#FruitSandwich #Rollups #くるくる #フルーツサンド #Strawberry
We made rolled up fruit sandwiches using eight whole slices of bread! After we took off the wrap, the sandwiches were kind of floppy, like the popular character, Gudetama. This looks healthy, but it actually isn't
1. Line up an eight slices from a loaf of bread (each slice with a thickness of about 1.5 cm). We used a soft type of bread for this recipe, but it would be alright to use ordinary bread. If the crust is hard, make sure to slice it off beforehand.
2. Stack the slices of bread about one cm and use a rolling pin to press them down and connect them together.Use the rolling pin to press down on both ends so that they are easy to wind.
3. Coat (2) with canned yellow peach syrup.
4. Mix 300 ml of fresh cream and 15 gm of sugar to make a foamy mixture.
5. Coat (3) with (4)
6. Slice fruits of your choice and put them on (6)
7. Roll them from the corners
8. Cover it with a wrap and let it cool for about two hours in the fridge.
9. Slice it up with the wrap on.
10. Enjoy! We think it would have been better if used ordinary bread, wrapped it up more tightly and let it cool like a roll cake (we just cooled it for an hour). The fluffy bread we used had a soft crust -- probably too soft for this recipe.
1.8枚切り(厚さ 1.5センチ)食パンを並べる。今回、柔らかい食パンを使いましたが、普通の食パンでも作れます。パンの耳が固い場合は切り落としてから作ってください。
4.生クリーム 300mlに砂糖 15gを加え泡立てる。
6.好みの フルーツを切り、5にのせる。