarrosa)
Zebra Plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) ... Shipping calculated at checkout. ... The stunning Zebra Plant really is one of the most striking houseplants on the market, ...
#28. Aphelandra Squarrosa - Zebra Plant - Happy Houseplants
Aphelandra Squarrosa is a plant species in the family Acanthaceae, which is native to Brazil. Aphelandra Squarrosa is a great houseplant for beginners.
#29. Aphelandra Squarrosa 'White Wash' - Plant Circle
Aphelandra Squarrosa 'White Wash' is a variety of the popular, pet friendly 'zebra plant'. It is characterised by white/beige leaves with spots of green.
#30. Aphelandra squarrosa - Monaco Nature Encyclopedia
Aphelandra squarrosa. Family : Acanthaceae. Text © Pietro Puccio. Beltramini.gif. English translation by Mario Beltramini.
#31. Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant - Root'd Plants
Aphelandra squarrosa is a striking plant with glossy green leaves and vibrant white venation. Yellow flower spikes contrast their graphic leaves in late ...
#32. How to care for a Zebra Plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) (2023)
How to care for a Zebra Plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) ... Are you looking for a plant with sharp zebra-like patterns or simply a plant that grows ...
#33. Aphelandra Squarrosa Botanica | Zebra Plant
Aphelandra Squarrosa Botanica Aphelandra Squarrosa Botanica is a beautiful variety of the 'zebra plant', members of a large Brazilian family and in their ...
#34. Aphelandra Squarrosa - ZEBRA | JungleDivine
Aphelandra Squarrosa - ZEBRA · Plant Care Tips. LIGHT: Choose a nice, well-lit position in your home, with bright indirect sunlight. WATER: Water when the soil ...
#35. Zebra Plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) - MyGardenLife
FeaturesOne look at the foliage and there's no question about how this plant got its common name. The deep green foliage with distinct white veins instantly ...
#36. Aphelandra Zebra Plant - JOMO Studio
Aphelandra Squarrosa, also known as Zebra Plant, is a tropical plant native to Brazil. It is known for its colourful flowers and dark green foliage deeply ...
#37. Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant - 4
*Aphelandra squarrosa is non-toxic to children and pets. (Note: photo of flowering plant for reference only - our plants are not currently in flower).
#38. Aphelandra squarrosa 'Curly White' | Plants - Grow Tropicals
A new cutlivar of A. squarrosa. Desired for its large, striking, white leaves which have a dark green base with contrasting stark white veining.
#39. Aphelandra squarrosa • Lifestyle Home Garden Online Store
Although named for its dark green foliage, deeply veined in white, the Zebra plant also bears stunning flowers and bracts. Shop online...
#40. Zebra Plant Care: Growing Aphelandra Squarrosa At Home
Zebra plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) is a finicky houseplant. It's grown for its vividly-striped foliage and beautiful golden flowers.
#41. Aphelandra Zebra Plants Indoors - Gardening Know How
Our subject here is Aphelandra squarrosa. These “zebra plants” are members of a large Brazilian family and in their rain forest habitats, ...
#42. Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant - Mickey Hargitay Plants
Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant. NOTE: We do not ship plants. You can only purchase for a "pick-up" order. Sizes: 4" Pot. 6" Pot.
#43. 6" Aphelandra squarrosa 'Zebra Plant' - BWH Plant Co
Aphelandra squarrosa, also known as the 'Zebra Plant', is best known for its hardy dark green leaves and vibrant yellow flowers. These plants like bright, ...
#44. Buy Zebra Plant 'Aphelandra Squarrosa' 17cm pot
Zebra plant's large, pointed leaves are a deep, glossy green with bright silvery veins that create a striped appearance. When the plant flowers, ...
#45. Aphelandra squarrosa 'Dania' | Zebra Plant
Aphelandra squarrosa | Zebra Plant Family: Acanthaceae Aphelandra squarrosa is an evergreen, compact shrub native to coastal forest regions in Mexico and ...
#46. Aphelandra squarrosa "Zebra Plant" 6" - Sprout Home
Aphelandra squarrosa "Zebra Plant" 6". $19.75. /. With its dark green and white striped leaves it is the Zebra of the plant world.
