全國第一個「雙語教育區域資源中心」9月27日在 國立中山大學 National Sun Yat-sen University(NSYSU)揭牌!今年三月在教育部與美國在台協會於中山大學舉辦的 #台美教育倡議 雙語教育研討會 中,部長潘文忠宣布於中山大學設立雙語教育培訓基地,歷經數月籌備,周一由教育部、中山大學、 文藻外語大學 Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages、美國在台協會、 Fulbright Taiwan 學術交流基金會及高雄市教育局共同見證揭牌典禮。
中山大學與文藻外語大學將攜手,分別協助區域內一般大學與技職大學提升英語授課水準,同時爭取 #美國國務院線上專業英語網絡計畫(Online Professional English Network Program)、#傅爾布萊特英語教學助理╱專家計畫,及擬訂外籍學位、交換及華語生至中小學教學訓練計畫等,冀望廣納各方資源,提高英語教學及學習成效。
更多詳情請見美國在台協會高雄分處 AIT Kaohsiung: https://bit.ly/3uk5uJL
🎉AIT attended the plaque unveiling ceremony of the Southern Regional Resource Center for Bilingual Education at the NSYSU on September 27 The Center was initiated and funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE) as a follow-up to the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative Symposium jointly organized by the MOE and AIT on March 29 at NSYSU, aimed at sharing resources promoting English as a medium of instruction (EMI) among universities and technological and vocational universities in Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Taitung. AIT supports the Center’s efforts through the Department’s English-language programming, including the Fulbright Specialist and Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) programs, as well as the OPEN (Online Professional English) program.
ait education 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
#來去緬因州念書 #美國留學選這州 #留學美國在台灣 #美國旅遊去 #美國留學台灣通 #美國州大小事說給你聽 #留學美國 #AIT留學美國服務 #在家關注留美 #美國高等教育 #美國留學優勢
⛱🫐🦞 Can you name the most northeastern state in the United States? It’s beautiful, coastal Maine! Apart from being known for its maritime history, scenic hiking, sandy beaches, delicious lobsters, and delightful blueberries, Maine has excellent schools too! Over 1,400 international students studied in Maine during the 2019-20 academic year. To learn more about education options in Maine, visit: https://www.studymaine.net/
Have you been to Maine? Tell us what you did there!
The United States is a huge country and each state is unique. When you research your study options, make sure to explore the north, south, west, east, and central states to figure out what is the best fit for you.
#EducationUSA #EdUSA #EdUSAatHome #EducationUSATaiwan #studyintheusataiwan #AITeducationUSA #UShighereducation #USeducationbenefits #StudyMaine #USAStudyDestination #travelintheUSA
ait education 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
【#人才循環大聯盟計畫 x 國際實習機會】
AIT與台灣經濟部工業局於今年5月共同主持 #人才循環大聯盟 國際實習計畫,旨在推動美台之間年輕人才的交流。本計畫共吸引超過300名學生報名參加,最後有20位學生脫穎而出,贏得赴美參訪實習的機會。雖然由於疫情緣故,學生無法按照原訂計畫訪美,但AIT於9月3日特別邀請這群學生到AIT參加講座,讓他們進一步了解美國文化和國際事務,同時感受一下日後到美國的氛圍。AIT代理副處長蘇戴娜特(Diane Sovereign)別到場恭喜這20位優秀的學生。經濟組代理副組長博百戰(Patrick Boland)也與學生分享擔任外交官的有趣經驗,並說明了美國高等教育的優勢,鼓勵他們赴美留學。看到這群積極進取的台灣年輕人,讓我們對未來充滿期待! #AITMissionSpeakerProgram
In May, over 300 students participated in the Talent Circulation Alliance Exchange Program, a joint collaboration between AIT and IDB, to win a chance to visit the United States. The Talent Circulation Alliance facilitates exchanges between young professionals in Taiwan and the United States. On September 3, the 20 winners who were unable to go to the United States due to COVID-19 visited AIT. Acting AIT Deputy Director Diane Sovereign congratulated the 20 recipients for being identified in the competitive selection process and Acting Deputy Economic Chief Patrick Boland shared his personal experiences as a diplomat and encouraged them to study abroad, highlighting the advantages of U.S. higher education. The audience was also given a tour of AIT, which helped prepare them to be engaged in international affairs. Taiwan youth, a bright future awaits! #AITMissionSpeakerProgram