|Learning Alphabet at Home with your Pre schooler |
上週Valen老師分享了一些在家共學字母的資源, 很多家有幼兒的家長給我正面反饋, 疫情短時間不會結束, 於是我想更仔細的把我的經驗分享給大家, 疫情開始的第二週, 我開始有系統的給孩子做字母啟蒙, 發現這個年紀(1歲半到兩歲的孩子) 真的對認識字母很有興趣, 只要大家掌握好幾個概念, 利用每天一點零碎時間( 如果可以最好固定), 幼小的孩子更需要建立秩序和儀式感, 其實這樣共學的時間只需要花費您少少的時間, 但是能共持續不斷才是最重要的精神!
我個人的狀況來說,孩子目前滿兩歲, 計畫中是三歲半讓他進入幼兒園, 因此我有設定一些, 在他入學前我們能在家一起先達到的目標
⭕️Recite/sing the alphabet 可以複誦/唱出 字母
⭕️Identify uppercase letters 可以認得大寫字母
⭕️Identify lowercase letters 可以認得小寫字母
⭕️Match uppercase letters to lowercase letters 可以配對大小寫字母
⭕️Identify the sounds each letter makes 可以分辨每個字母的聲音
⭕️Trace letters 可以描寫字母 (描寫和寫write是不一樣的, 年紀小的孩子千萬不要著急寫)
✅(Tips) 提供幾個Valen老師在家共學用的方法
1. Read Alphabet Books
我喜歡念各種主題的繪本給孩子, 有的時候也會利用各種紙本不經意地帶著認識一下字母, 疫情之前孩子已經在外做” identification”, 他會跟我說媽媽這裏有一個B (電梯), 這裏有一個P ( 停車場), 疫情後我開始思考, 想給他一個有系統的, 完整的字母學習, 因此我稍微篩選了我手邊有的教材 ( 所有的媽媽老師都有強大的資源庫)
🔺後來決定了就是選” Newmark Learning”的 Alphabet Animal Friends” 這套小書, 一盒24本小書, 除了XYZ集中在一本, 其他每一本字母是一本書, 書的大小非常適中, 選它的原因也是Owen非常喜歡動物, 每一本書(字母)都有一個Character 主角, 例如Annie Alligator 鱷魚小姐安妮, Barney Bear 熊先生邦尼....等, 他們會帶著孩子一起去認識字母的延伸單字 (Find it), 並且附上大量的真實圖片( 我最喜歡的一個部分)
🔺也有短韻文Rhymes, 最後還有Picture Dictionary讓孩子去找找 I spy的活動, 整套還附上一張音樂資源光碟, 每一個字母都有一首歌, 這樣共學已經兩週, 我每五個字母會休息兩天讓他複習, 他已經會自主地去拿書出來念, 也會模仿媽媽跟他共讀的語氣, 還會自問自答的說” Where is __ ? Do you like ___?
每天都很期待媽媽拿出一本新的給他, 默默地唸了十本, 他真的很有成就感呢!
2. Sing Alphabet Song
字母歌是絕對重要的, 因為這麼小的孩子就是需要大量的音樂來滋養呀, 大家都知道的ABC Song, 我除了會唱給孩子聽, 也會利用家裡的小道具( 可以變通), 跟孩子用念謠的方式, 或是拿節奏棍/響板一起數來寶, 我更常做的是用經典兒歌改編, 用他熟悉的旋律唱一下字母的順序, 或是字母的beginning sound, 以下也提供幾首網路上找的到字母歌曲資源給大家。
3. Alphabet Puzzles and cards
字母拼圖或是其他玩具類的教具, 其實這個年紀的孩子就是在玩中學, 所以我會找一些坊間買得到字母的教具提供他當作玩具, 所以他在拼圖的過程當中他又再一次認識, 熟悉字母的樣子, 有些拼圖甚至會附上對應的單字, 這個年紀的孩子需要大量的Repetition重複性, 他們會不斷的重複玩著一樣的玩具而不厭煩。
還有大小寫字母卡, 這樣的字卡在文具店,書店都很容易看到, 如果不方便去採買的, 可以上網自行在家列印( 但是列印的紙質關係, 可能玩不久就會爛掉), 我一開始是先讓他認識Uppercase大寫, 後來搭配” Newmark Learning” 這套書後, 才開始玩大小寫字母的配對, 總之記住...慢慢來不要急!
