MGM 美高梅 澳門今年的三式八味月餅禮盒不僅有多樣口味可選,禮盒圖案更是周游軒小朋友及其父親以澳門美高梅藝術收藏「八面靈龍」為靈感而設計。寓意著八方進寶、闔家團圓,也突出了純潔童真的可貴。小朋友的創意無限,用水彩和油墨繪製了這一幅天馬行空的作品。享用過美味月餅後,不妨活用月餅盒的儲物能力,譬如製成顏色筆盒,變廢為寶?
🔸MacauEat 將會推出一系列有關可持續發展和綠色餐飲系列的專題介紹和創作,如果大家有什麼好提議的話,歡迎inbox 我們,讓我們從餐飲出發,令社區變得更好。
This year, MGM offers three kinds of mooncake gifts boxes in eight flavours. The special design comes from little local artist Chao Iao Hin, and his father. This art piece is inspired by the “Valkyrie Octopus”at MGM MACAU, which embodies auspicious and happy reunion of families, as well as the precious innocence of children. After enjoying the mooncakes with families, you might as well try making a good use of the containers. Turning it into a watercolour markers box is probably a good idea to carry out the resource recycling.
🔸You may also respond to government’s 「Mooncake Boxes Recycling」campaign, recycle the mooncake boxes in designated sites. Check the details in our bio’s link!
🔸 MacauEat will also promote a series of work and creation in terms of the green talkings and happenings in our local f&b industry. DM us if you have more related ideas and stay tuned!
🔹Photographer: Lambert Lam
🔹Food styling: Katherine Kou
🔹Location: MacauEat Studio
🔹Mooncake: MGM Macau
#澳門美食 #MacauEat
#美高梅 #MGM
#月餅 #Mooncake
#月餅拍攝 #MoonCakeShot
#回收 #Recycling
#可持續性發展 #Sustainability
同時也有21部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,830的網紅Tracy L. 紙上旅行,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#文具控 #文具 #開箱 #拼貼手帳 Chapters章節 0:00 片頭 0:09 四月文具大賞簡單聊聊 0:48 Pipit Zakka 鳥人設計 1:21 Windry R. 2:56 喝咖啡閒聊(可略過XD) 3:49 Breezy Studio 微瘋畫室 6:35 開箱拼貼 -1 1...
57 art studio 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoaster - Let there be light again
Cover art by Saitemiss 低級失誤
May the sky be bright again
May the eyes be bright again
All I seek is love, please
Take me back from darkness
Listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03uDc9m4NcQ
Produced by Tseng Kuo Hung 曾國宏
Arranged by Tseng Kuo Hung 曾國宏 與Sunset Rollercoaster 落日飛車
Composed&Lyrics by Tseng Kuo Hung 曾國宏
Arranged by Sunset Rollercoaster 落日飛車
Vocal / Guitars - Tseng Kuo Hung 曾國宏
Bass - Chen Hung Li 陳弘禮
Keys / Synths - Wang Shao Hsuan 王少軒
Drums - Lo Tsun Lung 羅尊龍
Synths - Huang Hao Ting 黃浩庭
Recorded by Zen Chien @ 112F Recording Studio
Assisted by Chris Chen @ 112F Recording Studio
Mixed by Yuchian Wang 王昱辰 @MoriSound Studio
Assisted by Yeecher Kuo 郭以哲
Mastered by Alex Wharton at Abbey Road Studios, London, UK
Cover Art by SAITEMISS 低級失誤
Cover Art co-ordinated by Joy 張芳瑜
Artist management by Mary Ying 應佳霖
OP: Sunset Music Productions Co., Ltd
SP: Sony Music Publishing (Pte) Ltd., Taiwan Branch
57 art studio 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#吳騏真的超棒😍 57 Art Studio
57 art studio 在 Tracy L. 紙上旅行 Youtube 的精選貼文
#文具控 #文具 #開箱 #拼貼手帳
0:00 片頭
0:09 四月文具大賞簡單聊聊
0:48 Pipit Zakka 鳥人設計
1:21 Windry R.
2:56 喝咖啡閒聊(可略過XD)
3:49 Breezy Studio 微瘋畫室
6:35 開箱拼貼 -1
11:03 開箱拼貼 -2
14:16 拼貼卡應用分享
14:57 補拍開箱..
15:11 Nyret.
15:34 Sumthings of mine
15:40 Peho design
15:54 拆!開箱!
音樂 / Music: Moonrise
演出者 / Performer: Reed Mathis
剪輯軟體 / editing tool: Premiere Pro
Hello! I am Tracy!
2021年服役手帳: 寄思&Traveler's Notebook
(之前也使用過Midori A5, 星巴克手帳, Hobonichi A5 / A6)
〃合作邀約 tracyliao0@gmail.com
〃Instagram: @_tracysjournal_
〃紙上旅行 官網 / Instagram
⌲ 更多影片
法式浪漫開箱(?) 茄子先生 x 什物A kind of cafe 聯名紙膠帶
可愛開箱!超級臺灣小物花磚!壘摳的小狐狸|Hello Studio 你好工作室 出品
買. 文具控的一天: 一分之一工作室&福袋 + 嘎啦嘎啦市集|feat. I am kayen

57 art studio 在 Janet Lee Youtube 的最佳解答
A fresh preview clip of my 2015's debut album [Restless Heart]. Released on March 12, 2015
Thank you William Ang for helping me with this 2021, shorter, audio track.
