你必須直接去市場上買賣點什麼東西才談得上利潤。上班拿固定工資是沒有利潤的。哪怕你工資再高,那也只是你的勞動所得,都是根據你這個水平,你應該得的,是市場認為正好等於你的付出的回報 —— 這表現在你要是不上班就沒有收入。
要這麼算的話,市場充分競爭的結果一定會把利潤變成 0。總會有一個老王出來,說我就當自己是個職業經理人跟大家交朋友算了,我拿個應得的工資就行,利潤我不要。
利潤從哪裡來這個問題的解決,在經濟學史上是一個里程碑。1921年,美國經濟學家弗蘭克·奈特(Frank Knight, 1885-1972)出版了《風險、不確定性與利潤》(Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit)一書 [1],提出了一個傳世的洞見:利潤來自不確定性。
如果女裝只有比如粉色和綠色兩個選擇,而且你明確知道它們流行的可能性都是 50% —— 那這個風險其實不用企業家承擔。因為你可以買保險!概率已知的風險都是可以管理的。銀行可以給生產兩款女裝的工廠都提供貸款,到時候肯定一個賠錢一個賺錢,只要利息和保險合適,銀行和企業雙贏。有這個保險機制在,大家誰都不用冒險,可以各自拿一份固定工資,根本不需要企業家。
現代經濟學家把這個不確定性特別稱為「奈特不確定性(Knightian uncertainty)」。我們專欄講過 [2],統計學家有個更科學的說法。已知概率大小的,叫做「偶然不確定性(Aleatoric uncertainty)」, 也叫統計不確定性。不知道概率大小的,叫做「認知不確定性(Epistemic uncertainty)」,也叫系統不確定性。前者發生的事情都是你事先能想到的,後者則是你想不到的。比如「黑天鵝」事件,就是一種認知不確定性。
流行趨勢通常不能用以往的經驗判斷。有個企業家認准了一個全新的款式,說我非得生產這個,銀行能給他擔保嗎?這個不確定性沒法系統化管理,他自己必須承擔 —— 這才是企業家存在的意義。你要是願意給這樣的項目投資、分擔不確定性 —— 而不是把錢交給銀行拿固定的利息 —— 你也是企業家。
要做服裝這一行的企業家,你肯定得對流行趨勢有個很好的感覺才行。不過企業家本人不一定非得特別懂女裝 —— 他完全可以請人來給他設計,只是設計師不承擔不確定性,人家拿固定的設計費,風險還是要由企業家承擔。
簡單說,企業家,是市場上的 player。他拒絕聽別人的安排,非得按照自己的想法決定做什麼,然後他安排別人也按照這個想法去做,最後他獨自承擔後果。
奈特之後,別的經濟學家又找到了公司存在的其他理由。比如科斯說公司減少了交易成本能起到協調作用。張五常說公司提供了合約。還有人說公司解決了監督、提供了資源獨特性……等等等 [3],但是奈特這個「不確定性」的說法,是最根本的。
如果從某一天開始,世界上再也沒有不確定性了,那麼市場的力量就會迅速把公司利潤變成 0:企業家就不需要存在,大家都應該拿固定工資。
不確定性都是從哪來的呢?一個有意思的不確定性是中國經濟學家張維迎在 2008 年的一次演講中說的 [4]。他說中國改革開放這麼多年之中,商業活動最大的不確定性,是「體制的不確定性,政策的不確定性,政府行為的不確定性。」這體現在政府對資源的調配非常隨意。
這個規律是不確定性越大,利潤就越高 —— 企業家為利潤而奮鬥,但是市場看不見的手恰恰在降低總利潤。是那些看得見的手,提供了額外的不確定性,才給人帶來不合理的利潤。
而奈特更厲害的一個洞見,則是「價值」的不確定性。說白了就是人的慾望的不確定性,你不知道未來的人喜歡什麼。奈特 1924 年發表了一篇文章叫《經濟學中科學方法的局限性》,說經濟學不僅僅是什麼資源的有效調配,把一個什麼價值函數最大化的問題,因為人的價值觀是會變的 ——
一百多年前整天坐馬車的人沒有想要一輛汽車。2006 年以前的人並不期待智能手機。今天的多數人不能理解馬斯克為什麼非得讓人去火星。人生的終極任務不是滿足某種價值,而是發現和創造新價值。
[1] 弗蘭克·奈特,《風險、不確定性和利潤》,中文有郭武軍、劉亮翻譯版,華夏出版社 2013。
[2] 精英日課第三季,哪種不確定性?什麼黑天鵝?
