✅8月30日,孫處長與 #台北市 市長柯文哲 會面,了解台北市如何透過姊妹市夥伴關係進行雙邊合作,以及柯市長的優先政策。隨後,孫處長拜會 #科技部 部長吳政忠,雙方談及「美台科學及技術合作協定」、人工智慧的負責任發展以及台灣對「人才循環大聯盟」的支持。
✅8月31日,孫處長與 #新北市 市長侯友宜 會面,討論振興經濟議題以及新北市的疫情現況。當天稍後,孫處長與 #農委會 主委陳吉仲會面,就促進美台農業合作交換意見。接著,孫處長與 #文化部 部長李永得會面,雙方討論美台合作及文化交流,並見證了台灣文化部和學術交流基金會(台灣傅爾布萊特)的「傅爾布萊特—台灣文化部藝文專業人才獎助計畫」備忘錄簽署儀式,這項計畫旨在獎助台灣的藝文專業人才赴美學習交流。
✅9月1日,孫處長拜會 #財政部 部長蘇建榮,雙方談及「美台經濟繁榮夥伴對話」、供應鏈及共同關切的財政與關務交流等議題。隨後,孫處長與 #勞動部 部長許銘春會面,討論新冠疫情如何影響台灣的勞動政策。接著,孫處長與 #外貿協會 董事長黃志芳會面,並感謝外貿協會協助促進美台之間的商業機會。
✅9月2日,孫處長拜會 #台灣美國事務委員會 主委楊珍妮,並討論雙方關切的議題。孫處長本週的拜會行程也在這場會議之後畫下句點。
✅ This week, Director Oudkirk met with Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je on August 30 to discuss bilateral cooperation through Taipei’s Sister City partnerships and Mayor Ko’s key priorities as well as with Minister of Science and Technology Wu Tsung-tsong to discuss implementation of the U.S.-Taiwan Science and Technology Agreement, the responsible development of artificial intelligence, and Taiwan’s support for the Talent Circulation Alliance initiative.
✅ On August 31, Director Oudkirk met with New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih to discuss economic recovery and COVID-19-related developments in New Taipei City and with Minister of Agriculture Chen Chi-chung to exchange views on advancing U.S.-Taiwan agricultural cooperation. Later in the day, Director Oudkirk and Minister of Culture Lee Yung-te discussed U.S.-Taiwan cooperation and cultural exchanges and witnessed the signing of an agreement between Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture and the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan) to launch a new grant that will provide Taiwanese art professionals professional development opportunities in the United States.
✅ On September 1, Director Oudkirk and Minister of Finance Su Jain-rong met to talk about the Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue, supply chain issues, and fiscal and customs exchanges. She also met with Minister of Labor Hsu Ming-chun to discuss how COVID-19 has impacted Taiwan’s labor policy. Later that day, Director Oudkirk met with Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) Chairman James Huang and thanked TAITRA for facilitating business opportunities between the United States and Taiwan.
✅ Director Oudkirk concluded this week’s courtesy calls by meeting Taiwan Council for U.S. Affairs (TCUSA) Chairperson Jen-ni Yang on September 2 to discuss issues of mutual interest.
🤝During these meetings, Director Oudkirk reiterated her commitment to advancing and deepening the U.S.-Taiwan partnership, stressed the common democratic and economic values that the United States and Taiwan share, and emphasized the United States’ enduring commitment to Taiwan.
about taitra 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
I miss Taiwan food, Boba tea etc since my last visit to Taiwan in February 2021. If you have the same situation like me, let's check out Taiwan Expo Online 2021 whereby more Taiwan products, services, healthcare, smart devices will be showcasing at here. Taiwan Expo Online will happen from 4th to 6th August 2021 and 160 Taiwan businesses will showcasing their services, technology and products to Malaysia businesses. This is a good business opportunity during this pandemic situation.
Total of 10 themed pavilions centred around six major pillars: Electronic Mobility, Post-Pandemic Era, Industry 4.0, Taiwan Lifestyle Products, Tourism & Culture and Halal Taiwan. Audience can check out at https://mys.taiwanexpoasean.com/ For buyers don't forget to register with a TAITRA member to gain early access to the virtual exhibition.