Album songlist:
01. What Is This Feeling?
02. Into The Sky
03. Rider In The Wind
04. Stay There Till
05. Restless Heart
06.The Villager 原乡人
07. The Love That I Can't Get 得不到的爱情
08. Prisoner of Your Love
09. Waiting For Your Return 等着你回来
10. Molihua 茉莉花
"Into The Sky" official MV:
Restless Heart
Restless Heart, the self-produced debut album, is made with much love and determination. This project is a celebration of a life and a decade-long career in music for Janet. The album has six original English compositions and four Chinese covers that reflect Janet’s unique musical proclivity of mixing jazz, musical, pop, ballad and folk. These songs are a result of extensive collaborations between Janet and her long-time colleague and music director, Tay Cher Siang, himself an internationally accomplished musician and performer.
Besides highlighting her skilled interpretations, this compilation also shows off Janet’s unique and versatile vocals. Furthermore, the songs also represent a biography of Janet's minstrel life as a wandering dreamer still seeking to stay her wayward heart.
"10 years on stage, a life story told through 6 original compositions, and 4 cover songs
6 original compositions
4 covers
for a story of 10 years of life on stage
Janet Lee's pages:
Album on sale now at:
Physical copies are now available for mail order + on site delivery, contact 6012-378 3730 or email to: [email protected]
Restless Heart album - the team:
Executive Producer: Janet Lee
Music Producer & Music Director: Tay Cher Siang
Vocal Producer: Xie Songfan 謝松汎
Vocal Coaches: Cecilia Yap, Zalina Lee
Composers: Tay Cher Siang, Nick Choo, Lagu
Lyricists: Janet Lee, Nick Choo
Recording & Mixing Engineer: Alex Tan
Mixing Studio: StarMount Studio
Mastering: Westside Mastering
Album & Graphic Design: Kongsi Design
Album Photoshoot Art Direction: Nell Ng
Album Photoshoot Location: Art Printing Works
Photography: Jimmy Ang Studio & Art
Additional Photography: Wong Horng Yih
Hair & Makeup: Denise Khan

57 art studio 在 Tracy L. 紙上旅行 Youtube 的最讚貼文
#花圈拼貼 #紙膠帶拼貼 #手作花圈 #宅在家 #好家在我在家
* 1:11有爆音,不好意思
⟱ 素材與工具建議 ⟱
1. 任何有弧度的花的紙膠帶適合(建議和紙、自帶離型紙或自己貼在離型紙上也可以)
2. 筆刀 or 美工刀 (建議使用筆刀,因為美工刀太鋒利)
3. 使用有一點厚度的底紙、小卡 (太薄容易因為不太會控制力道而劃破紙張或是紙膠帶不小心全部黏上去而不好撕下來)
4. 其他人物素材除了紙膠帶,也可以使用雜誌裡的人物素材唷
說到花圈 絕對要分享Fiona
文字的教學非常清楚 而且方式不只一種!
0:00 片頭
0:05 花圈拼貼簡單介紹
0:52 用鉛筆輕輕畫圓
1:49 花的紙膠帶挑選、比花的弧度
2:28 花的色系選擇
2:39 把選好的花擺上去
2:57 確認位置
3:28 將紙膠帶的離型紙撕一半起來貼上去做固定
4:54 再用鉛筆輕輕的畫一次圓
5:14 刀的選擇、注意事項
5:42 開始將圓外側的花割下
5:53 將割下來的部分輕輕撕下
6:07 將紙膠帶重疊處在用刀劃一下
6:17 重複上述的步驟
6:20 割圓的小技巧
7:00 將外側的花撕下並留下待拼下一張
7:18 繼續重複上述的步驟
7:31 撕下與割的小技巧
8:07 輕輕撕下不小心貼上的紙膠帶
8:15 和紙膠帶特性、修補有毛邊處
8:32 內圓花圈拼貼完成
8:46 外圓花圈簡單介紹
9:05 對好位置之後貼上
10:31 外圓花圈拼貼完成
10:45 拼貼素材選擇
11:11 裝飾外圓花圈拼貼
11:38 拼貼技巧分享
12:06 裝飾內圓花圈拼貼
12:36 蓋上自己的名字
12:52 !!完成!!
12:56 總結
13:51 作品展示
14:10 片尾
音樂 / Music: Sunset Dream
演出者 / Performer: Cheel
剪輯軟體 / editing tool: Premiere Pro
Hello! I am Tracy!
2021年服役手帳: 寄思&Traveler's Notebook
(之前也使用過Midori A5, 星巴克手帳, Hobonichi A5 / A6)
〃合作邀約 tracyliao0@gmail.com
〃Instagram: @_tracysjournal_
〃紙上旅行 官網 / Instagram
⌲ 更多影片
法式浪漫開箱(?) 茄子先生 x 什物A kind of cafe 聯名紙膠帶
可愛開箱!超級臺灣小物花磚!壘摳的小狐狸|Hello Studio 你好工作室 出品
買. 文具控的一天: 一分之一工作室&福袋 + 嘎啦嘎啦市集|feat. I am kayen