[3] 關於公司為什麼存在的理論發展總結,可參考向松祚,《新經濟學》第二卷,新經濟範式。
[4] 張維迎的這次演講首次發表於《經濟觀察報》2008年1月20日,修改後的文章曾收入作者主編的《中國改革30年:10位經濟學家的思考》。
[5] Frank Knight (1924), "The limitations of scientific method in economics」, 原文是「Now this, we shall contend, is not very far; the scientific view of life is a limited and partial view; life is at bottom an exploration in the field of values, an attempt to discover values, rather than on the basis of knowledge of them to produce and enjoy them to the greatest possible extent. We strive to "know ourselves," to find out our real wants, more than to get what we want. This fact sets a first and most sweeping limitation to the conception of economics as a science.」
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅暗網仔出街,也在其Youtube影片中提到,RANDONAUTICA 恐怖遊戲實況 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour 訂閱: https:/...
at field 中文 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的精選貼文
【國立臺灣大學109學年度畢業典禮 致詞代表 資訊工程學系韓哈斯】
Student Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
International student Seth Austin Harding from Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
但更不幸的是,我在打籃球時弄傷了我的前十字韌帶,做了兩次手術,需要一年半才能恢復。許多的負面情緒壓得我喘不過氣。我被困在人生的低谷,不知如何是好。我覺得我的中文不夠好,我也被診斷出失眠跟ADHD,另外,美國高中的數學太簡單了,來這邊不夠用。種種壓力讓我足不出戶,找不到自己的人生方向。後來,我向臺大心輔中心以及我的心理醫師尋求協助,然後我也開始跟系上有更多互動。有一位教授叫徐宏民跟我說,"Never give up",雖然那時候我覺得這句話太過於簡化了我的問題,不過,在我仔細思考了一個禮拜之後,我下定決心,發誓不讓自己被這些事擊敗。我決定要克盡全力,認真做好每件事。這是我人生的轉捩點,我開始變得異常自律。當時廖世偉教授和洪士灝系主任帶我進入它們的研究室鑽研學術。這重燃了我對資訊工程的熱忱,提醒了我當初會愛上這個領域的原因。我開始研究人工智慧以及區塊鏈,也開始跟其他系上同學交朋友,一起成立臺大人工智慧應用社NTUAI。NTUAI現在是校內頗具規模的技術研究社團,致力於推廣人工智慧給任何對該領域有熱忱的學生。歡迎加入NTUAI,可以掃描我們的QR CODE。
最近,由於疫情的緣故,我已經一年半沒回美國了。但是沒關係,因為我已經找到了我第二個家。我很愛臺大,以及台灣的人事物。雖然我經歷了人生的低潮,但這裡的一切總是給我滿滿的祝福與協助。最後,我想送給大家「功夫熊貓」裡的一句台詞: "You just need to believe"。只要用樂觀的態度去面對困難,就有能力改變自己,甚至改變身旁所愛的人。就像阿波的父親說的,"心誠則靈,只要你相信,點石就能成金。根本沒有什麼秘笈。只有你。"謝謝大家。
President, professors, and classmates, I'm very honored to be here. Thank you to NTU for giving me this opportunity. My name's Seth Austin Harding, and I'm from the D.C. metropolitan area. I'm going to tell a real story that's personal but that's relatable and what I see as the real me.