Visit Taiwan Healthcare Pavilion whereby you can found more information regarding infection prevention solutions, antipathogen products, telemedicine systems, as well as a showcase of medical services from the famous Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Taiwan’s world-renowned universal healthcare system.
This time expo, Taiwan Expo specially collaborated with 10 local Malaysian companies that sell Taiwanese products to provide “My Amazing Taiwan Deals” promotion campaign at Taiwan Expo’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TaiwanExpo.mys) .Check out for the promotion either online or offline channels starting from July 28 to August 6. Grab your favourite Taiwan items during this amazing promotion. Taiwan Expo in Malaysia 2021 will be held from August 4th to 6th on the official website https://mys.taiwanexpoasean.com/en/index.html. Experience yourself the best comeback of Taiwan expo online.
For more information about the event, please contact the Taiwan Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, at: +60(3)20312388 / +6018-9589168 or email to kl@taitra.org.tw
#Taiwanexpo #TaiwanExcellence
about taitra 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文
【#中美洲 經濟整合 歡迎台商投資】
台灣與宏都拉斯🇭🇳、瓜地馬拉🇬🇹、尼加拉瓜🇳🇮簽定 #自由貿易協定(FTA)後,雙邊貿易量平均成長137% rrrrrrrr
外交部委託 外貿協會 TAITRA 於7/23辦理「 #中美洲經濟整合與投資展望─探索宏都拉斯、瓜地馬拉及尼加拉瓜之疫後新契機」線上發表會,宏、瓜、尼三國駐台大使特地於簡報中,介紹當地重點發展產業,及相關產業優勢,尤其 #中美洲經濟整合 趨勢 ,提供台商 #關稅優惠 等多項優惠,#吸引超過180位台商上線參與。
今日發表會中宏都拉斯副總統兼經濟發展部長María Antonia Rivera、瓜地馬拉經濟部長Antonio Malouf,以及尼加拉瓜工商部長Orlando Solórzano也預錄開幕致詞,展現3國政府對鼓勵台商投資的重視,外交部也期待與三國在穩固的基礎上,繼續深化雙邊的互惠經貿合作,帶給人民更多利益。
¡Vamos al grano! El viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Alexander Yui, pronunció hoy el discurso de apertura de una conferencia en línea en la que se exploraron nuevas oportunidades para las empresas taiwanesas en #Guatemala, #Honduras y #Nicaragua. La designada presidencial y ministra encargada de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico de Honduras, María Antonia Rivera; el ministro de Economía de Guatemala, Antonio Malouf; y el ministro de Fomento, Industria y Comercio de Nicaragua, Orlando Solórzano, también intervinieron en la apertura del evento.
El viceministro Yui expresó el deseo del MOFA de que los TLC firmados con estos países, los cuales han visto crecer el volumen de comercio en un 137 por ciento, puedan sentar una sólida base para fortalecer los lazos bilaterales y la cooperación comercial, beneficiando así a los pueblos de los países implicados.
Si tienes alguna historia que contarnos sobre la cooperación con nuestros aliados en #Centroamérica o si eres de dicha región y has trabajado con socios taiwaneses, no dudes en dejarnos un comentario y etiquetar tus publicaciones con el hashtag #ManosALaObra
Vice Minister Yui stated MOFA’s hopes that the FTAs signed with these countries, which have already seen trade volume grow 137%, can pave a solid foundation to strengthen bilateral ties and trade cooperation, benefitting the people of both countries.
If you've got a story to tell about cooperation with our allies in #CentralAmerica or you're from the region and have worked with Taiwanese partners, comment below or tag your post #ManosALaObra ("Let's get to work!" in Spanish).
about taitra 在 Taitra Trade Shows - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
Each year, TAITRA holds more than 30 international Taiwan Trade Shows and attracts more than 10,000 exhibitors, local and global, and over 80,000 ... ... <看更多>
about taitra 在 TAITRA Global | Taipei - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
TAITRA Global, Taipei, Taiwan. 627 likes · 12 talking about this. Your valuable partner to do business with Taiwan. #Taiwan #TAITRA #DigitalSociety. ... <看更多>