#1. abscission zone - 離層帶(區) - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
離層帶(區). abscission zone. 以abscission zone 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 生物學名詞-植物, abscission zone, 離層 ...
Leaf litter on the forest floor. Annual autumn leaf drop in temperate zones is caused by the abscission of the mature leaves from the growth season in response ...
#3. Abscission Zone - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Abscission is an active process in plants, which enables plants to lose unwanted organs. A specialized cell layer called abscission zone forms between the ...
#4. Cell Wall Remodeling in Abscission Zone Cells during ...
Abscission is a cell separation process by which plants can shed their aerial organs. It takes place in groups of functionally specialized cells ...
#5. Abscission zone Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ABSCISSION ZONE is the zone in a leaf petiole, fruit stalk, or branch often marked by a constriction within which is developed the separation ...
A similar process of cell separation caused by the breakdown of pectin occurs in the abscission zone of the petioles of deciduous plants at ...
#7. Abscission zone definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary
Abscission zone definition: the zone at the base of a leaf petiole , fruit stalk , or branch in which the abscission... | Meaning, pronunciation ...
#8. Transcriptional Regulation of Abscission Zones - PMC - NCBI
The cellular processes that ultimately lead to separation take place in a developmentally defined region of cells called the abscission zone ...
#9. abscission zone - Wiktionary
(botany) The area in a plant's leaf, stem, or fruit stalk, where the abscission layer if formed along with weakened sclerenchyma, absent collenchyma, ...
#10. Development of the abscission zone - ResearchGate
Abscission layers in the abscission zone allow cell-cell separation and result in the shedding of leaves, flower organs, mature fruits and seeds ...
#11. Manipulation of Auxin in the Abscission Zone Cells of ...
Premature loss of leaves, flowers, and fruit can reduce crop yield; manipulating the plant hormone auxin in abscission zone cells alters the timing of organ ...
#12. Abscission zone Definition & Meaning -
Abscission zone definition, the zone at the base of a leaf petiole, fruit stalk, or branch in which the abscission layer develops. See more.
#13. BMC Plant Biology | Full Text - BioMed Central
Efficient protocols for the isolation of specific citrus cell types, namely laminar abscission zone (LAZ) and petiolar cortical (Pet) cells ...
#14. What is abscission zone? Name its components and their ...
The protective layer, and the region of separation, i.e. abscission layer are collectively termed as abscission zone. This zone initiates the process of ...
#15. Formation of the Secondary Abscission Zone Induced ... - MDPI
The abscission zone was distinguished on the eighth day, and it was characterized by the presence of newly synthesized cell plates resulting from periclinal ...
#16. Effect of Abscission Zone Formation on Orange (Citrus ...
Effect of Abscission Zone Formation on Orange (Citrus sinensis) Fruit/Juice Quality for Trees Affected by Huanglongbing (HLB).
#17. An Ultrastructural Study of the Abscission Zone of the ... - jstor
The abscission zone is represented by a layer of thin-walled paren- chyma, one to two cells thick, arranged as a flat ring around the base of the fruit.
#18. Characterization of abscission zones in the flowers and fruits ...
Induction of abscission was obtained by treatment of explants -with exogenous ethylene. Cell separation patterns of the two examined abscission zones have ...
#19. Reactive oxygen species regulate leaf pulvinus abscission ...
The abscission zone in many species is morphologically distinguishable before evocation of the cell separation process, cell separation occurs ...
#20. The Abscission Zone: Collected Poems - 博客來
書名:The Abscission Zone: Collected Poems,語言:英文,ISBN:9781664154643,頁數:208,作者:Delotto, Jeffrey,出版日期:2021/01/28,類別:文學.
#21. Anatomy of abscission zone of Betula pendula (Roth.) leaves ...
Abstract: A study was carried out on the leaf abscission zone from birch trees growing on polluted sites (two).
#22. Abscission: The reason why leaves fall
At the base of the leaf, near the stem, there is an area known as the abscission zone. To the casual observer, the abscission zone doesn't ...