#47. Aphelandra Squarrosa 'Zebra Plant' (P15c)
The Aphelandra Squarrosa, also known as the Zebra Plant, is a tropical evergreen plant that is native to Brazil. Its unique name comes from the striking ...
#48. Aphelandra Squarrosa (Zebra Plant) - Orchid Republic
The Aphelandra Squarrosa, more commonly known as Zebra Plant, is a plant species native to Brazil's Atlantic Forest. It features moss green leaves with ...
#49. Zebra Plant (Aphelandra Squarrosa) - Candy Floriculture
Originating in southern Brazil, Aphelandra Squarrosa is truly a jungle plant. SOIL REQUIREMENT. Most multi-purpose or peat-based potting soil mixes are fine.
#50. Aphelandra Squarrosa Dania - Zebra plant - Cambridge Bee
The Aphelandra Squarrosa Dania) is a beautiful pet friendly houseplant with striped leaves. This striking plant from Brazil has unique white veins and is ...
#51. 6" Aphelandra Squarrosa Zebra Plant - Gaia Plant Co.
6" Aphelandra Squarrosa Zebra Plant. $21.99. or 4 interest-free payments of $5.50 with i. 0. Out of stock. How to get it. Local delivery.
#52. Zebra Plant - Aphelandra squarrosa - Sprouts of Bristol
Hailing from Brazil, we are in love with these Zebra Plants! Zebra may have stripes for camouflage, but these guys are going to stand out in any plant ...
#53. Aphelandra squarrosa 'Curly White' (Zebra Plant) 13cm Pot
Aphelandra squarrosa Curly White is a beautiful variety of the zebra plant, members of a large Brazilian family and in their rain forest habitats, ...
#54. Aphelandra squarrosa Cintho Curley White in Pot 13cm
Aphelandra Squarrosa White Wash is a beautiful variety of the 'zebra plant', members of a large Brazilian family and in their rain forest habitats, ...
#55. Aphelandra Squarrosa - Zebra plant - FloraStore
Aphelandra Squarrosa is a striking appearance and sought after for its white-grained leaf drawing and yellow flower.
#56. Growth of Aphelandra squarrosa as affected by N-form and ...
在pH 4.4、5.7、7.0的水培条件下,分别供应NO3--N、NH4+-N和NH4NO33种不同形态的氮源,研究不同形态氮素和pH值对金脉单药花(Aphelandra squarrosa)生长的影响。
#57. 单药花Aphelandra squarrosa|iPlant 植物智
《中国植物志》 >> 单药花Aphelandra squarrosa. 下级分类. 金脉单药花Aphelandra squarrosa cv. Dania. 中国植物志系统位置. 被子植物门Angiospermae.
#58. Zebra Plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) | Planta
ORIGIN. Aphelandra squarrosa, commonly known as the Zebra Plant, is an evergreen perennial native to the Brazilian rainforests. The 'Zebra' name comes from ...
#59. Aphelandra Squarrosa - Zebra Plant - Plantsome
Is it the flowers or the foliage that make this plant so attractive? Zahra is an Aphelandra Squarrosa or Zebra plant. In her day-job Zahra radiates elegance and ...
#60. Aphelandra squarrosa - Hortipedia
Aphelandra squarrosa (zebra plant, saffron spike) is a subshrub. Aphelandra squarrosa is a species in the genus Aphelandra which contains between 196 and ...
#61. Aphelandra squarrosa (APLSQ) - EPPO Global Database
EPPO Code: APLSQ; Preferred name: Aphelandra squarrosa; Authority: Nees. Notes. Brazil (northeastern, central eastern). Cultivated as an ornamental, ...
#62. Aphelandra squarrosa Nees - Plants of the World Online
Aphelandra squarrosa Nees. First published in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 9: 89 (1847). This species is accepted.
#63. Zebra Plant - Aphelandra squarrosa - Calyx Flowers, Inc
Botanical Name: Aphelandra squarrosa, af-el-AN-dra skwah-RO-sa. Decorative Life: Many weeks in flower, longer as a foliage plant. Flower Color: Yellow.
