The first half of the film aims to "challenge drink coke bottle in one time and don't burp and squat 20 times", this challenge "challenge drink coke bottle in one time and don't burp and squat 20 times" seemingly simple but also has a very difficult place, the film I started Jerry on the "challenge drink coke bottle in one time and don't burp and squat 20 times" Although the process has also thought about the accident, but very smooth "challenge drink coke bottle in one time and don't burp and squat 20 times" Jerry and Do not need to drink too much Coke on the completion of the second half is very special to think of the experiment, "challenge drink coke bottle in one time and eat the mentos inside the mouth" the experiment "challenge drink coke bottle in one time and eat the mentos inside the mouth "very difficult, after all, the final experiment," challenge drink coke bottle in one time and eat the mentos inside the mouth "What will happen interesting? After all, the experiment "challenge drink coke bottle in one time and eat the mentos inside the mouth" What is the special process? This video of experiments, "challenge drink coke bottle in one time and eat the mentos inside the mouth" will tell you everything ~
推薦視頻: 「挑戰」一口氣喝完可樂,不打嗝深蹲10下?!(可愛的Cody)
推薦視頻: 「挑戰實驗」可樂+紅牛=凝固物體?!馬來西亞可樂比較不一樣?
推薦視頻: 「挑戰實驗」紅牛加上牛奶,竟然會出現顆粒狀物體?!吃了18禁咖喱後,肚子極度不舒服就是因為它?!
♥ 大家好,我是傑里(Jerry),我是“馬來西亞華人”,希望通過youtube可以製作影片,然後把馬來西亞的文化帶給大家! 我的頻道內容主要是以, 【街頭實測】,【綜藝】, 【娛樂】, 【惡搞】, 【整人】, 【實驗】,【脫口秀】【社會實驗】【都市傳說】等等! 希望大家可以訂閱我的頻道! 感恩大家! ♥
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