Valen老師也有使用字母磁鐵, 並且準備mini小白板,我會先引導他再讓他自己操作, 他目前可以搭配磁鐵和白板, 自己說出的句字: I see a ___( 字母) , 以上的教具都不難取得, 家長可以上網找找看 (萬一真的找不到在私訊粉專)
4. Sensory Play
玩五感應該是這幾年所有的幼兒課程裡最熱門的Hashtag了吧! 因應每個孩子的學習方式不同, 我們更要提供多元的學習方式, 讓孩子能玩在其中, 然後“不小心”的習得, 有些孩子的學習型態是屬於聽覺型, 或者是視覺型, 因此他們對語言文字,音律就會相較敏感, 得以在英語啟蒙的時候可以相較順利, 但有的孩子可能是運動型或是觸覺型, 他們需要透過不同的方法(Methods)且反覆不停的來習得, 最後的結果都會是一樣的, 只是過程和方法不同, 但是不管哪一種學習型的孩子, 沒有一個孩子不喜歡sensory play呢!
那麼sensory play有哪些呢?
其實只要透過不同的素材(Materials)都是, Valen也分享幾個我在家常玩的小活動吧~
🔸玩黏土 : 我有準備一些字母的cookie cutter, 讓孩子用按壓的方式, 就會得到對應的字母(很好玩喔!), 萬一沒有模型, 家長可以陪孩子一起朔型
🔸玩磁鐵: 將字母磁鐵放在白板上, 媽媽唸孩子找, 排成一個Alphabet train 字母火車
🔸玩沙: 準備遊戲沙倒入收納盒裡( 淺淺的就好), 讓孩子在沙裡練習”字母Trace”, 也可以到多一點, 將字母拼圖或是磁鐵倒入, 讓孩子digging in , 家長唸孩子找,將找到字母放在盤子裡
🔸玩顏料/ 手指膏: 心臟大顆一點, 不怕髒的家長一定要玩玩看, 我玩的是簡易版本, 上網找一些字母的Printable, 讓Owen直接用手上色, 如果沒有手指膏, 也可以用圓點貼紙取代, 請孩子用貼紙填滿字母的空白處
🔸字母餅乾: 這個勉強算一種哈! 應該沒有孩子不喜歡Cookie吧? IKEA有一款字母餅乾, 滿滿一盒才賣85元, 我已經回購數次了, 偶爾共讀完的點心時間, 我會給Owen一點放在碗裡, 每次他要放到嘴巴的時候, 會先跟我說: Mommy, may I have a B ? ( 真的很刁難他哈) , 但他吃得很開心, 因為我會一直鼓勵他, 說錯還是會給他吃😊
🟢剩下的想到再補充給大家, 這些小方法其實都不難, 大家可能會覺得因為我是老師, 所以我可以教自己的孩子, 但是更多的時候, 我都是很單純的用一個媽媽的角色去陪伴他, 引導他, 盡量拿掉’教”的角色, 孩子也比較不會有壓力, 爸爸也會跟我一起做這件事, 所以對孩子來說, 我們是陪他一起玩字母, 念字母的夥伴!
希望這篇對大家有幫助, 以下附上幾個資源, 或許大家可以花點時間去下載, 在搭配好的教材更是有效率, 一天一點點的進度, 在家共學真的可以很簡單有趣!
🔹The Alphabet Song by Super Simple
🔹The ABC Song by KidsTv123
🔹The Alphabet chant by Super Simple Songs
🔹13 Alphabet Songs for Children by Cocomeleon
🔹The phonics song by Kidstv123
🔹The Phonics Song 2 by Kidstv 123
🔹The Phonics song for Children By Patty Shukla
🔹The ABC Phonics song by Cocomeleon
🔶網路也有好多免費的字母學習單和圖色, 家裡有列印機的可以參考這個網站:
🔹字母列印: https://coloring-pages-for-kids.rvappstudios.com/free-printable-worksheets-for-kids-alphabet-letters/
🟢Newmark Alphabet Frineds購書處(非業配, 自行決定是否購買)
🔜快來看看『Alphabet Animal Friends Boxed Set 我的動物好朋友 26個字母歌謠盒』,現在打7.5折只要$660!快上蝦皮購物購買吧!https://shopee.tw/product/64643450/5926123441?smtt=0.116771229-1623076190.9
🟣本文作者: Valen老師
❗️尊重撰寫人請勿複製文字, 歡迎分享轉載❗️
同時也有13部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅蔡健雅 Tanya Chua,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《Into The Wild》這首歌,不是一夜之間突然想來個不一樣風格而寫。而是深深感受到我們在這個地球上,都是大自然的「客人」,都是地球在支撐和包容我們所有人類的存在,而我們不知不覺把它當作理所當然的事。想透過音樂感謝它。非常開心能請到周耀輝老師來為這首歌填詞,為我找到了內心最想說的話!也謝謝阿雲...
