we produced new varieties of adenium and will release them. Hope you will enjoy them. 此相冊為改良的新品種重瓣&單瓣沙漠玫瑰~ "新花展示區"。 未上市,先上傳照片 ... ... <看更多>
we produced new varieties of adenium and will release them. Hope you will enjoy them. 此相冊為改良的新品種重瓣&單瓣沙漠玫瑰~ "新花展示區"。 未上市,先上傳照片 ... ... <看更多>
夹竹桃科腺叶属植物. 語言; 監視 · 編輯. 天寶花(學名:Adenium obesum)別稱沙漠玫瑰、富貴花、沙紅姬花、亞當花、矮性雞蛋花等等,它們屬於夾竹桃科天寶花屬。
沙漠玫瑰為夾竹桃科沙漠玫瑰屬肉質性落葉灌木(在原產地可長呈小喬木狀),高約50~180 公分,老幹基部肥大而蟠曲,枝葉肥厚有豐沛乳汁,頗具觀賞價值。
#3. 沙漠玫瑰(Adenium obesum) 照顧,種植,繁殖,開花時間
沙漠玫瑰(Adenium obesum). 沙漠玫瑰原產於乾燥的撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地區及阿羅伯半島,所以極為耐旱,其特殊的外型及美麗的花朵除了富有觀賞價值之外, ...
#4. 【沙漠玫瑰】Adenium obesum - 蝦皮購物
尚無評價. 1 已售出 ; 運費: $50 - $60 ; 分享 · Twitter ; 商品詳情. 商品數量. 0. 出貨地. 彰化縣彰化市. 沙漠玫瑰(Adenium obesum) 尺寸:直徑5~6 cm、高14~15 cm 編號:E7 ...
#5. 塊根|實生植物|Adenium obesum - 沙漠玫瑰 - BJ多肉植物
沙漠玫瑰|塊根|實生植物|Adenium obesum|. 用我們收藏品中最可愛的巨大胖子沙玫授粉播種,. 這顆母本非常好看,擁有寬肥的塊根、開花時超茂盛。
Class Magnoliopsida 木蘭綱. Order Gentianales 龍膽目. Family Apocynaceae 夾竹桃科. Genus Adenium 沙漠玫瑰屬. Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult.
#7. Adenium Obesum ~ 白色甜點玫瑰~ 活植物: 露臺、草皮與花園
White Desert Roses 是美麗的多肉植物,可產生白色花朵,抵擋閃亮的綠色葉子。 警告: 若攝入本廠零件,可能造成不便。 全遮陽捲簾。 USDA Hardiness Zone:10 及以上 ...
#8. rose desert,adenium plant|花花世界 - YouTube
沙漠玫瑰# obesum #花花世界沙漠玫瑰的茎秆又高又细还不开花,要做到舍得虐它,这样才能长出粗壮的茎秆,开花才能不停。
#9. New Adenium Obesum - 新品種沙漠玫瑰展示區(15.07更新)
we produced new varieties of adenium and will release them. Hope you will enjoy them. 此相冊為改良的新品種重瓣&單瓣沙漠玫瑰~ "新花展示區"。 未上市,先上傳照片 ...
#10. Adenium obesum 非洲原生沙玫 - W's caudex 塊根王
描述. Adenium obesum 非洲原生沙玫+ 植木碗XL. 超大塊根完美比例,穩根。 沙漠玫瑰(Adenium obesum)別稱天寶花、富貴花,屬夾竹桃科天寶花屬,為多年生肉質植物,原 ...
#11. 20453 張Adenium obesum 圖片、庫存照片和向量圖
歡迎瀏覽Shutterstock 收錄的高畫質Adenium obesum庫存圖片和其他百萬張免版稅庫存照片、插圖和向量圖。 每天收錄數千張高水準圖片。
#12. 我的蘭花Photos - 美琪蘭園
Adenium obesum 'Alice' 仙女奇緣(B1/BQ). Adenium obesum 'Beauty' 花想容(B1/BQ). Adenium Obesum 'Candle' 青花瓷(B1/BQ). Adenium Obesum 'Dawn' 紅霞披(B1/BQ).
