婉而通—篆書的故事(2020/01/01 ~ 03/25)
陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 204,206
Flowing with Grace: The Story of Seal-Script Calligraphy (01 JAN 2020 ~ 25 MAR 2020)
Gallery: 204, 206 (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I
【民國 齊白石 篆書阿彌陀佛】
【"Amitabha Buddha" in Seal Script】
Qi Baishi (1864-1957), Republican period
Qi Baishi was a native of Xiangtan in Hunan. This work in stele script features four large characters for the Chinese transliteration of "Amitabha Buddha (Amituofo)." The large number of angular elements that form the composition reinforces the visual stability of the characters. The strong contrast between the dark ink and "flying white" portions of the brushwork are also balanced throughout, further heightening the interesting and varied quality of the lines. It thus gives the scroll an overall sense of power and presence. Mr. Lin Cheng-tao donated this work to the National Palace Museum.
【民国 斉白石 篆書阿弥陀仏】
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