「animal coloring」的推薦目錄:
- 關於animal coloring 在 Miss Valen's Story and Music Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於animal coloring 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於animal coloring 在 愛小宜的甜蜜小窩 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於animal coloring 在 蔡健雅 Tanya Chua Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於animal coloring 在 HappyJoe Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於animal coloring 在 C CHANNEL Art&Study DIY Crafts Handmade Youtube 的最佳貼文
animal coloring 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最佳貼文
Di antara membaca,bercakap dan menulis,mana satu nak dimulakan dulu?
1. Bercakap.
Usia KRITIKAL : 0-2 tahun.
...Continue ReadingBetween Reading, talking and writing, which one to start first?
1. Talk.
Critical Age: 0-2 years old.
This is the most important element in the life of a human being. Talking is important for us to communicate about our thoughts and feelings so that the people around know what we want to say so that there will be no misunderstanding.
Start since your child just came out to see the world, which is within 24 hours after being born. Greet your child, give greetings... say 'hi', kiss.... hug, say whatever you want to say. Just chat. It looks like it's not right when sitting in the ward, we're talking alone while giving eye contact to the baby. But that's the first thing we have to do since our child was born. And konsistenlah talks to them until they grow up, nak2 in the first two years.
I often ask parents, ' child can talk or not? 'most answer' already, said... ABC, 123 all he knows. Even jawi letters. ' I said, that's not talking. Where is the same talk by knowing those letters!
Talking is communicating. There is an eye contact, got a child answering back to the question, react to the name from mom dad, calling, not mention it.
Once when my child was admitted in the hospital, there was a mother 'talking' to her child who was a year and 6 months in spelling. That's strong! ' B.U.K.U... Book! ' I guess he's the target of his child to be good at spelling while talking. The rest of the time, I see his son just given a gadget and 'learn' through gadgets. Rampage Toksah say it. As long as something is wrong, the child is just raging. Noisy one ward listen!
I'm crazy looking at it!
Spelling is not talking!
Reading is not talking!
Counting not talking!
Talk need to have eye contact.
Speaking must have a understanding between two parties.
Talk must have expression and expression.
Talking is communication, there are people who listen, there are people who reply back.
Speaking must have a impersonation, better to copy in terms of style or sound of rattles.
Giving gadgets and learning at this age?
If possible, avoid it!
2. Doodling & painting
Critical Age: 1-3 years old.
It's important for your child to learn to hold a pencil or a crayon or a big painting brush at the moment for a doodling session.
If you're worried that your child will doodle the wall, buy a big paper paper, paste it on the wall of the house. If there is more budget, wall the wall with paint is easy to delete. If it's so hard to do, just accept that the walls of the house have to be doodle.
Contenting helps the child express their mind.
Doodling helps children strengthen hand muscles.
Content there is a visual element of perceptual (this is another chapter).
Doodling creates midline crossing abilities.
Doodling helps the formation of a finger holding a pencil (Pencil Grip).
Don't care where to doodle. On Paper, on the floor, near the wall, books... we are grown up, please think of the best way to encourage children to be doodling. Follow everyone who wants to control your heart and feelings to see the house messy or what.... most importantly, think of the way!
May I make the element of the sand, the ground, the stone... for the wood twig... no complaints, as long as the child can be conteng.
During this age, don't force your child to write too much. It's fun to ask to write ABC, number, jawi letter...
Teach child painting after doodling.
Paint bentuk2 that is around us.
Animal Paint, plants, homes, or anything.
Accompany the child to draw.
Use water colour, crayon or any drawing tools.
It's not a waste to spend money buying these things. Not a loss!
3. Coloring.
Critical Age: 1-3 years old.
Teach the color at this age.
Coloring activity helps children form straight, vertical, oblique, rounded lines and so on.
The Color of the painting that is in let it fit the age of the child.
Don't be asked to coloring the complex painting. If possible, avoid coloring the painting inside the gadget.
Coloring in gadgets does not bring any meaning to hand muscle. How to develop a memory motor against the line?
At this age, you don't have to worry if the children are still not good at the color in the line. Still the color out the line is normal. No problem. The most important thing is, he knows where to color it.
Create a concept of coloring as early as possible. No need to wait until school is just about to coloring.
No need to bring to the mall, coloring at the that has of for in, then you have to pay. The color at home is better. It's better for us to draw a picture of our family, ask our children to be color. Simple. Saving a lot.
