今天完成了讓我覺得又感動又不可思議的事。出道十年也經過了不少風浪。還記得剛出道時,因為有語言障礙害怕說錯話,所以都很少上節目宣傳。沒想到十年後,我竟然會當主持人,有一個屬於自己的音樂節目!要謝謝的人很多,但尤其是我公司幸苦的同事們和老闆,一直不離不棄,一直相信我可以。今天錄完前面兩集後,只能說有太多說不出的感動和成就感。我知道我還有很多進步的空間,我也會繼續努力,但這次可以有這樣的機會我真的覺得好感恩好珍惜。從這次的音樂總監,混音師,樂手老師們,節目製作團隊,造型妝髮組,到燈光和攝影,導播,可以跟這麼多厲害的前輩們一起工作真的是我的榮幸。我的搭檔 蔡昌憲 Emerson Tsai,真的好開心可以跟你一起主持一個這麼特別有意義的音樂性節目。謝謝東風老闆吳爸這麼信任我,願意給我這個機會。最後,Bird Chen 你真的最辛苦,忙到都沒吃飯一直處理好多事!但就像我們說的,這十幾二十年來全部都是上帝的安排,為了訓練我們,準備我們,我們才有能力完成今天。。。我們才可以在對的時機做對的事!真心希望這個節目能一直做下去,創造新的音樂平台給華人的娛樂圈!大家繼續加油!機會是給準備好的人!
Today, we completed something that makes me full extremely touched and filled with incredulity. The last ten years in the entertainment industry has been filled with its ups and down and thunderstorms for sure. I still remember when I first debuted, because of the language barrier, I was constantly afraid of saying the wrong things...so I rarely went on TV shows to promote. Not in a million years would I think that ten years later, i’d be HOSTING my own music TV talk show!! There are so many people to thank that helped make this possible... but I especially want to first thank my boss and coworkers at JVR Music who have never given up on me and continue to believe in me. After we finished recording the first two episodes today, I can only say that there are too many emotions I just cannot put into words. I know that I still have a lot of room to improve, and I will continue to work hard, but I am just so grateful for such an incredible opportunity. From my co-host to the music director & sound engineers, musicians, to the production team & styling team, lighting & camera team/director, it is really my honor to be able to work with such a group of amazing and talented people! My dearest Big Bird, you really have worked the hardest! You were so busy taking care of so many things you didn’t even get a chance to eat! It really feels like God has been training and preparing us for this moment so that we can be equipped to do the right thing at the right time! I sincerely hope that this TV show will be able to create a new music platform for the Asian entertainment industry! “Opportunities come for those who are prepared!”
#週末PartyUp #好感性 #感恩的心 #我很幸福 #iamblessed #soblessed #thankfulheart #teamwork #電視節目 #東風電視台