What motivated and guided me to take my undergraduate studies in Taiwan? When I was very young, I really loved watching kung fu movies, and when I was 10 years old, I went to the theater to watch "Kung Fu Panda". This became my favorite movie as I felt like the story of the main character Po was one to which I could very much relate. After watching this movie, I decided that I wanted to start learning kung fu, so I went to the United States Wushu Academy. At the time, I began hearing Mandarin on a daily basis, so when I was in high school, I decided to begin formally studying Chinese. It ended up being my Chinese teacher from Taipei who was my favorite teacher who taught my favorite class, so I decided I'd hang out in the Chinese classroom every day and practice lots. By the time graduation came around, I had attained the highest proficiency in Chinese among any non-native speaker in my school. My second favorite class was computer science, and I ended up attaining among the best coding skills in my school. After getting accepted to the school of my dreams -- National Taiwan University -- I felt honored, humbled, and excited; I could now spend time at among the world's finest universities studying Chinese and at the same time advancing my knowledge of computer science.
But when I look back at my freshman year, to be honest with you, I didn't know what I was doing. Despite having taken very many Chinese classes, when I went to the NTU lectures, I understood only about half of what the teachers were saying. Contrary to most people's impressions of an American, I was actually too shy to raise my hand, to ask questions, or to even meet with teachers after class, so I had very few friends at the time. I started to become homesick and depressed. At that time, I found that basketball was the only way I knew of relieving my stress. However, while playing basketball, I had torn my ACL and it would take two surgeries and a year and a half in time to fully recover. At this point, I felt caught between a rock and a hard place. In fact, this was the lowest point of my life, and I didn't know what to do. I felt like my Chinese wasn't good enough, I had been diagnosed with insomnia and ADHD, and I felt like the math taught in America was too simple to allow for me to keep up with my classmates. I was under immense pressure, and at this time, I lost any sense of purpose or direction. Later on, I went to seek help from NTU counseling, from my psychiatrist, and from my department. I reached out to Professor Winston Hsu from CSIE, and he told me this: "Never give up"; it was such an oversimplified way to approach such a complex series of problems, I had thought. However, I pondered these words intensely for one week, and by the end of that week, I had made a firm decision. This would NOT be another example of me giving up. I decided to go all out, to work diligently and passionately on all tasks at hand. This was the turning point of my life; I started to discipline myself to a very high degree. At this time, I met my then-to-become advisors Professor Shih-Wei Liao and Professor Shih-Hao Hung and entered their labs to begin research. Finally, the passion that I had for computer science that I had previously held in high school was kindled again, and I was finally reminded why I loved this field. I began my research life in blockchain and AI, and at the time I entered the lab, I also began creating NTUAI. NTUAI is now a large and highly successful NTU club that is dedicated to the research and public understanding of AI. Welcome one and all to join us; please scan our QR code here.
For a year and a half I haven't returned to America because of covid. But not to worry; I have found my second home, away from home. I love it here in NTU and I cherish all of the things I've had the privilege to experience in Taiwan. I've gone through the most difficult of struggles in my life here, but I've also had the most fortunate and blessed of experiences. To conclude, I'd like to quote a line from "Kung Fu Panda": "You just need to believe". As long as you are willing to adopt an optimistic attitude in facing challenges and hardships, you may become a positive force in changing the lives of those around you as well as your own life. It all depends on how you view it; just like what Po's father says, "there is no secret ingredient. It's just you." Thank you, everyone.
#臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #學生致詞代表 #臺大資訊工程學系 #韓哈斯 #SethAustinHarding
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◎蘿拉-布蕾斯・麥朵薇 Laura-Blaise McDowell
"Sure Home"
By Laura-Blaise McDowell
Eighteen hundred miles, the geese fly to Ireland for winter, from the glittering tundras and icy cities of the northern world, arriving here,
their silhouettes scratched like Ogham into the skies above the suburbs
They descend on Bull Island, alight in Ringsend
On a still March morning, I am awoken by the calls, announcing their arrival in the warmer climate as they scatter across the field outside my window
Geese have an intense need to communicate, always chattering
they have come to the right place
The home of storytellers, a land where there is no solid word for yes, only specific confirmation, ‘I did,’ ‘we are,’ ‘it is’, a certainty at our core
And so a thousand geese and I, at this moment, gather in the warmth of our shared shore
there is no doubt we are together, in the surest place on Earth
When I see the geese I think of our travelled distance, to be a warmer country, one where those with stories come and share in the way in which we let love grow
like gorse alight across our hills and when I see more birds
coming steadily in
With the thrill of the V formation, an easy understanding
the gentle music of unified wings
An ancient sense of belonging
註:三月17日為愛爾蘭的聖派翠克節,也就是愛爾蘭的國慶日,在這一天愛爾蘭會以大量的綠色以及幸運草圖案的裝飾來慶祝這一天。「駐愛爾蘭台北代表處」和「每天為你讀一首詩」合作,邀請 Laura-Blaise McDowell特地為今天寫下這首詩〈可靠的家園〉,我們也邀請陳育虹為我們翻譯和朗讀。詩中以愛爾蘭最常見的野雁為象徵,以其空間的移動隱喻時間的推移,而聯想到愛爾蘭是這樣輾轉走過長久的歷史,從被英國殖民,復活節起義,到最後的獨立,以及和英格蘭的和解。這樣的歷史無疑是經過漫長殖民,在尋求出路的台灣值得認識而喜愛的。
☘️ 英文朗讀影片:https://youtu.be/9aYrXhCCRhk
☘️ 中文朗讀影片:https://youtu.be/MtYY0eVPs6Y
☘️ 代表處新聞稿(有詩的簡介):https://www.roc-taiwan.org/ie/post/5205.html
#每天為你讀一首詩 #陳育虹 #可靠的家園 #Laura_Blaise_McDowell #Sure_Home #駐愛爾蘭台北代表處 #聖派翠克節 #St_Patricks_Day #Ireland #愛爾蘭
at field 中文 在 暗網仔出街 Youtube 的精選貼文
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour
訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKC6E5s6CMT5sVBInKBbPDQ?sub_confirmation=1
暗網? 陰謀論?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5RVLpFkAKQ&list=PLGzW5EwcApFuqKoowMHS9v8W34vIPyrtk
鬼故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4rmkFI1ik0&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF
我的100K成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE
破解Kate yup事件是假的! 不是綁架! 不要被騙! (Facebook上的證據): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NJVt56ORWo&t=2s
曼德拉效應: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMutzRIE_uE&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF&index=17&t=5s
深刻個人經歷: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Roa6Vs1qWc&list=PLglqLngY6gv4mm_doLUUJx4zq5KvLJ2VE
在外國試驗恐怖Randonautica App能碰到什麼?
你相信世界有巧合嗎? 你在街上一日chait身而過的人有數百個, 是什麼能讓我們uw yue, ying sik, kauw gun?
旅遊恐怖app ‘Randonautica’ 令到douyin那班leng jai在公園揭發一douy死人wuy tuy,
Randonaut會信是宇宙萬物中的量子yun ling他們到那個地方.
Randonautica跟Pokémon GO相似: 在現實世界進行探索任務. 唯一分別是你探索緊的那樣東西由你念力出發. 他們腦子又是想什麼的呢? 根據量子物理學, 電話app會吸收你腦粒子加上靈性學你用個app時的intention=你去到的最終目的地.
‘Randonautica’ 拿了你地址後會有3種不同分bo模式.
‘Attractor’ 模式: 會到量子點很擠迫的地方.
‘void’ 模式: 量子點極少的地方.
‘anomaly’ 模式, 如果你心裡面有強烈信念, 一些答案就會找到.
網上有Randonaut用了這個app去到自己爺爺的fun mo. 而暗網仔今天要出街希望找到人生的意義.
現在你聽到的聲音 , 6個ging點我已經去過. 當中lui ching不jook yi改變我一生, 但神奇地也有不可思議的地方.
(Say Maslows hierarchy of needs love and belonging is #3. Quarantine has been hard and friendship has been difficult to maintain... finding friendship.)
全名:暗網仔. 年齡: 27身高: 181cm. 職業: Youtuber.
這是啊暗第一個被yun ling到的地點: 43.599747, -79.595291.