4. Writing and reading.
Critical age of writing: 4 years
Starting age knowing letters and numbers: 4 years
Beginning of reading age: 5 years and above.
Age that is considered late to be able to read: 11 years.
Logically, when the child has learned a lot of lines through doodling and coloring, it's self-prepare to write. This time it's easy to write letters and numbers even though they don't know the letters and numbers yet. No problem.
Can teach to write in a session, then teach to know the letter in the later session.... at the age of 4! This is the earliest age! Not too late yet.
No need to worry because once a child and learn letters, a few letters... start to read at the age of 5
If we follow all this process gradually, God willing, the child has no problem! No need to worry too much.
If we 'turn' all this process, there will be consequences because it has violated the development of a human being.
If you feel there is an effect, don't be shy to bring the therapist to fix the problems that are available.
So much.
Picture for example only not encourage for children to doodle walls.
Parents please paste the big paper on the wall so that the children are free to play at the same time they can work comfortably
Source: Liyana Raya
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animal coloring 在 愛小宜的甜蜜小窩 Facebook 的最佳貼文
🔺訂購連結 http://a1.pise.pw/S77JQ
🔺心得文 https://ioveyi.tw/202005/
已經有部份書單桌遊完售,完售確定無法再追加,然後美國Evan Moor還是宜友們的最愛,這次團的《分齡遊戲書》有二系列:Daily Summer Activities和The Never Bored Kid Book已經有部份年齡段完售,也有些宜友詢問如何選擇較適合,如果家中孩子是4-7歲,大約中班至小一年紀,以下書目都很適合:
✅The Never-Bored Kid Book, Grades PreK-K – Activity Book(全套2冊, 4-5歲)
✅The Never-Bored Kid Book, Grades K-1 – Activity Book(全套2冊, 5-6歲)
Q:The Never-Bored Kid Book和其它的不無聊遊戲書的差異?
A:以設計教材聞名的Evan Moor,即使出版遊戲書,仍然維持設計教材慣有的邏輯及條理,也因此The Never Bored Book有許多動腦的遊戲,這也是最大的不同,也因為主題分類細細,每年紀段也分做2冊。
----------TOP 15 書單及拼圖桌遊----------
① 台灣手工製造黑色鴨嘴夾-沒想到我爸媽做的髮夾這麼受歡迎,二老超開心 😎
②🔥美國Evan Moor The Never-Bored Kid Book
③🔥美國Evan Moor Daily Summer Activities
④🔥美國Mudpuppy Artsy Cats 貓咪鐵罐拼圖限量套組
⑦🔥Animal World 9 Mini Board Book Box Set
⑧ 套書組合:全家一起說秘密(全4冊)
⑨🔥Bookish Cats Board Book
⑪🔥Hooray for Little Fingers!
⑫🔥Masha's World: Coloring & Activity Book
⑬ What is Mommy Going to Do?
⑭ Pull and Play Books: Brothers and Sisters
⑮ 美國Mudpuppy接龍卡牌遊戲:獨角獸
(已完售書單不列入Top 15)
animal coloring 在 蔡健雅 Tanya Chua Youtube 的最讚貼文
《Into The Wild》這首歌,不是一夜之間突然想來個不一樣風格而寫。而是深深感受到我們在這個地球上,都是大自然的「客人」,都是地球在支撐和包容我們所有人類的存在,而我們不知不覺把它當作理所當然的事。想透過音樂感謝它。非常開心能請到周耀輝老師來為這首歌填詞,為我找到了內心最想說的話!也謝謝阿雲嘎在百忙之中非常講義氣和我一起合唱這首《Into The Wild》;在我心裡面,這是最完美的三人組合!
蔡健雅 全新專輯「DEPART」2021 年 8 月 13 日 正式發行
🎧 數位聆聽 💿 實體購買 ▶️ https://tanya.lnk.to/DEPART
#蔡健雅 #阿雲嘎 #IntoTheWild
加入蔡健雅 Tanya 臉書粉絲團:http://goo.gl/FO5Gd
追蹤蔡健雅 Instagram 官方帳號:https://reurl.cc/qgopjp
訂閱蔡健雅 YouTube 官方頻道:https://goo.gl/XhaU7T
關注蔡健雅 Tanya 官方微博:http://goo.gl/mPx3Qq
Into The Wild
Come into the wild
Come into the wild
Oh…. 為一切未來
Oh…. 陪一切同在
Come into the wild
Come into the wild
Oh... 你在故我在
Come into the wild
Come into the wild
Oh... 為一切未來
Oh... 陪一切同在
Come into the wild
Come into the wild
Oh... 為一切未來
Oh... 陪一切同在
Producer and Arrangement:蔡健雅 Tanya Chua
All Acoustic Gtrs:蔡健雅 Tanya Chua
Recording Engineer:蔡健雅 Tanya Chua
Recorded at Tangy Music Studio, Taipei
阿雲嘎 vocals recorded at Studio 21A, Beijing
Vocal Engineer:倪涵文
Mixed by Joe Grasso @The Brewery Recording Studio New York
Mastering Engineer:John Greenham
音樂製作公司:天涯音樂工作室 Tian Ya Music Productions
OP:銀翼文創有限公司 Mr. Wing Creative admin by Music Bravo Co., Ltd.