#23. Leaf Abscission - YouTube
In this video, we are going to go over the phases of leaf abscission.
#24. Transcriptome Analysis of Tomato Flower Pedicel Tissues ...
Tomato flower abscises at the anatomically distinct abscission zone that separates the pedicel into basal and apical portions.
#25. abscission zone - Dictionary of English
abscis′sion zone′, [Bot.] Botanythe zone at the base of a leaf petiole, fruit stalk, or branch in which the abscission layer develops.
#26. Vesicular trafficking in abscission zone cells during ethylene ...
Authors: P. Merelo, J. Agustí, D. Ventimilla, M. Talón, F.R. Tadeo. Keywords: calyx abscission zone, separation process, fruit productivity, ...
#27. Immunohistochemical Localization of IAA in the Leaf ... - JIPB
Immunohistochemical Localization of IAA in the Leaf Abscission Zone of Syringa oblata. WANG You-Qun,, HAN Jing, LIN Jin-Xing ...
#28. Introduction to Abscission Zone (离区) | 学术写作例句词典
LcHSL2 is localized in the cell membrane and the LcHSL2 gene is expressed at the pedicel abscission zone (AZ) of litchi and floral AZ of Arabidopsis.
#29. Abscission zone - The Free Dictionary
abscission zone. n. The region at the base of a leaf, flower, fruit, or other plant part, containing specialized cells that release enzymes resulting ...
#30. The Abscission Zone by Samuel Muggington - Goodreads
The Abscission Zone book. Read 13 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Dr. Texie Raynott and Dr. Dock Hatman hope to use their experti...
#31. Fine structure of abscission zones - SpringerLink
I. Abscission zones of the pedicels of tobacco and tomato flowers at anthesis ... tissue in the abscission zone, subcellular organelles, and the cell wall.
#32. The Abscission Zone: Collected Poems: DeLotto, Jeffrey
The Abscission Zone: Collected Poems [DeLotto, Jeffrey] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Abscission Zone: Collected Poems.
#33. Secondary abscission zones: understanding the molecular ...
Secondary abscission zones: understanding the molecular mechanisms triggering stylar abscission in citrus ... The separation events of abscission occur in a group ...
#34. Single-cell transcriptomics of the Arabidopsis floral abscission ...
Single-cell transcriptomics of the Arabidopsis floral abscission zone. Isaiah W. Taylor, O. Rahul Patharkar, Che-Wei Hsu, John Baer, ...
#35. Naphthaleneacetic Acid: Localization in the Abscission Zone ...
When 14C-naphthaleneacetic acid, labeled in the ring, was applied to the petiolar stub of debladed bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants, it accumulated in or ...
#36. PO Browser: abscission zone:離層 Details - SHIGEN
Term Information. Accession: PO:0000146; Ontology: plant anatomy; Synonyms: related: abscission layer: exact: zona de absición (Spanish): exact: 離層 ...
#37. ABSCISSION ZONE | Meaning & Definition for UK English
The zone in which the abscission layer develops at the base of a pedicel, petiole, etc. Origin. Early 20th century; earliest use found in The Botanical ...
#38. Cellular and pectin dynamics during abscission ... - HAL INRAe
The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) fruit primary abscission zone (AZ) is a multi-cell layered boundary region between the pedicel (P) and mesocarp (M) ...
#39. abscission zone cells: Topics by
To identify genes preferentially expressed within the citrus fruit abscission zone (AZ-C), we performed a comparative transcriptomics assay at the cell type ...
#40. What is an abscission zone Name its components and class ...
Hint: In deciduous trees, an abscission zone is formed at the bottom of the petiole. It's composed of a top layer that has cells with weak walls and a ...
Abscission zones of leaves (LA-AZs) and 2-week-old fruits (AZ-A) of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. 'Shamouti' have similar structural and ...