所以啊暗食了一條蕉( 還放上IG!!!) 照了照鏡子make sure自己有Indiana jones的氣質就出門口.
Yik情的關係令我想 ‘朋友’ 這個koy nim好多. 朋友’ 定義是: 要天天boon cheuy你身邊一定做不到, 所以只好在你生日時pooy你fung kwong一晚就是 ‘朋友’? 啊暗猜不到命運第一達帶他去的地方會是一dung 大ha. Google map確切的位置是大ha pong been的一po植物. 其實啊暗知道app指ling他發現的是一位拿著高爾夫球裝備, 剛剛做完運動的大約50多歲的白人男子. 他面dai笑yung, 好奇望著啊暗在sow yiw那po jik mut..
那位大sook好快就上了友人的車離去. 啊暗回到車後承認自己不夠勇敢, 沒有真實地dap出第一步. 有時d friend可能就要你call一call佢
(-found a guy playing golf. Smiled at me but was a bit hostile. I was too afraid to go make contact. Maybe that’s what life is like, friendships you have to reach out.)
*use attractor.
“It was my first time randonauting. So I just manifested seeing something red and the coordinates led me here...”
(Physiological needs)
*use void
(Sex: the place is an isolated location, or a void. Their was a sign on the door of the place called ‘just shoot it!’ -a hockey club. Maybe the place is a good one to take a date for sex?)
啊暗在想著性被帶到一些工廠背後一達地方. 調查後發現tit門上有 ‘just shoot it!’ 3個英文字. 可能這個地方不是尋找性的一個地方. 也許是帶人來 “just shoot it” 的一個地方.
下一個神奇地啊暗想著食物後, 就帶了他去到平時喜歡食的Five guys burger的那一個soing cheung. 不是確切地點, 但啊暗實在太肚餓.
iPhone等Apple產品有都市傳聞說會偷聽用戶的對話. 我第一個地點是有講過 ‘找朋友’ 這句說話, 之後也有講過 “找東西吃” 這句說話, 但我整程車根本沒有講過’five guys burger’ 這個地方名字. Randonautica會不會kuy用你部iPhone的Google map偷看我平時到開車到達最多的chan teng呢? 電話整天都跟身, 10足10跟jung器.
Ping goh隱私權政策有提到 “we may collect and store details, including search queries. This information may be used to improve the relevancy of results provided by our searches”
(Food was just food. Went to five guys and got some food. Even though it wasn’t directly at the place. It’s usually where I buy my food anyways.)
(Safety needs)
這裡, 這裡, 這裡...公園內的一大peen空地是啊暗要找 ‘工作’ 的地方. Randonautica能這麼短時間受歡迎起來因為他破壞城市人一般的jit juw帶你到平日不會去的地方.
*use attractor
(Park )
(Video of girl witnessing someone getting shot)
[破解] 影片中的女生發現一個恐怖案法現場然後bung kwooy. 但為什麼這不是一件好事呢? 有分sik Randonautica的網友用Despair-meme法juk段定Randonautica的最後結果. 如果在經歷跟自己日常生活變化時, 對世界多一份敏感是好事. 但如果整天看負面新聞, hoi怕改變, 可能就會好像這個女生, manifest 生活以外一些悲劇的發生.
(Esteem needs) (say this is something you truly want and you crave for. Extremely important to you.)
*use anomaly
(Someone’s house. So disappointing)
這個是啊暗好想要的. 失望地只是一間屋的門口. 又是不敢去看看. 啊暗的想法是: 我相念不夠keung嗎?
Randonautica創辦人表示app根據Fatum project去geen jo. Fatum project原本的用意研究我們每一個人以外有可能jook poong到的reality. 根據我們每一個人的lo chup, jap gwan, 人生ging lik, 條件及外在因素我們在生ming會到達的地方永遠ley不開那幾個.
Sierpinski三角形是最好representation. 無論你在三角型任何一個點開始chong jo三角形, 也到不了一些blindspot. (好像我由細到大都經過的那座大樓) 那個行為由如到達另一個星球一樣.
唯一是kauw randonautica ley hoi ‘static’s field’ 甚至影響你自己生命道路的那一條線.