#13. Adenium obesum
Desert rose is a succulent plant in the Apocynaceae (dog bane) family native to dry desert regions of Africa, Asia, and Tanzania. It is often used as a ...
#14. Desert Rose: Plant Care & Growing Guide - The Spruce
The desert rose (Adenium obesum) is a slow-growing plant, only growing about 12 inches per year. Desert rose is often used as a bonsai plant ...
#15. 沙漠玫瑰種子"胖母本型態" Adenium obesum
沙漠玫瑰種子"胖母本型態" Adenium obesum. 夾竹桃科天寶花屬原產地:非洲及沙烏地阿拉伯花期:春季,粉紅色花 特色:母本塊根圓球形,基部胖胖的!
#16. Adenium Obesum的價格推薦- 2023年7月| 比價比個夠BigGo
adenium obesum 價格推薦共23筆商品。包含23筆拍賣.「adenium obesum」哪裡買、現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,最低價格都在BigGo!
#17. Adenium obesum - LLIFLE
Description: Adenium obesum is a succulent shrub or small tree belonging to the the oleander family. It has a pachycaul stems and a stout, swollen basal caudex ...
#18. 多肉植物沙漠玫瑰Adenium obesum 20粒種子混合包郵 - 淘寶
歡迎來到淘寶Taobao北京青葉園藝,選購多肉植物沙漠玫瑰Adenium obesum 20粒種子混合包郵,功能:趣味,適用空間:陽臺,顏色分類:純種種子10粒,混合種子20粒,20粒 ...
#19. Adenium Obesum 'Joe' 沙漠玫瑰”小喬“ - Orchidmart
Adenium Obesum 'Joe' 沙漠玫瑰”小喬“ Breeding method: Mericlone/Grafting Fragrance: No Flower size: Large (8~10.5cm) Pedicel length: Bloom season(s): ...
#20. Adenium obesum - Oregon State Landscape Plants
Adenium obesum · Common name: Desert Rose · Pronunciation: a-DEE-nee-um oh-BEE-sum · Family: Apocynaceae · Genus: Adenium · Type: · Native to (or naturalized in) ...
#21. Adenium obesum Milky Way gepfr. - Uhlig Kakteen
Adenium - obesum - Milky Way. ... Uhlig adenium fertilizer. €3,95 *. Information; Reviews (1); Tags. Family: Apocynaceae. Type: Adenium. Species: obesum.
#22. Adenium obesum - Wikimedia Commons
Adenium obesum · English : desert-rose, Mock Azalea, Desert Rose, desert rose · العربية : عدنة · مصرى : العدنه · български : Пустинна роза ...
#23. Adenium obesum - Singapore - National Parks Board
Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult ; Growth Form, Succulent shrub with a swollen base known as a caudex. ; Foliage, Smooth, glossy green leaves are obovate ...
#24. Adenium obesum 天寶花 - 醫院管理局
Adenium obesum 天寶花. Apocynaceae 夾竹桃科. Desert Rose, Common Adenium. 沙漠玫瑰. 有毒部位. 全株有毒,汁液毒性較大。 毒理. 有毒成份.
#25. Pink desert rose : Adenium obesum rose
Pink Adenium obesum : pink desert rose; Family : Apocynaceae; Origin : Eastern and southern Africa; Height in its natural environment : 2 m ...
#26. 沙漠玫瑰Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | 分類群
沙漠玫瑰Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. 最後修改於. 2021-01-30. 編號. TBN UUID: ef94618d-2459-4b56-8b23-855173d96dec. 其他編碼.
#27. Adenium obesum....all you need to know! - Planet Desert
The desert rose flowering plant grows well in desert settings and will bloom beautifully with full, bright sun. They can also do well with ...
#28. Adenium Obesum Pictures, Images and Stock Photos
The desert rose or impala lily, Adenium obesum, is a poisonous species of flowering plant native to parts of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
#29. 夾竹桃科Adenium obesum 沙漠玫瑰- 月眉國小校園植物網
夾竹桃科Adenium obesum 沙漠玫瑰 ... 原產於非洲的沙漠地帶,又因花色恰似玫瑰一樣艷麗,故稱「沙漠玫瑰」。其葉子為長橢圓形,顏色翠綠;花外型呈漏斗狀,花色有桃紅、深紅和粉 ...