#42. Best 2 Definitions of Abscission-zone - YourDictionary
Abscission -zone definition ... The region at the base of a leaf, flower, fruit, or other plant part, containing specialized cells that release enzymes resulting ...
#43. Development of the abscission zone and morphological ...
Cells of the abscission zone between the calyx and peduncle were ... The abscission zone with 7 or 8 layers was clearly formed 1 week before full bloom.
#44. Cell Wall Remodeling in Abscission Zone Cells ... - X-MOL
The process takes place in specific locations termed abscission zones. In fruit crops like citrus, fruit abscission represents a high ...
#45. The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE genes are essential for abscission ...
Arabidopsis petals, stamens and sepals develop an abscission zone four ... the contribution of BOP1 and BOP2 to abscission zone development.
#46. Fruit abscission is a domestication trait The Oil Palm ... - Agritrop
Unsynchronized fruit ripening and abscission of palm fruit cause economical losses. The Oil Palm Fruit. Abscission Zone (AZ). Primary AZ.
#47. Citrus Fruit Abscission
As plant organs abscise, a series of physiological and biochemical events in the abscission zone lead to cell wall breakdown in the few rows of cells on either ...
#48. Functional characterization of PETIOLULE-LIKE PULVINUS ...
The abscission process has been divided into four major phases according to studies of floral organ abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana: (i) abscission zone.
#49. abscission layer | plant anatomy | Britannica
Other articles where abscission layer is discussed: temperate forest: Population and community development and structure: …layer of tissue called the ...
#50. Abscission in plants - Cell Press
abscission zone (AZ). But here the ... abscission end, because plants have ... The regulation and importance of plant abscission.
#51. Buy The Abscission Zone by Delotto Jeffrey at Low Price in India
The Abscission Zone by Delotto Jeffrey from Only Genuine Products. 30 Day Replacement Guarantee. Free Shipping. Cash On Delivery!
#52. A Study of Abcission Zone Development In Leaves of Ginkgo ...
The development of the leaf abscission zone in Ginkgo biloba trees and seedlings was studied. Leaves from Ginkgo seedlings were debladed.
#53. Chitosan inhibits postharvest berry abscission of 'Kyoho' table ...
Chitosan inhibits postharvest berry abscission of 'Kyoho' table grapes by affecting the structure of abscission zone, cell wall degrading enzymes and SO2 ...
#54. Cellular and pectin dynamics during ... -
Cellular and pectin dynamics during abscission zone development and ripe fruit abscission of the monocot oil palm. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 540 [15 p.] ...
#55. Floral organ abscission is regulated by a positive feedback loop
In order for abscission to occur, a layer of small and cytoplasmically dense cells, known as an abscission zone, must be laid down during ...
#56. Vasculature of the abscission zone of tomato fruit
The structural anatomy of the abscission zone in the "knuckle" of the pedicel supporting the tomato fruit may provide an explanation as to ...
#57. Where the abscission zone is formed? - Doubtnut
Leaf abscission takes place at the base of petiole which is marked internally by a distinct zone of few layers of thin walled cells arranged ...
#58. Tree Leaf Abscission and Cellular Senescence - ThoughtCo
Leaf abscission occurs at the end of annual plant senescence which ... Once the abscission zone has been blocked, a tear line forms and the ...
#59. Histological Characterization of Fraser Fir Abscission Zone
This process only involves a few layers of cells in predictable positions known as abscission zones (AZs). NA is sometimes severely affected once a tree is cut, ...
#60. Determination of sugars composition in abscission zone of oil ...
Determination of sugars composition in abscission zone of oil palm fruit. Y M Thang 1,5, A A Ariffin1,3,4, D R Appleton 6, A J Asis 4, M N Mokhtar 2 and R ...
#61. Senescence and Abscission - Types, Causes, Physiological ...
The abscission zone is brown or pale in colour. The cells of this abscission layer separate from one another as a result of dissolution of the middle lamellae ...
#62. abscission zone的中文释义 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选abscission zone是什么意思、英语单词推荐、abscission zone的用法、abscission zone的中文释义、翻译abscission zone是什么意思.