(Self actualization)
*use anomaly
(Someone’s house again)
人生的意義最終也是人家的屋子. 雖然我最後也是um yeen ley hoi但可能...這就是人生的意義. 有些事你是suey yiw dap出第一步的. 即使你不是玩這個game的時候人生才會不停有duk po. 可能我就是要be reminded of 這個道理. 有不可思議的地方, 學到了新東西, 流了一些hon: a good summer day well spent.
(Need to take the first step to change your life and change your pattern. So I will be trying new things. First is to wake up earlier.)
(Last story: I used the app with a friend the next day...we ended up at a house with a pool. She said that although her intent was buying a present, in reality she wanted to swim. So we were suppose to knock on the door and ask the family if we could swim with them?)
之後一天跟朋友再玩. 原本這位朋友想找一份生日禮物, 但我們到了一個wing chi. 因為原本他心底想著是yuw水. 而最尾...
at field 中文 在 五哥頻道 Youtube 的精選貼文
Marina條片出左啦,大家可以聽返原裝版? https://youtu.be/3aE-UgVwj58?t=3793
English Transcript
From The Council through Marina Jacobi.
This is the beginning of Hong Kong, I discussed last time if you guys remember, they (The Councils) just told me right now but this is just the beginning of Hong Kong to fight for its freedom and it’s a lot more to come because the new Generation they said is going to gain its freedom. I’m not given exactly how but it’s more to come of the same right now, it is going to reach peak performance within two years. Basically, it’s going to be back and forth, all these riots.
The best way, they said (The Councils) is to observe and when situation presents itself, be of the “Best of Yourself” in the Name of Humanity, if you keep up with that and hold the vibration of knowingness with no fear, understand that no matter what happens, you are always going to be shown the bridge for your safety. Because basically, the same, like you are going to project it if you don’t get into fear. So you turn around no matter what happens, you’re always going to have food, help, and situation that will end up in a positive outcome for you, no matter what happens. So, go back to Quantum Structure video one, two and three of the Quantum Manifestation Season 1. It’s important in this situation in chaos to understand to learn the structure so you keep up by understanding that you are watching a holographic imprint and you’re the main character, you are in a virtual reality that is a game and you can build and open doors if you need something. If you learn the structure I guarantee you that you’ll be able to manoeuvre in this game, Because the Hong Kong situation, in every country, now has to go through its process, to pop up in front of people’s faces so people can wake up and take their freedom, basically, not take their freedom, but create their freedom (they correct it).
When you find yourself in “a situation”:
This is basically for everybody that finds themselves in a “situation”, keep up those stronger structures, know that it is a hologram, know that it is a process of Ascension. When you have a situation, always be the Best of yourself, of the Best of your abilities, because whatever you do at this moment, that’s what your projection in the quantum field and that’s what you’re shifting the next momentum into, this is a quantum bylaw. If you keep up with this, understand that more and more you do, it becomes more potent, which pops up like a situation of reality that you have everything you need even in the forest fire. Like you are playing a game, literally guys, I am not kidding what I’m saying no matter what you see, you think of hologram, train your consciousness to think that you are in a hologram life structure. I know it sounds crazy but that’s what it is. And if you keep doing that, you know what happens becomes easy and you’re not afraid. You’re actually free and have an understanding, and then’s it’s easy for you to play that structure, because you are not stopping by the fear vibrational sequence that is so potent and it is stronger than the joy, when not experiencing the joy, you are replacing it with the fear, that is going to create the same and then you cannot get out a whole situation for you to escape the forest, you are going to end up in the forest.
從理事會通過Marina Jacobi。
Marina Jacobi YouTube頻道:http://bit.ly/30LXDEx
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Hello all of you sexy MYBYers! We missed you like 宫保 misses its 鸡丁。In this episode Dayday takes everyone on a trip to the Field Museum in Chicago.
-Dayday looks at some of the interesting name choices for animals
-Checks out the China Exhibit
-Goes inside a replicated Pyramid chamber
-Visiting the Chicago Art Institute
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