#30. Adenium obesum-台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統
Adenium obesum. 沙漠玫瑰. cultivated. Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. 名彙資訊. 特徵描述. 典藏標本. 數位照片. 分布位置. 相關資訊.
#31. Adenium obesum (沒嫁接有花包多盆可㨂)230 . 沙漠玫瑰 ...
57 likes, 1 comments - Groovy Plants (@groovyplants.store) on Instagram: "沙漠玫瑰- Adenium obesum (沒嫁接有花包多盆可㨂)230 . 沙漠玫瑰夾竹桃科 ..."
#32. Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum) 5 seeds (#2225)
Adenium obesum, commonly called desert rose, is a thick-stemmed sparsely-leaved perennial succulent that is native to semi- arid, sub-Saharan regions of ...
#33. Adenium obesum (K01 - K10) - 5 seeds - rareplant
Adenium obesum also known as Desert Rose, is a striking plant with swollen succulent stems and deep red flowers. The plant is deciduous in cooler winters, ...
#34. Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. - GBIF
ADENIUM OBESUM (FORSSK.) ROEM. & SCHULT. Stem cortex has sparse chloroplasts in the outer cells; laticifers are found throughout it and some druses occur in ...
#35. Adenium obesum "Desert Rose" - Jungle Jack's Plumeria
Adenium obesum "Desert Rose" ... Double-flowered Desert Rose: All adenium are grafted, and shipped bare root unless requested. Available flower colors: Red, pink ...
#36. How to grow and care for Adenium Obesum Desert Rose ...
Despite its name, the Adenium obesum isn't a rose, nor is it a bonsai-- it's a deciduous plant. With five different varieties to grow, Adenium obesum has a ...
#37. Adenium obesum Roem. & Schult. - World Flora Online
Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2023): Adenium obesum Roem. & Schult. Published on the Internet;http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000764069.
#38. Adenium obesum (PROTA) - PlantUse English
Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. Protologue: Syst. veg. 4: 411 (1819). Family: Apocynaceae. Chromosome number: 2n = 22.
#39. 沙漠玫瑰(拉丁學名:Adenium obesum) - 中文百科知識
沙漠玫瑰(拉丁學名:Adenium obesum),其實它並不是生長在沙漠地區的玫瑰,與玫瑰也沒什麼近緣關係或相像之處。又名:天寶花,夾竹桃科,這是一種夾竹桃科的植物。
#40. Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult.
Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. ... The native range of this species is W. Tropical Africa to Arabian Peninsula and Tanzania. It is a semisucculent shrub ...
#41. Adenium obesum - Useful Tropical Plants
A very popular ornamental plant, valued particularly for its flowers and unusual form, it is cultivated throughout the world as a pot plant and outdoors in the ...
#42. 沙漠玫瑰Adenium obesum - 花卉图片网
中文名( Chinese Name ):沙漠玫瑰学名( Scientific Name ): Adenium obesum Roem. et Schult. 英文名( English Common Name ): desert-rose ...
#43. Adenium obesum - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Adenium obesum, commonly called desert rose, is a thick-stemmed sparsely-leaved perennial succulent that is native to semi- arid, sub-Saharan regions of ...
#44. Adenium obesum (Desert Rose) 23,99€ - Jungle Leaves
The desert rose (Adenium obesum) is a caudex-forming plant from the steppes of Africa and Arabia. It stores water in its thick, short stem to survive the ...
#45. 沙漠玫瑰| Adenium obesum | 科技研花图画书
沙漠玫瑰(学名: Adenium obesum)是夹竹桃科天寶花属的非耐寒常绿灌木阿、原産阿拉伯半岛和东非。 30 厘米本地5 米,但在日本而公认的肉质植物。因为沙漠是原产地一 ...
#46. Desert Rose Basic Pink - Adenium obesum
If you're dreaming of rain, desert sand gardens, and the secret promise of love, you're probably hearing and seeing Desert Roses in your dreams just like ...
#47. 拉丁學名:Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult.