#64. Aphelandra squarrosa Nees - Flickr
Aphelandra squarrosa Nees. Acanthaceae. CN: Saffron spike, Zebraplant. Native to Brazil; elsewhere cultivated as ornamental plant.
#65. Aphelandra squarrosa Zebra Plant
Aphelandra squarrosa. Family: Acanthaceae. Common Name: Zebra Plant. Description: Aphelandra Zebra plant has a glossy, dark green foliage with prominent ...
#66. Aphelandra squarrosa, Zebra plant - The Tender Gardener
6” Aphelandra squarrosa, Zebra plant shown A stunning houseplant, the Zebra plant's large, pointed leaves are a deep, glossy green with bright silvery veins ...
#67. Aphelandra squarrosa 'Dania' (Zebra Plant) - Secret Garden
Aphelandra squarrosa 'Dania' (Zebra Plant). 29,00 lei. Aphelandra, nicknamed the Zebra Plant due to its appearance, is a shrub that develops and blooms ...
#68. Aphelandra squarrosa Dania - Plant Care - Planterina
A Beginner's Guide to Aphelandra squarrosa Dania Plant Care | All you Need to Grow! ... Zebra Plants strike your wild-child chord with white-striped leaves and ...
#69. Aphelandra Squarrosa - 30 cm - Studioplant
The Aphelandra Squarrosa, also called Zebra plant, is native to Brazil. You will see the Aphelandra Squarrosa flourish when there is enough indirect light.
#70. Aphelandra squarrosa Zebra Plant - The Plant Society
The Aphelandra squarrosa is a moderate care house plant that will thrive in the right condiditons. Originating in southern Brazil, it is truly a jungle plant.
#71. Aphelandra squarrosa, Zebra Plant (0.4m)
Aphelandra squarrosa, also known as the Zebra plant is a fairly popular plant, increasing in popularity due to its floral bracts and dark green leaves with ...
#72. Zebra Plant - Aphelandra squarrosa
Zebra Plant - Aphelandra squarrosa. ... Zebra Plant - Aphelandra squarrosa. Regular price$65. /. Pay in 4 interest-free installments of $16.25 with
#73. Aphelandra squarrosa (Zebra plant) 9,99€ - Jungle Leaves
Aphelandra squarrosa (Zebra plant). 9,99€ incl. VAT. Brazilian exotic with great leaf pattern and yellow flowers. Not difficult to ...
#74. First Report of Charcoal Rot on Zebra Plant (Aphelandra ...
The Zebra plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) is native to tropical forests of Brazil and is a popular decorative pot plant in Serbia.
#75. Aphelandra squarrosa 'White Wash' - Hutch Houseplants
Aphelandra squarrosa 'White Wash'. Native to Brazil, the Zebra Plant is a double threat; not only does it have stunning striped foliage, but you will also ...
#76. Aphelandra squarrosa - Plant Finder
Aphelandra squarrosa, commonly called zebra plant, is a compact shrub growing to 6' tall in its native tropical habitat in Brazil.
#77. Aphelandra squarrosa - zebra plant (M) - Onlyplants
Aphelandra Squarrosa ali zebra plant je doma v brazilskem tropskem gozdu. Njeni zebrasti zeleno - beli listi so res nekaj posebnega.
#78. Zebra-Plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) - iNaturalist
Aphelandra squarrosa (commonly but ambiguously called 'zebra plant') is a plant species in the family Acanthaceae, which is native to Atlantic Forest ...
#79. Buy Aphelandra squarrosa Online | More Plants
Aphelandra also prefer higher humidity. Size: Growing in a 14cm gardeners pot. Light: Prefer a spot with bright indirect light. Soil: ...
#80. Zebra Plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) - Cornell Farm
Zebra Plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) ; Description · Shiny dark green leaves with contrasting bright white veins. Rarely blooms as a houseplant, but when it does it ...
#81. Aphelandra Squarrosa 'Curly White' - Urban Jungle
Aphelandra Squarrosa 'Curly White'. €14,90. Contains 7% reduc. VAT. plus shipping. A zebra plant with a striking leaf pattern. Diameter plastic pot: 13cm.
#82. Plant profiles: Aphelandra squarrosa (zebra plant)
A classic houseplant, the Aphelandra squarrosa (aka zebra plant or saffron spike) is quite popular at the moment and is being sold at most ...
