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現時在不同的社交媒體及廣告中, 或在運動場合上都見過各種五花八門的護具,如護膝、護肘等, 而佩戴護具的主要目的是提高關節的穩定性,從而減低受傷的機會。有些公司甚至標榜佩戴護具可以改善不良的體態,如 #脊柱側彎(#Scoliosis)、#駝背( #Kyphosis)等。
但大家又知否 #護具的真正的用處是甚麼?
護具的真正用處, 是在 #急性 受傷時為該部位提供保護, 提升穩定性, 以達致
- 🚨防止傷患悪化
- 🚨減痛
- 🚨提供穩定環境加速復原
留意返....... 係。急。性。下。的。保。護
🚫#護具並不是用來改善姿勢 或 🚫慢性長久痛症的 #依賴良藥
原因好簡單: #提高關節穩定度 及 #保持良好的體態 本應該是肌肉的職責💪
你的肌肉才是身體最好的護具, 同時肌肉質素也是保持姿勢的最重要因素.
係..... 護具的確可以幫你拉住你的關節, 令到外觀睇落姿勢良好, 甚至減少痛感.
不過..... "You don't use it. You lose it." 當你長期運用護具, 身體就會習慣需要運用外物作支撐身體. 有學者提出假若我們繼續放任身體去依賴護具,#會令到肌肉無法執行本身的職責,從而出現 #肌肉萎縮 的情況, 結果只會令原本弱的肌肉變得更加弱, 當沒有護具支持下, 情況只會更差, 甚至更易產生更大的傷害.
要保持良好姿態, 提升關節的穩定度, 改善肌肉質素, 提升活動功能, 才是最重要, 我們需要把長期緊張的肌肉放鬆, 受抑制或較弱的肌肉強化起來。
與此同時,一些長期傷患,如 : 膝關節痛,長期易"R" 柴等,也應同樣方向處理,該放鬆的就放鬆,該練回的,就加把勁練回來,把肌肉再強回,才是長遠合理之計。
容我再重新說多次,護具應用是用於急性創傷上的防護,而非矯正姿勢,就算長期痛症,短時間可用於保護支撐,但為長遠,必需針對地改善身體肌肉及動態質素才是真正良方 !
#唔用就無用 #放鬆及強化才是皇度
#運動治療 #SportsTherapy #AIS #NKT #Prehab #PostureRealignment #DynamicCare
Tangsrud, S. E., Carlsen, K. L., Lund-Petersen, I., & Carlsen, K. H. (2001). Lung function measurements in young children with spinal muscle atrophy; a cross sectional survey on the effect of position and bracing. Archives of disease in childhood, 84(6), 521-524.
Thacker, D., Jameson, J., Baker, J., Divine, J., & Unfried, A. (2011). Management of upper cross syndrome through the use of active release technique and prescribed exercises. Retrieved from the Logan University website on October, 15, 2013.
Gordon, T., & Mao, J. (1994). Muscle atrophy and procedures for training after spinal cord injury. Physical Therapy, 74(1), 50-60.
Credit to:
SST Enda Lee
Edited by:
Consultant Therapist Dr. Gary Li
「active release technique」的推薦目錄:
- 關於active release technique 在 The Active Factory Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於active release technique 在 鄭瑞竹 / The Whirlwind - Marathon Runner Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於active release technique 在 RiRia - 新村理々愛 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於active release technique 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於active release technique 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於active release technique 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
active release technique 在 鄭瑞竹 / The Whirlwind - Marathon Runner Facebook 的最佳貼文
訓練適當的休息與平時一些肌力強化的輔佐運動更能降低復發的機率 .
★Plantar Fasciitis 足底筋膜炎
如果情況允許,利用運動按摩 Active Release Technique(A.R.T),藉由按摩的治療的方式,幫助受傷的肌肉組織恢復,藉由破壞結痂的組織,讓肌肉受傷處回到正常的肌肉狀態,因為很多時候的疼痛感,是因為肌肉受傷之後所產生的結痂,在與其他肌肉接觸摩擦時產生疼痛,所以藉由壞這些結痂來重建正常的肌肉機能也是很有幫助。
#運動星球 #運動百科 #足底筋膜炎 #PlantarFasciitis #過度訓練 #運動按摩 #ART
active release technique 在 RiRia - 新村理々愛 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Bye bye 2015, what's up 2016 !?
Let's start the new year off of looking back on last year's New Years resolution.
1. Go on model mayhem everyday to check and look for gigs.
I worked with over 50 photographers on 2015. That makes about a session per week.
2. Write on My fitness pal everyday.
I purposely stop using this app. I'm much healthier and in shape more than ever. Being chosen on Buzzfeed's video "Why do you not have 6 pack abs?" as a fitness model tells everything.
3. Work out
Same as above.
4. Fix the tilting of my face.
Still working on it.
5. Find the best make up technique.
Guess I nailed on that. Check @faceart_by_riri on IG for my makeup work.
6. Stay under 105lbs.
Keep maintaining.
7. Go to dance lessons.
I'm even auditioning as a dancer now.
8. Start everyday app.
Just uploaded year worth of my face😁
9. Make an another dress.
Instead I design and created some jackets and bags this year.
10. Ameba blog everyday.
I quit because I tried to focus more on international social medias such as Instagram and my website. Check @NeonCrownRiri and RiriaNiimura.com
11. Grow my hair properly.
It's been doing good. Guess I'll stop bleaching for a while. Don't worry my hair would still be gray.
12. Be even more social.
I definitely feel the improvement. Being on different sets made me more talkative and open. I love what's my actions life got me.
13. Grow AwesOme R & RainbowBlingBling bigger.
My work was featured on CBS news, LA WEEKLY's cover and many music videos.
14. Be on TV as an artist.
CBS news feature me as a flutist, model/ actress, designer and a dancer.
15. Be on movies.
Made on 10 movies include Neighbors 2. My first featured film as a lead is coming out this month.
16. Get more authentic pronunciation on my English.
Funny thing, I barely get asked where I am from nowadays. Guess I sound like a native?
17. Go on Pinterest more often to get ideas for styling and design.
Doing good.
18. Reach 10k+ followers on Instagram.
This just happened last month. Thank you for your support!
19. 1k+ subscribers on youtube.
This didn't happen but I might be working with UUUM soon.
20. Take SAT.
I didn't. Because I can always go to collage but my life now can't wait.
Ok now, what are my 2016 resolutions?
1. Sign with a big theatrical agency such as Osbrink, Daniel Hoff, agency of the performing arts etc...
2. Stay in shape
3. Over 100k followers on Instagram
4. Be casted on TV shows as leads.
5. Be casted on major directors' films as a lead.
6. Be casted in Marvel and DC heroes films.
7. Not just "Work FOR" big names but "Work WITH" them. Like collab with them.
8. Get invited to major premieres, red arrests and events.
9. Live in a better house.
10. Travel internationally for my career more.
11. Be even more social.
12. Keep myself even busier.
13. Be the fashionista. Get featured on more social medias
14. Be confident with my own skin more.
15. Be more educated for my career.
16. Get sponsors.
17. Get licenses (car, bike and even heli?) for my career.
18. Stay creative.
19. Release an album.
20. Keep up the good work.
I am so stoked for this year. 2015 was a blast. I am very proud of myself for achievements I made last year. Starting from getting a green card, I will be more active than ever this year for sure. You will see me everywhere!! ;)