拉丁學名:Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. · 中文名稱:沙漠玫瑰.
#48. Adenium obesum - Monaco Nature Encyclopedia
The Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. (1819) is native to the warmest and most arid areas of tropical Africa (Chad, Ethiopia, Guinea, ...
#49. Florida Foliage House Plant Care: Adenium obesum
Adenium obesum and its many hybrids are often seen in retail garden centers (Figure 1). They have vibrant floral displays in shades of red, white, pink, ...
#50. Desert Rose - Adenium obesum 'Baobab' - Sprouts of Bristol
Scientific Name Adenium obesum (Plump plant from Aden) Common Name Desert Rose, Impala Lily Origin Originating in East Africa and Arabia, in tropical and ...
#51. Adenium obesum var. Arabicum - The Cactus King
The Adenium obesum arabicum is a remarkable succulent plant with a grotesquely swollen trunk, resembling a miniature baobab tree.
#52. 4" Adenium Obesum 'Desert Rose' - BWH Plant Co
4" Adenium Obesum 'Desert Rose'. Sale price$16.99. Sold out. sprout. Growing. Currently growing in the greenhouse. Pay in 4 interest-free installments for ...
#53. Adenium Obesum (young plant) - Jo Plants
Adenium obesum, also known as the Desert Rose, is a unique succulent in the form of a charming, beautifully flowering tree that resembles a miniature baobab ...
#54. 小沙漠玫瑰Adenium obesum- 粗生易養(塊根植物象牙宮象足 ...
還有一隻是adenium obesum,這個品種原生在非洲,阿拉伯等地野生的也可以非常大棵. 基本上市面上好多不同顏色嘅沙玫、一般係透過嫁接出來的品種,植物嫁接的意思是把原生的 ...
#55. adenium.com.tw online store: Adenium Obesum Desert Rose ...
Adenium Obesum Desert Rose Arabicum Seeds Taiwan アデニウム台灣沙漠玫瑰種子巧手花藝坊富貴花 Buy Adenium Desert Rose Seeds Taiwan from Mr. KO.
#56. Adenium obesum Summer Sunset Grafted plant
Average Size: 3"- 5" pot size Average Length: 30 - 40 cm All plants will be ship in bare root and without any soils and leaves Advantages of Adenium obesum ...
#57. Adenium Obesum Kenya - Crystal Star Nursery
Our plants are sourced from around the world, then cared for by our dedicated team to acclimatize them to Canada. We select plants based on plant health, ...
#58. Buy New Adenium Seeds
Adenium Obesum. Here is your chance to own some easy to grow Desert Rose Seeds that are easy to care for and beautiful when in flower ...
#59. A review on Adenium obesum: A potential endemic medicinal ...
Adenium obesum (AO) is an rare endemic plant in Oman. · Plant description and taxonomic identification. · Biochemical description of the selected plant crude ...
#60. Desert Rose (Adenium obesum) - Tooth Mountain Nursery
Adenium obesum, commonly known as Desert Rose is a succulent, deciduous shrub or small tree. A very popular ornamental plant, valued particularly for its ...
#61. Adenium obesum (Desert Rose) - Plant Material
Desert Rose A slow glowing succulent plant. It can reach a height of nine feet tall by five feet wide. It grows less than one foot per year.
#62. Adenium Obesum (Desert Rose): Everything You Need To Know
The Adenium obesum or desert rose, with its swelling woody stem, rich flowers in brilliant pink, coral, and red colors, anyone would fall ...
#63. 【葉門遊記】-沙漠玫瑰(Adenium obesum subsp. socotranum ...
離開了費馬漢,我們就準備下山了,在回程中也是美景處處,途經一座谷地全都佈滿了被稱為沙漠玫瑰的瓶子樹(Adenium obesum subsp. socotranum ),這種 ...
#64. Adenium obesum Red Flower - Glasshouse Works
A reliable and beautiful start into a collection of caudiform plants. This Adenium is usually promoted as the "Desert Rose" and will defoliate if temperatures ...
#65. Adenium Obesum - Gabbar Farms
About Adeniums : Originating from the arid lands in Arabia and East Africa, Adenium is aptly called the "Desert rose". It's beautiful flowers, which grow ...