#83. Taxonomy browser (Aphelandra squarrosa) - NCBI
Aphelandra squarrosa. Taxonomy ID: 103766 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid103766). current name. Aphelandra squarrosa Nees.
#84. Plant Know-How: Aphelandra squarrosa - Folia Collective
This stripey plant is Aphelandra squarrosa, commonly called Zebra Plant (you can probably guess why!). It's primarily grown for its large, ...
#85. Aphelandra squarrosa Nees - GBIF
Citation (for citing occurrences, please see guidelines). Aphelandra squarrosa Nees in GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset https ...
#86. Zebra Plant: Indoor Care & Growing Guide - The Spruce
Botanical Name, Aphelandra squarrosa. Family, Acanthaceae. Plant Type, Annual. Mature Size, 1–6 ft. tall, 1–5 ft. wide.
#87. Aphelandra squarrosa (Zebra plant) | CABI Compendium
This datasheet on Aphelandra squarrosa covers Identity, Distribution, Uses. Identity. Preferred Scientific Name: Aphelandra squarrosa. Preferred Common Name ...
#88. Shop Aphelandra Squarrosa M online -
Bestel Aphelandra Squarrosa online bij ✓ 30 dagen gezondheidsgarantie ✓ Verzonden in 1 werkdag ✓ Gratis verzending vanaf €75,-
#89. Aphelandra // squarrosa | Horti Care Database blog
Aphelandra // squarrosa. Common name: Zebra plant, Snow White. Often confused with the Calathea Zebrina, this snow white plant comes from the Brazilian rain ...
#90. Our Care-Guide for Aphelandra Squarrosa! (Zebra Plants)
Aphelandra squarrosa was formally classified in 1847 by German botanist, Christian Nees von Esenbeck, during a voyage to South America. At one stage though, it ...
#91. 金脉单药花| Aphelandra squarrosa cv. dania | 科技研花图画书
原种的金脉单药花(学名:Aphelandra squarrosa),墨西哥,巴西大西洋沿岸的森林是原产地。白色,并且,对绿色的厚实的叶子,有粗的叶脉。看上去像黄色的花的是苞,并且本来的花 ...
#92. Aphelandra squarrosa - Plants Rescue
Aphelandra squarrosa · Common name: Zebra Plant, Saffron Spike · Distribution and habitat: Aphelandra squarrosa is a compact evergreen shrub growing to 2m (6 feet) ...
#93. Aphelandra Squarrosa Dania - Rich-Sense
BACKGROUND INFORMATION. The Aphelandra Squarrosa Dania) is a beautiful houseplant with striped leaves. This striking plant from Brazil has unique white ...
#94. Aphelandra Squarrosa | 28 | R.T. Poole, W. Run
The indoor foliage plant Aphelandra squarrosa (Acanthaceae), a native of Brazil, commonly called zebra plant and sometimes saffron spike, ...
#95. Zebra Plant Aphelandra Squarrosa Stock Photos
Download Zebra Plant Aphelandra Squarrosa stock photos. Free or royalty-free photos and images. Use them in commercial designs under lifetime, ...
#96. 1 X Aphelandra Squarrosa Green Potted Indoor Zebra Plant
This House Plants item by GardenersDreamStore has 121 favorites from Etsy shoppers. Ships from United Kingdom. Listed on Apr 25, 2023.
#97. Zebra Plant (Aphelandra Squarrosa) Care & Growing Guide
Aphelandra squarrosa, commonly the zebra plant, is a species from the Acanthaceae family, which is indigenous to Brazil and was classified ...
#98. 金脈單藥花 - 台灣景觀植物介紹- 台北市錫瑠環境綠化基金會
學名:Aphelandra squarrosa. 英名:Zebra Plant、Saffron Spike. 日名:キンヨウボク(金葉木)、アフェランドラ・スクアロサ. 別名:虎斑單藥花.
aphelandra squarrosa 在 How to Propagate a Zebra Plant (Aphelandra Squarrosa) 的美食出口停車場
S H O P That Foliage Life:✓ I N S T A G R A M ... ... <看更多>