OP:TANGY MUSIC PUBLISHING (SP:Warner Chappell Music, Hong Kong Limited Taiwan Branch)
動畫 MV 製作團隊
Production:深度設計 DEPTH DESIGN
Producer:陳青琳 KIM CHEN、陳喜 Olive Chen
Art:劉安儒 Liu an ru、王璿甯 Hsuan Ning Wang、陳青琳 KIM CHEN
Character Design, Storyboard:陳青琳 KIM CHEN
Sence Design:劉安儒 Liu an ru、偉甯 Nin、陳青琳 KIM CHEN
Motionboard, Animation:陳奇逸 chi-yi chen
2D Character cel animator:呂秉真 Binbin Lu
2D Animal cel animator:林庭歆 Doz Lin、張超狗 SuperDog、楊凱婷 Kai-Ting YANG
2D Sence cel animator:林于心 Emory Lin
2D final Sence Lead Animator:張超狗 SuperDog
Clean up and coloring Supervisor:林于心 Emory Lin
Clean up and coloring:林于心 Emory Lin、羅涴亭 Wan Ting Lo、張學蓁 Shuie Jen Chang、李寬怡 Kuan Yi Lee、盧丁衣 DING DO、李潔柔 Chieh Zou Lee
3D Scene Modeling, Texturing, Lighting, Animation, Rendering:夢想創造股份有限公司 MoonShine Creation、陳奇逸 chi-yi chen、David
3D Character Rigging:David
CG Compositing:陳奇逸 chi-yi chen
Creative, Script:陳喜 Olive Chen
Director:陳青琳 KIM CHEN、陳奇逸 chi-yi chen
Art Director:陳青琳 KIM CHEN
CG Supervisor:陳奇逸 chi-yi chen
藝人經紀公司:水晶共振股份有限公司 Crystal Resonance Co., Ltd.
藝人經紀:連秋雲 Apple Lien
企劃:楊駿章 Eloi Yang, 周世啟 Cheer Chou
animal coloring 在 HappyJoe Youtube 的最佳貼文
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Learn Colors With Joseph HappyKid
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Feelin Good by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3744-feelin-good
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
animal coloring 在 C CHANNEL Art&Study DIY Crafts Handmade Youtube 的最佳貼文
Cute Animal Cake Pen
creator:勝又美蘭 Instagram @fantasia_miran
【What to prepare】
· Hearty clay white
· Acrylic paint yellow ocher
· Baby Oil
· Cupcake silicon mold
· Parchment paper
· Toothpicks
· Quick-drying glue
· Coloring agent "Yaki-iro no tatsujin"
· Silicone mold
· Beads black
· Hole punch
· Drawing paper Black
· Screw eye
· Round jump ring
· pen
1. Color the clay with yellow ocher
2. Drop the baby oil into the cupcake mold
3. Put colored clay in the mold and adjust amount
4. Remove from mold and dry
5. Cut the parchment paper in round circle
6. Stick the parchment paper on the dried clay with glue
7. Add baked color with "yaki-iro no tatsujin"
8. Drop baby oil into hemispherical mold
9. Add Hearty clay into the mold and adjust the amount
10. Remove from mold
11. Stick the cupcake to clay from 10 with glue
12. Stick the beads and draw face
13. Open a hole in the black paper with a hole punch
14. Add glue to 13 and stick into clay
15. Put adhesive on the screw eye. Insert the screw eye in the upper and lower part of the cake
16. Connect pig and bear with a round jump ring
17. Connect to a pen and completed
・ハーティクレイ 白
・アクリル絵の具 イエローオーカー
・カップケーキ シリコンモールド
・接着剤 速乾アクリア
・ビーズ 黒
2.カップケーキ モールドにベビーオイルを垂らす
11.カップケーキ に接着剤をつけて10の粘土を接着させる