#66. 741-沙漠玫瑰_天寶花
中文名稱: 沙漠玫瑰_天寶花. 學名: Adenium obesum [找同屬植物]. 英文名稱: Desert Rose. 英文別名: Common Adenium. 植物科名: (APG新系統), APOCYNACEAE夾竹桃科
#67. Desert rose | Adenium obesum - HfnLife
Common Name:  Desert rose, Sabi star, impala lily Botanical name: Adenium obesum This blooming beauty ‘Desert Rose’ is native to Africa and Madagascar ...
#68. Adenium obesum - Conservatory Archives
Both bizarre and beautiful, Adenium obesum is a succulent shrub native to semi-arid areas of Africa and the Arabian peninsula. This plant grows thick roots ...
#69. Adenium obesum | BBC Gardeners World Magazine
The desert rose, Adenium obesum, is a shrubby succulent with glossy green leaves and red-pink flowers. It has a widespread native distribution in Africa and ...
#70. 沙漠玫瑰(Adenium obesum)後續更新 - 創作大廳
日誌2020-02-20 15:06. 沙漠玫瑰(Adenium obesum)後續更新. 作者:少年樹. 關於我在2018年9月種植的沙漠玫瑰的心得 ...
#71. Adenium obesum | CABI Compendium
This datasheet on Adenium obesum covers Identity, Distribution. Identity. Preferred Scientific Name: Adenium obesum. International Common Names. English.
#72. Adenium obesum 'Pink' - Gabriella Plants
Adenium obesum 'Pink' ; Not Pet Safe. This plant is NOT rated as Pet Safe. ; Story Stake. Contains a unique Story Stake! ; Light Level. Bright Direct ; Watering ...
#73. 沙漠玫瑰@ 一花一木一世界:: 隨意窩Xuite日誌
沙漠玫瑰學名Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult.,英文名Desert Rose、Impala Lily,夾竹桃科天寶花(沙漠玫瑰)屬肉質性灌木植物,又稱天寶花、 ...
#74. Desert rose | Adenium obesum - Heartyculture Nursery
Common Name: Desert rose, Sabi star, impala lily Botanical name: Adenium obesum This blooming beauty 'Desert Rose' is native to Africa and Madagascar.
#75. Desert Rose 'Red Picotee' (Adenium obesum) - Logee's
Adeniums like it sunny, warm and dry similar to their native habitat in East Africa. This is a blooming size plant with a well formed caudex. 4" Pot Size. SKU.
#76. Adenium obesum - Desert Rose - Succulents Online
Adenium obesum, commonly known as Desert Rose, is a succulent plant species native to the arid regions of East and West Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
#77. Adenium Obesum 'Desert Rose' Seeds - Plantflix
Adenium Obesum 'Desert Rose' seeds are a mid-level succulent style indoor bloom seed, that is perfect for heavy sun/grow light, low water environments!
#78. Desert rose (Adenium obesum) - Children's Health Queensland
Desert rose (Adenium obesum) ... A semi-succulent shrub or small tree to 3m with thickened lower stems and swollen base cultivated as a garden ...
#79. Adenium Obesum - Rich-Sense
The Adenium Obesum, also called desert rose or impalalelie, originates from the Sahel region just south of the Sahara. This plant combines wild leaves with ...
#80. Desert Rose Indoors (Adenium obesum) - Pick Ontario
Desert Rose Indoors (Adenium obesum) · Features. A most interesting bottle-trunked plant that bears clusters of dainty blooms with little care needed. · Uses.
#81. Adenium obesum 'Desert Rose' - The Victorian Atlanta
Adenium obesum 'Desert Rose'. Regular price $42.00. Size: 2". 4". 6". 8". 10". Quantity: Pay in 4 interest-free installments for orders over $50.00 with
#82. 沙漠玫瑰Adenium obesum|iPlant 植物智——植物物种信息系统
沙漠玫瑰(shā mò méi guī). PPBCCVHColTPLIPNIDuocetCFHCUBGGBIFiDigBioEOLBHLWFOPOWOBingBaidu生物志库. Adenium obesum. 俗名:天宝花、阿拉伯沙漠玫瑰、索马里沙漠 ...