#63. Abscission - SlideShare
8. abscission zone The abscission zone is a layer of weak, thin-walled cells that form across the base of the plant part where the break eventually occurs ...
#64. Abscission - 第 39 頁 - Google 圖書結果
As the distal tissues shrink and contract , separation at the abscission zone is facilitated . When water relations are favorable in the tissues proximal to ...
#65. Learn About Abscission Zone |
Abscission zone, also known as a cell separation zone in deciduous trees located at the petiole base. It is a process of shedding organs including leaves, ...
#66. abscission zones 中文 - 查查詞典
abscission zones 中文意思:【植物學】離區…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋abscission zones的中文翻譯,abscission zones的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#67. Dictionary MAIN PAGE Text & Grap
Abscission Zones - Abscission zones form at the base of leaf stems and where ... With non-woody roots and mycorrhizae the abscission zone forms first and ...
#68. Leaf Abscission | Process & Purpose -
What is the process of abscission? Abscission is the process that trees and other plants undergo during the autumn to shed some or all of their leaves. The process has three steps: resorption, protective layer formation, and detachment. Where is the leaf abscission zone? The leaf abscission zone can be found just under the leaf's petiole (stem). It is comprised of two layers of cells: a weak layer and an expanding layer. In the autumn, the expanding layer breaks the cells in the weak layer, separating the leaf and allowing it to drop.
#69. abscission zone 中文- 英文词典
Definition of abscission zone in English Dictionary. 名词(Noun)PLabscission zonesSUF-one. (botany) The area in a plant's leaf, stem, or fruit stalk, ...
#70. Abscission and Importance of Abscission - BrainKart
It takes place at the base of the petiole which is internally marked by a distinct zone of few layers of thin-walled cells arranged ...
#71. cherry, abscission zone (prunus cerasus) longitudinal section ...
#72. Senescence and Abscission: Types, Causes, Hormones
Q.1. What is senescence in plants? Ans: The gradual deterioration of cell function is referred to as senescence. Senescence is a phase of the ageing process that occurs after a certain amount of time has passed. Q.2. Which hormone promotes abscission and senescence of leaves? Ans: Hormones like abscisic acid and ethylene promote senescence and hormones like abscisic acid and ethylene accelerate abscission.
#73. Surviving the winter: 1.4.1 Deciduous trees - OpenLearn
Once as many nutrients as possible have been withdrawn from a leaf, an abscission zone forms where the leaf stalk (petiole) meets the stem (Figure 12).
#74. 10.5 Preparation for seasonal changes - eXe
In most cases, the protective layer joins the cork of the stem and becomes continuous with it. Figure 10.6 The abscission zone (A) and the separation within the ...
#75. abscission zone – Liberal Dictionary
noun Botany. the zone at the base of a leaf petiole, fruit stalk, or branch in which the abscission layer develops. Abscission of Leaves in Plants ...
#76. What causes abscission layers on fruit trees? - WorldsTerra
In deciduous trees, an abscission zone, also called a separation zone, is formed at the base of the petiole. It is composed of a top layer that has cells with ...
#77. Abscission - Flowering Plants - 78 Steps Health
Figure 7.25 The abscission zone of a leaf. in young leaves. As the leaf ages, hormonal changes take place, and at least two layers of cells ...
#78. Chinese Sba3
Leaves are either cut with a sanitized tool or popped off manually at the abscission zone. To asus eee, back pad transformer ...
#79. How To Determine A Ripe Melon - Vegetables -
As the fruit matures, you will be able to see the abscission zone form as a slight crack that gets larger over time and will eventually form ...
#80. Researchers explore how floods and droughts are ... - My Droll
... on coral reef and seagrass health in this area,” Berger said. ... from seed germination to fruit ripening, abscission, and senescence.
abscission zone 在 Leaf Abscission - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
In this video, we are going to go over the phases of leaf abscission. ... <看更多>