#83. Adenium obesum | Le Botanist
In conclusion, Adenium obesum is a low-maintenance plant that is easy to care for. With proper lighting, watering, humidity, feeding, and pest control, it can ...
#84. 富贵花又名沙漠玫瑰Adenium obesum aka Desert rose - Flickr
富貴花學名為Adenium obesum、英文名為Desert rose。 它原產於東非洲的乾旱地和近沙漠地區,由於花朵盛開時繁盛壯觀,花色有如玫瑰熱情奔放,因此命名“沙漠玫瑰”。
#85. Adenium obesum | Evanthia
Adenium obesum is a decorative succulent shrub. This desert plant has a thick twisted base with fleshy, glossy dark green leaves and showy flowers.
#86. Adenium Obesum - Etsy
Adenium Obesum (desert rose) live plant. (257).
#87. Adenium Obesum | Kapi'olani Community College
ADENIUM OBESUM (Desert Rose). Apocynaceae | Cactus. Apocynaceae. Apocynaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes trees, ...
#88. Care guide for the Desert rose Bonsai tree (Adenium obesum)
Adenium obesum. Desert rose. Bonsai care and maintenance. The Desert Rose, also called the Japanese frangipani and Adenium bonsai, is a small succulent tree ...
#89. A review on Adenium obesum : A potential endemic medicinal ...
Adenium obesum (AO) is one of the rare endemic medicinal plants in Oman and it belongs to family Apocynaceae. ... diseases in the near future.
#90. Adenium obesum Ø 12 cm cod. 304F - CactusMania
Adenium obesum comes in a Ø 12 cm pot with a label indicating its botanical name. This Adenium obesum is part of Cactusmania's hybrid collection, ...
#91. 沙漠玫瑰 Adenium obesum - POM orchids
AD005 Adenium obesum “Purple Dream “7.5cm”. AD006 Adenium obesum "Chief". AD007 Adenium obesum "Flower Dance". AD008 Adenium obesum “Lotus Cloud”. AD009
#92. 大腺仁Adenium Obesum: 最新的百科全书、新闻
Adenium obesum 是一种有毒的开花植物,属于夹竹桃科Apocynaceae 的Nellie 科。它原产于撒哈拉以南萨赫勒地区(毛里塔尼亚、塞内加尔至苏丹)、热带和亚热带东部和南部 ...
#93. Adenium obesum as a new potted flower: growth management
ADENIUM PROPAGATION. Seed propagation. A. obesum propagation is performed mainly by seeds, since the plants originating from seeds exhibit more swollen caudex ...
#94. Adenium obesum - Desert Rose - Benara Nurseries
This beautiful plant originates from arid deserts around the globe. Adenium obesum are more commonly known as the Desert Rose, and belong to the succulent ...
#95. Taxonomy browser (Adenium obesum) - NCBI
Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. NCBI BLAST name: eudicots. Rank: species. Genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard) Mitochondrial genetic ...
#96. Adenium obesum - Desert rose - IPlantz
Desert rose is a flowering succulent originating from dry areas of Sub-Saharan Africa and Arabia and is a close relative of Frangipani (Plum.
#97. Adenium obesum (desert rose, mock azalea) - Plant Pono
Adenium obesum (desert rose, mock azalea). Family: Apocynaceae. The desert rose is a succulent shrub/small tree that grows up to 12 feet tall. It is ...
#98. Rose du désert, Adenium obesum : culture et entretien
La "Rose du désert" (Adenium obesum) est une plante vivace succulente faisant partie de la famille des Apocynacées.
#99. Adenium Obesum seeds, Pachypodium seeds - Rarexoticseeds
Adenium Obesum seeds and Pachypodium seeds for sale online. International shipping of rare and exotic plant seeds. Secured payment.
adenium obesum 在 rose desert,adenium plant|花花世界 - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
沙漠玫瑰# obesum #花花世界沙漠玫瑰的茎秆又高又细还不开花,要做到舍得虐它,这样才能长出粗壮的茎秆,开花才能不停。 ... <看更多>